VS 2008 How To Redirect From Old Website To New Website

Oct 15, 2010

I have a website which is hosted externally the primary domain is [URL]however I have since bought a new domain name [URL] which points at the same directory and default page.

I now have two problems firstly I want all traffic to come to my new domain and not the old one both users and search engines.

Secondly i have noticed in my google stats it records visits to my site as [URL] rather than the full name, again for reporting purposes it would be best if these also were reported as the full name.

I am thinking the code below added to each page on my site is the answer but wanted to check if there are any pitfalls.

If it wasnt my site wasnt hosted under the original name then I would disgard the speak-weather domain altogether.



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protected void btnclick_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpCookie username = new HttpCookie("UserName", "a");
HttpCookie password = new HttpCookie("Password", "a");
Response.Cookies["UserName"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);
Response.Cookies["Password"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);

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/* write to an Excel file through streams */


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Neither did this


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Article located here: [URL] ... Code is simple, straightforward (especially with the stored procedure piece). I customized the code a bit to fit my requirement and it works great.

I would like to know if you can give me a hint on how to do the following:

My dropdownlist has 10 listitems. 7/10 works fine because they populate data from the db. However, there are 3 listitems that link to external sites and they have nothing to do with the db.

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Data Controls :: Redirect To Any Website On Gridview Button Click

Nov 21, 2013

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1) User ID (saved in DB table)
2) Website (saved in DB table)
3) Type (saved in DB table)
4) 'View' Button

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Type are: 1) external, 2) Fixed

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