VS 2008 - Hide A Control At Page Load?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a control I need to hide when loading page. Not sure how to do that in a good way. This is what I have, it very briefly shows the control when page is being loaded then hides it.

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById("<%=UpdateProgress1.ClientID %>").style.display = 'none';

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Similar Messages:

VS 2008 - Adding 'class' Attribute To HTML Control At Page Load

Mar 11, 2010

I have a set of links that exist in the master page. I have a css class i would like to assign to a particular one of them depending on if that is the page you are at during page load. ex: Home will have the current_page_item class if you are at the index page

This is what I have:


Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
DirectCast(Me.Master.FindControl("ctl00_homeLi"), HtmlGenericControl).Attributes.Add("class", "'current_page_item'")
End Sub

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Is It Possible To Hide Windows Taskbar During Page Load Of An Aspx Page

Dec 23, 2010

is it possible to hide windows taskbar during page load of an aspx page?

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VS 2008 - How To Hide Gridview But Still Access Control

Mar 26, 2013

I know that when you hide a control is asp.net that you cannot access it. Is there a way of hiding it as far as a panel? Can I put it in a panel but size the panel to 1x1? Or in a div and hide it?

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Web Forms :: Show Hide Controls At Page Load From Codebehind?

Nov 23, 2010

Is there a way to show/hide (visible = true/false) a textbox and/or dropdownlist at PageLoad (or other Page cycle) from codebehind (I would like to check for some permission regarding current user and show/hide some controls from aspx page) ?

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JQuery :: Show / Hide Modal Dialog Box On Page Load?

Oct 19, 2010


show / hide modal dialog box on page load?

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel - Textbox Focus - Load A Page Instead Of Using A Control To Load

May 14, 2010

Control ctrl = new Control();
ctrl = Page.LoadControl("uc1.ascx");
ctrl.ID = "DynamicCtrl";

instead of using a control to load can we load a page .. like example.aspx

page mypage=new page();
mypage= Page.Load("example.aspx");

how to do this. as i am getting the erro

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VS 2008 - Repeater Has No Controls In Page Load

Jan 11, 2011

I have a repeater that during the page load I want to go through all checkboxes and check the ones should be checked. I am bound to a sqldatasource control. Here is the code. when I run the for each loop during page load it has nothing for controls.count. I also tried prerender in case the controls werent bound yet.

<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="univList" DataSourceID="UnivDS">
<a href='javascript:deselect();'>Deselect All</a>
<tr id='univtr<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "companyid")%>'>
<td><input type="checkbox" runat="server" ID='univChk' onclick="javascript:toggleRow(this);" text='<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "companyid")%>' /></td>
<td><%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "companyname")%></td>

For Each check As Control In univList.Controls
If TypeOf check IS HtmlInputCheckBox AndAlso ids.Contains(CTYPE(check, HtmlInputCheckBox).Value) Then
CTYPE(check, HtmlInputCheckBox).Checked = True
End If

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VS 2008 - How To Make A Control For Not Load Post Data On Postback

Jun 24, 2010

is it possible to make a control NOT load Post Data on postback?

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Hide The Menu Item On Page Load And Show The Item After The Event Is Triggered?

Mar 24, 2011

I am using aspnet menu control and i want to hide the item initially on page load and show the item after an event is trigger say button lick event Can any one give me an example?

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Hide A User Control In A Master Page From A Content Page?

Jun 25, 2010

How can I hide a user control on the master page from a content page? This is code I have on my content page's load.

Dim banner As UserControl = DirectCast(Master.FindControl("uc_banner1"), UserControl)
banner.Visible = True

View 1 Replies

Web Forms :: Hide Control In Master Page From Content Page

Mar 27, 2013

I have master page with ajax accordin menu and I have content page "login.aspx"

In login 2 textbox - username and password , my problem is menu can display only the username and password is correct otherwise it is not display to user

username and password check from the database

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How To Use Linq To Object To Hide Or Show Some Control In Page

Aug 11, 2010

I am creating a function to hide all the gridview controls except the control whose name is being passed in the function.

Here this.Controls referes to controls present in the page (At compilation error is thrown although). I want to fetch all the controls of type GridView with Name property not equal to the one passed in the funtion.

Now after getting a collection of GridView. I want to hide all the grids

private void HideGridView(string gridToShow)
GridView[] result = from control in this.Controls
where control.GetType() == typeof(GridView) && control.Name !=gridToShow
select control as GridView;
foreach (var control in result)
control.Visible = false;

At comile time it shows me this.Control as invalid because it is not a collection.

How can I achieve this on a web application


private void HideGridView(string gridToShow)
(from control in this.Controls.OfType<GridView>
where control.Name !=gridToShow
select control).ToList().ForEach(gv=>gv.Visible=false);

Here is the code I wrote, shows me an error: GridView is a type but used like a variable (Compile time error).
And at where Invalid Expression Term 'where'

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Web Forms :: Hide Control On Master Page Using Page_Load?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a master page (frame.Master) and a content page (default.aspx) that uses frame.Master. Within frame.Master I have an ASP Panel control (pnlQuote). I do not want pnlQuote within frame.Master to be visiable when default.aspx loads. Normally I use the following code within Page_Load of the default.aspx.cs page: this.pnlQuote.Visible = false; however this does not work because pnlQuote is within frame.Master.

correct code to hide pnlQuote within frame.Master when default.aspx is loaded?

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C# - Hide User Control Present In Master Page?

Sep 17, 2010

I have an user control in master page with id 'ucTopUser' and a button 'btnSub'.I need to hide the both control from my current aspx page.How can I do this?

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How To Hide Property Of Custom Control In Aspx Page

Feb 8, 2010

I'm writing ASP.NET custom control, and I want it to have a few properties which should be visible only from code behind during run-time - I mean, these properties should not be visible both in a designer and in a aspx code of page containing this control. I've tried to use following attributes:

public List<Item> SomeData

but unfortunately this property is still visible in an Intellisense combobox when editing aspx page. Is it possible to hide this property everywhere besides server-side code ?

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AJAX :: Show Hide Image Control On Page Based On Database Value

Dec 14, 2013

Below is House_info table

id name behcode

1 Neda 1111
2 Jack 2222
3 Sara 3333

House_p table

id Product behcode

1 sofa 1111
2 iron 1111
3 scarf 2222

and below is SP

ALTER procedure [dbo].[storeinfo1]
@Behcode nvarchar(10)
select behcode,Name
,(select Behcode from House_p where BehCode=@Behcode) behcodeP
from House_Info
where BehCode=@Behcode

I have image=>Productimage  in product.aspx page I want if in House_p table there be my users behcode it do Productimage.visible=true 


In House_info table exist user Sara with behcode=3333  her behcode  isn't in House_p table so I want in product.aspx page ProductImage.visible=true

How I can do it?

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Make Control Visible When Page Load?

Jan 13, 2010

when i make control (visible=false) onpage load event, this mean this control is created and Make Load on Server? becasuse i have ajax html editor when i make it hidden onpageload event, all My Controls rendered fast, but when i make it visible its slow down page , althouh ajax html editor is not in any updatepanel.

last question :when any DataControl ( for example DataList)Contain Datasource (assume ArrayList) and This ArrayList is null , this datalist created ? and Make Load on Sever? and the speed of page is the same as there is no datalist?

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Web Forms :: Display Control On Page Load?

Dec 7, 2010


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MVC :: Load All Controls In One Shot And Hide It In Backgrund?

May 28, 2010

I am designing SAAS based application on .net MVC 2 platform. Left menu panel, header and footer are common for all pages. I want to avoid loading of these items on every single page. IN a sense I want to use AJAX at application level by refreshing content area ONLY on every click of menu item.

My question:

1)Will this be accomplised by having controls of all virtual web pages on one page and then control their hide and show behaviour depending on menu click? Is there any other better way?

2)What happens when we launch the app? Will it try to load all controls in one shot and hide it in backgrund? OR will it load controls of default page and then fetch what ever is requested via AJAX?

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VS 2008 - Page And A Custom Control On That Page

Sep 7, 2011

I have an asp.net pagel called UserApproval.aspx. On that page is a custom control ascx. So the order of events is that UserApproval's Page_Load is called, then the ascx's Page_Load is called. The ascx page might discover a problem and can't render what it needs to render (if the user isn't authorized). It has no problem hiding some of the web controls on it, but I would also like to hide some of the web controls on the parent/UserApproval page. Am I able to do this?

For example, the parent page displays instructions about clicking a button. But the buttons are built by the custom control if the user is authorized to see the buttons. If he can't, can I change or hide the parent's instructions?

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Web Forms :: How To Load From Secondary (Derived) Master Page Controls In Page Load

Feb 25, 2010

I hv Declared two Master page one Is Base and Derived.. Base Page Load is working but when i hv written load controls in Derived Page Load Using C# it's not working..

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Web Forms :: User Control - Run Before Page Load Event?

Mar 3, 2010

I have a user control that will basically be a header in most of my pages, but not all. I want some code in the user control to be run before the page load event of the page that holds the user control, but the page load event fires before the events in my user control. Is there a way around this?

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VS 2008 Adding A Control To Page

Jan 19, 2010

I have an existing page. I drag a text box control from the tool box onto the page. When I execute the application I get error (this happens to other additional controls as well):

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
At this point I do not have any errors.

Now when I reference the control in the code behind, it gives me error when I execute the application.

If TextBox2.Text = "" Then
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@GroupName", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)).Value = DBNull.Value
mySqlCommand.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@GroupName", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)).Value = TextBox2.Text
End If
Error2Name 'TextBox2' is not declared.
Error3Name 'TextBox2' is not declared.

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Web Forms :: Can Generate Server Control To Html Before Load Page

May 26, 2010

can generate server control to html befor load page?

wanna replace HTML code to my content.

i need generate html code of server control .

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