VS 2005 Getting Cookies Data

Mar 12, 2010

I have an application where I use the standard login controls from VS 2005. I have a problem, how do I get the user info if the user has marked the checkbox "remember me"? In my application I load the username, when the user is logging in, that is the textbox named Login1.LayoutTemplate.UserName How do I get the data when the user automatically is logged in and doesn't enter the user name?

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Similar Messages:

Javascript - How To Get And Set Cookies / Getting Different Values For The Cookies In Different Pages?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm handling cookies using JavaScript to store some values in my asp.net web application.I use document.cookie to save some values (converted into a lengthy string). But i want that value to be accessible across all the pages in my application.When i try to get that value from a different page, i get the values pertaining to the document in the current URL.

In short i save the value in the cookie in http://myapp/doc1.aspx and want to retrieve it in http://myapp/doc2.aspx

So is document.cookie is pertaining to a single document scope? How can i save/read cookies across the site?

Update.This is how i get and set cookies

function getCookie(c_name)
try{ [code]...

But i'm getting different values for the cookies in different pages.

View 2 Replies

Relationship Between HttpContext.Request.Cookies And HttpContext.Response.Cookies

Nov 23, 2010

I have been experimenting with code that will clear all of the cookies in an HttpContext.Response.Initially, I used this:

DateTime cookieExpires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
for (int i = 0; i < HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Count; i++)
new HttpCookie(HttpContext.Request.Cookies[i].Name, null) { Expires = cookieExpires });

this will error with an OutOfMemoryException because the for loop never exits - each time you add a cookie to the Response, it also gets added to the `Request.

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Does The Request.Cookies Collection Get Copied To The Response.Cookies Collection

Apr 1, 2011

I know that if I have set a cookie on a previous request, it will show up in my Request.Cookies collection. I want to update my existing Cookie. Are the cookies from my Request.Cookies collection already copied to my Response.Cookies collection? Do I need to add a new cookie with the same key using Response.Cookies.Add(), or do I need to use Response.Cookies.Set()?

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Data Controls :: Use Cookies To Store Data From Database

Mar 26, 2016

I have OrderFilm.aspx that bind films information from database and I want use cookie in this page and users can order their film with different quality:

this is table:

Id Name 720P 1080P 720Price 1080Price

1 Spectre.2015 1 1 200$ 300$
2 Water Fall 1 1 150$ 200$


<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" RepeatColumns="2" RepeatDirection="Horizontal">
<asp:Label ID="lbldes" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("name") %>'></asp:Label>
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink3" runat="server" CssClass="LBP3In" NavigateUrl='<%#"film.aspx?ID="+Eval("ID")%>'

[Code] ....

In orderfilm.aspx users click on Film name and after that they go to film.aspx page that bind other film information from database :


<asp:Label ID="lblMessage" runat="server" />
<asp:Label ID="Lblname" runat="server" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="cb720P" runat="server" Text="720P " />

[Code] ....

here users can select their intendend quality from checkbox:


string Film720p = string.Empty;
string FilmName = string.Empty;
string Film1080p = string.Empty;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
lblMessage.Text = GetCookies();

[Code] ...

Here I save cookie like this:

Film720p = Request.Cookies["orderFilm"]["Film720p"];
Film1080p = Request.Cookies["orderFilm"]["Film1080p"];

I want if users click on film name from orderfim.aspx ( i.e:Spectre.2015 )and go to film.aspx and select 720P checkbox it save in cookie that users select 720P for  Spectre.2015 ...

here I wrote:

HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("orderFilm");
if (cb720P.Checked) {
cookie["Film720p"] = cb720P.Text;
} if (cb1080P.Checked) {
cookie["Film1080P"] = cb1080P.Text;
} cookie["FilmName"] = Lblname.Text;
lblMessage.Text = GetCookies();

but  problem is that in orderfilm.aspx page if users click in other film name(i.e:WaterFalll) and go to Film.aspx page and checked 720p checkbox It delete their last selected cookie and just set their new cookie:

and attention that here I use querystring in orderfilm.aspx:

<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink3" runat="server" CssClass="LBP3In" NavigateUrl='<%#"film.aspx?ID="+Eval("ID")%>'
Target="_blank">click to order</asp:HyperLink>

View 1 Replies

Cookies - Getting HTTPS Data Server-side?

Mar 14, 2011

I previously asked on StackOverflow how to parse XML downloaded programmatically by my ASP.net application. By this, I mean that the user visits https://www.example.com/page1.aspx. The code-behind for page1.aspx is supposed to somehow download and parse an xml file located at https://www.example.com/foo.xml.

I received good answers about how to parse the XML. However, I've been out of luck with being able to retrieve XML from my secure HTTPS server.

I am looking at a situation where https://www.example.com/foo.xml authenticates requests with a cookie. (third party system, not Forms Authentication). The answer I received to my question about how to download and parse XML suggested that I use the System.Net.WebClient class. I read that the WebClient class must be customized to work with cookies. Therefore, I wrote the following code:

public class WebClientWithCookies : WebClient
private CookieContainer m_container = new CookieContainer();
public CookieContainer CookieContainer


However, when the request is received at https://www.example.com/foo.xml, there are no cookies in the request, and so it doesn't work.

View 2 Replies

State Management :: Can Get Few Data From Textboxes And Store It In Cookies

Sep 28, 2010

can i get few data from textboxes (like 12 text boxes) and store it in cookies? so the next time the user will not need to type the data again (so the data will place auto in the text boxes for the next times)

View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Persist Data Using Cookies Inplace Of Session?

Mar 10, 2010

I need to persist data between pages.I tried using session but the value is not saving.

Should using cookies be a better option? If so give a small example of transfreing and saving data between pages.

View 20 Replies

Data Controls :: Save CheckBox Selected Values To Cookies?

Mar 26, 2016

I have 3 checkbox and one button in default.aspx page I want when users select these checkboxs and click on button it saves this checkboxs values in cookie...

 I wrote below code:

protected void Imgorder_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
HttpCookie order = new HttpCookie("order");
if (CheckBox1.Checked)
order.Value = CheckBox1.Text;

is it correct? and if it is correct I wrote it just for 1 checkbox how I can write for 3 checkboxs that if users select them  it saves valuse in cookie...

How I can do it?

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Data Controls :: Read And Display Multiple Cookies In GridView

Aug 18, 2015

I am working on Online shopping website where end user can select multiple items at a time and i need to show them in Cart-item where he has selected his choice items. I want to do this by Cookies in that As user clicks on Add-To-Cart button it gets stored in cookies and in the Show-My-Cart-Item page it shows all the selected items in GridView format. 

Anyhow I got following code:

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCookies" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList>
<br />
<asp:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server" Text="Save Cookie" OnClick="btnSave_Click" />
</div> <div >
<asp:Label ID="lblCookies" runat="server"></asp:Label>


But I am unable to get all the cookies values except DropDownList Value. And in gridView I get only last ddl value. Though I have used foreach loop But it does not work. How we get all the records in gridview.

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How To Use A MembershipProvider To Carry Over Users' Session Data Stored In Cookies Set By ColdFusion

Feb 15, 2011

I'm working on adding a new webapp to an existing website. I've been directed to write the webapp in ASP.NET. The existing website is written in ColdFusion. For the most part, the ASP.NET webapp is completely stand-alone, but it needs to interact with the ColdFusion code in one important way - if somebody logs in to the ColdFusion site, we don't want them to have to log in again when visiting an ASP.NET page.

When someone logs in to the ColdFusion site, their username is stored in a cookie, along with a login token that can be looked up in our database. My .NET is a little rusty, so I'm having trouble visualizing how the ASP.NET code should use this data. I've already written a simple MembershipProvider that can be used to log in/out out the ASP.NET app using the data in our existing database tables, which are shared with the ColdFusion code.

What I'd like to know is - how can I make sure the ASP.NET app detects the cookies set by the ColdFusion app (I imagine they'd be sent to the ASP.NET pages, since everything is hosted on one domain), and automatically logs the user in using the MembershipProvider and Forms Authentication, using the credentials supplied in the cookie? I'm thinking that putting some kind of cookie check and log in function in the Global.asax file, set to run every page load for every page... but that seems kind of clunky. Also, do people still use the Global.asax file anyway? I had thought there was a more modern method.... Also, how can I manually log someone in using Forms Authentication and a custom membership provider? Currently my code allows the user to log in using the provided login control, but I'm not sure how to log the user in without them having to do anything.Looking over the MembershipProvider tutorials and the MSDN documentation it seems to me like the answer should be staring me in the face, but for some reason I just can't see it. Maybe not enough coffee....

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Consume VC 2005 Code In C# 2005 Project?

Aug 30, 2010

how we can consume VC++.net 2005 code in C#.net 2005 project. show me example.

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Security :: ARR Login Fail But When Users Remove All Cookies And Session Data The Login Works Again

Sep 27, 2010

I have two application (one of this is mojo portal): [URL] for some users when they login into "app" then the login in "mojo" doesn't work and viceversa. I've set the machinekey into web.config file. When the users remove all cookies and session data the login works again. The two application are into a Web Farm. Should be ARR the problem?

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Forms Data Controls :: Export Data From Gridview To Excel Using VS 2005?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a gridview to display data. I want to add a button to export the content of the gridview to Excel, It is possible in this case, Could you show me the step if yes. I am using VS 2005

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DataSource Controls :: Sql Server 2005 Installation / Want To Go Back To Sql Server 2005?

Feb 3, 2010

i had the sql 2008 enterprise and i want to go back to sql server 2005 because in 2008 i created new database but when i did some changes in the table , it gave me an eror that i cant save thins and i need to creat new one if some one know what i'm talking aboutif not i need the sql server installation tutorial i tried by myself but probebly i did it wrong and now i cant connect well to the sql

View 2 Replies

VS 2005 / Getting Data From A Row On A GridView?

Aug 14, 2013

I'm creating a website in Visual Studio 2005 with VB.NET which contains a GridView. The GridView is being populated by an SqlDataSource and has Edit and Delete buttons automatically generated.

I have converted some of the columns to ItemTemplates and replaced the TextBox in the EditItemTemplate with a DropDownList.When I click Edit, it changes to say Update and I am trying to perform some validation at this point.

The validation I want to perform is to check all the other rows in the GridView to make sure that the selection chosen in the DropDownList hasn't been selected on another row.

For example,

Row 1 DropDownList = Sick
Row 2 DropDownList = Holiday

Click Edit on Row 2 and change the DropDownList to be Sick and then click Update. I want a message to appear saying "Sick has already been selected" and then cancelling the Update before it happens but leaving the row in Edit mode.

can't seem to find a way to find how to get the value of the DropDownList in Row 1 when I'm editing Row 2.

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VS 2005 What Is Data Compression Or Serialization

May 22, 2010

I had an interview Thursday and one questions that I was asked in the technical interview was a little confusing.

First, he asked me about Viewstate and I explained to him what all that entailed.

He then asked me what happens if the data you are putting into the Viewstate gets to big.

I told him you could then use Sessions or start storing things in the Database.

He said, what about Data Compression? I immediately responded by saying, yes you can use Serialization/Deserialization to store/retrieve the data (i'm using that in my open source project).

When he says "Data Compression", is he talking about "Serialization" or is this something different?

View 9 Replies

ADO.NET :: Updating Data In SQL Server 2005?

Mar 17, 2011

I would like get some hints reagding my application. Acctually I have a text file which is on Server and updated daily. After I parsed my text file, I would like to update my database according to the text file's data. I'm wondering how I can sepcify the input to SqlCommand so that my table should have the text file's input and then update the values.

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SQL Server :: How To Attach SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Database (compatibility 2005)to SQL Server 2005

Mar 10, 2011

I used SQL SERVER 2008 R2 express as my web development database and I set its compatibility level to 2005. Unfortunately this database cannot be be attached to SQL server 2005. Are there any other options?

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ADO.NET :: Data Comparison MySql And DBase III - C# 2005?

Nov 23, 2010

I'm in the process of migrating a web application from a DBase III backend to mySql. During the process, I am going to be running simultaneous update queries to two datasources, one being the original dbase III structures, and the other the mySql schema/tables. I need a way to determine that when any data updates occur, that the two data sources match each other.

I found this piece of code:


However, I hvae the same error as another user, in that when I add items to the comparison, I'm limited to 32 columns, and some of the DBASE III structures have 120+ columns. I'm somewhat of a C# n00b, so I need some /pointers. I tried playing around with the MERGE functions for datatables, but couldn't get it to work the way I wanted it to.

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Saving Data In Table In SQL Server 2005?

Dec 5, 2010

I am asp.net developer and I work with SQL Server 2005 .

I have a table with 4 columns


if client enters


but doesn't enters 4.Div column data and try's to save data, it should not give error, it should save the data in database

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DataSource Controls :: Data MASKING In Sql 2005?

Apr 20, 2010

I have a requirement where in i need to do DATA MASKING, of the data in all the tables in my project.Please suggest me the ways to do this, as the masking procedure should not make any changes to the RULE's.For ex:- EMPLOYEE table , have fields like {empl_id, name, addrs, ph_no, email, dept_id} all the contents of these columns should be shuffled in such a way that all the referential intergrity remains same. Like the changes to the data should not affect the DEPARTMENT table , as the EMPLOYEE table is having a FOREIGN KEY relation with the DEPARTMENT.

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VS 2005 - Need To Load Data From Database Server

Nov 7, 2011

I tried to make an Update Panel to not load the whole page every time I need to load data from the Database server so I add Update Panel and add this java script code in every content page in my web site.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
with( Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance() )


It works good but after end of the request I got a popup message say "NaN" every time I don't know from where it comes and of course it looks very bad for the client if got this popup.

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How To Handle Cookies

Apr 20, 2010

How to handle cookies in asp.net?

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C# Cookies Not Being Written To?

Sep 23, 2010

On my content page I have the code (in page_load):

if (Master.pageAction == "remove")
int removeProductID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ID"]);
int removeOptionID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["optID"]);
Master.myBasket.removeFromBasket(removeProductID, removeOptionID);
The function remove from basket is defined as:
// Removes item from a basket
public void removeFromBasket(int itemsID, int optionsID)
Page myPage = (Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler;

And it calls:

// Sets cookie date
public void setCookieString(string cookiesData)
Page myPage = (Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler;
HttpCookie basketCookie = new HttpCookie("basket");
basketCookie["items"] = cookiesData;
basketCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7d);

I use the setcookiestring function on other pages and it works fine, but this function (removing from the basket) isn't setting the cookie! It is writing "done" to the top of the page, so the functions are executing.

No warnings, no errors, it's just not updating the cookie.

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