VS 2008 Assign A User To A BusinessDB?

Feb 23, 2010

There are several Business Databases i.e. BusinessDB1, BusinessDB2, etc... and a LoginDB.

The LoginDB is used by the login control. i.e. To register and authenticate a user.

On registering a new user, I would like to be able to assign a BusinessDB to s/he so that when they try to log in, then the system uses s/he BusinessDB.


How can I assign a user to a BusinessDB? I have looked into the login tables in sql server but do not see how this can be achieved.

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favourite food¨-.

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(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Select, false)]
public DataSet1.TestDataTable GetDataByUserId(guid UserId)
return Adapter.GetDataByUserId(userId);

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return _sUserName;
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My problem is, I'm now unable to assign Member to the newly registered user, I forgotten what i had modify but last time I can do that without any problem.

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This is my code to assign username to role


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protected void CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser(object sender, EventArgs e)
Roles.AddUserToRole((sender as CreateUserWizard).UserName, "Department");

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In the above code 'PlantInventoryAccuracy' is the name of the Strongly Typed Dataset and 'PlantInventoryAccuracyDataTable' is the dataTable. when I try o debug this to see if my user input values are being assigned to te currentRow I see blue squuiggly line under the 'new' key word when I mouse hover it says

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VS 2008 User Log Out

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1. When User click Log Out
2. When User session ends

After a month of using ot that way I`ve found out that 2 sessions don`t have a OUT records.

What could be the reason?

Server crash is one thing for sure, but any other options?

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Jan 31, 2011

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I would like to get the log on user id.

I am using the following code.

During runtime, it gives error saying "Request is not available in this context".
HttpApplication context = new HttpApplication();
string username = context.Request.ServerVariables["LOGON_USER"];

How do I get LOGON_USER in a webservice.

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Imports System.Web.Security
Public Class DataWhareHouseClass


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VS 2008 - Prevent The Same User Logging In Twice?

Feb 1, 2011

I am using standard ASP.net security and want to how I go about prventing the same user from logging in twice.

If the user is already logged in and they log in again what I want to happen is for them to cancel the previous session and log that session out.

Can this be written into the webconfig file as part of the membership profile? I have tried to find this and it does not seem to be possible.

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