ADO.NET :: Updating Data In SQL Server 2005?

Mar 17, 2011

I would like get some hints reagding my application. Acctually I have a text file which is on Server and updated daily. After I parsed my text file, I would like to update my database according to the text file's data. I'm wondering how I can sepcify the input to SqlCommand so that my table should have the text file's input and then update the values.

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1. I compile the project,
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Shall I write another INSERT INTO (..) SELECT FROM command or is there any other way?

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Passing Data To Server And Updating Asynchronously?

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Basically I have a site where I want the user to input something, have it go to the server for processing and then return it asynchronously, load the contents into a div and then fade it in with jQuery. What is the best way to the do accomplish this?

Currently here is my "solution":

$(document).ready(function () {
$('#form1').submit(function () {
type: "POST",
url: "Default.aspx/ParseData",
data: "{ $('#txtInput').val() }",
success: function (msg) {
return false;

It doesn't work - just returns the contents of Default.aspx. So how do I properly send the contents of #txtInput to the ParseData function in Default.aspx.vb? Also, is this the best way to accomplish something like this? Should I even need to use jQuery to send the data, or should I simply call the function and have it grab the data server-side, put in the information in the result div, and then show it using jQuery?

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if client enters


but doesn't enters 4.Div column data and try's to save data, it should not give error, it should save the data in database

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I tried to make an Update Panel to not load the whole page every time I need to load data from the Database server so I add Update Panel and add this java script code in every content page in my web site.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
with( Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance() )


It works good but after end of the request I got a popup message say "NaN" every time I don't know from where it comes and of course it looks very bad for the client if got this popup.

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Jun 11, 2010

I m getting following error in my eventvwr . I couldnt find reasons of the following error.

"Transaction (Process ID 110) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. "

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I can know how to upload data from excel to sql server 2005 if both are in the same computer.

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Dec 17, 2010

i have a string like "13-9-10" i want to insert this as date into sql server 2005 in to a coumn "custdate" as type as datetime i added a sql paramater like this

Private Sub demoinsert(ByVal arr_data() As String)
DbCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TBL_enqloan(cusdate) VALUES(@cusdate,)"
With DbCmd.Parameters
.Add("", SqlDbType.Date).Value=Convert.ToDateTime("arr(0).tostring")
end sub

getting an convert error how can i do it?

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Import Data From Sql Server 2005 To Microsoft Excel?

Feb 1, 2011

how to import data from sql server 2005 to Microsoft Excel in with C# ?

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DataSource Controls :: System.Data.Datatable Updating SQL Server Image Field

Jul 1, 2010

I have a datatable for which i'm defining a dataadapter. I'm specifying an updatecommand with sqlparameters for the dataadapter I set the updatecommand's parameters using the following overload:


The length 16 is used because this is the length of the field according to sql (the image datafield is a pointer of size 16) I noticed .Net is actually truncating the string because of the length i'm setting. An image of size 3kb will properly upload if we set the length field to be greater than 3kb The question I have is what is the proper value (or strategy) to use in order to set for the length field so that ALL images will properly update to the database, with each using the appropriate size.

I guess i could theoretically set the length to be maxint, but this seems sloppy. Looking at sqlparameter documentation i didnt see an 'unlimited' or 'default' length i could set, which would allow each update statement called to use the appropriate size for the data length for that row.

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Aug 27, 2010

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Export Data From Excel 2007 Sheet To SQL Server 2005?

Dec 27, 2010

I have a web application (ASP.NET 3.5) that allows the users to upload their own excel sheet. This sheet contains information about items that needs to be inserted to SQL Server 2005.

I already have this functionality, however, it's very slow (it takes almost 20 minutes to finish the request). I need a better way to handle this problem.

The sheet contains information about an item. These properties will be inserted into multiple tables for example (Books, Authors, Titles ... etc ...).

What I'm currently doing is the following:

The user uploads the file. The application opens the file. Read each row and update the database accordingly.

I'm using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Edit: I'm working with 10.000+ rows per sheet.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Insert A Data File To Sql Server 2005

Mar 24, 2010

I am using an sql server 2005.

I want to insert to my table a column of some date,like that the user can insert a text file.

how to do that?

and how can I make that the user can only insert an int of length 9 for id?

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DataSource Controls :: Binary Data Store In SQL Server 2005

Jan 30, 2010

1)How to convert 64base string to binary in and store into sql server.

2)when i convert 64 base string into binary & try to store it into database then it has taken so much tiime to insert. The size of 64base string is 1.5MB. and when i converted to binary then the size is the best way to insert the binary data into sql server. The data type of column is varbinary(MAX).

3)How can i insert the varbinary data into sql server uisng

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How To Use Full SQL Server 2005 As A Data Store For Role Provider

Jan 20, 2011

I want to use Full SQL Server 2005 as a data store for my role provider. I installed the aspnetdb using the wizard. in my application I added the following connection string

<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

then I configured my role provider as follows:

<roleManager enabled="true">
<add name="AspNetSqlRoleProvider" connectionStringName="LocalSqlServer"
type="System.Web.Security.SqlRoleProvider, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />

I create roles programmatically like this:

if (Roles.RoleExists("RoleName"))

but when I check my aspnetdb from the SQL management studio I found that the table aspnet_Roles has no records and that the roles where not inserted. so is there anything wrong with these steps or something missing ?

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