Web Forms :: Redirect Website Based On Selected Text?

Oct 18, 2010

how can i redirect to a different website if label1.text is "www.micro" and gridview selected row column(0) text is "soft.com"?


Neither did this


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AJAX :: To Get The Selected Index,selected Value , Selected Text Using Javascript Of Combobox Control

Feb 17, 2010

Can i get the selected index,selected value , selected text using javascript of ajax combobox control. if yes send me the sample code.

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Web Forms :: Redirect A User Based On Column In Database?

Feb 15, 2011

I have an employee list in MSSQL. I have an online punch clock. In the DB there is a column called punch_clock. I would like to redirect a user to a different page if there is a 0 in this column. I have the code below so far. Not sure where to go from here.


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Forms Data Controls :: Redirect Selected Row To Another Page?

Jun 13, 2010

I have a web app that works with an object-relational database. Displaying data in a gridview is one thing, but when it comes to updating that data that is quite difficult with nested tables, user-defined objects, etc (I've had errors such as"Reference to a NULL table value", and a couple of things). My fix to this was to update the data on another page. '(This method involved using textboxes and a button, no detailsview or gridview).

So I'd like to know how do I select a row of a gridview in page 1 and that row displayed on page 2 for editing? I followed the steps here: http://forums.asp.net/p/1122208/1755008.aspx#1755008 and got the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

This task seems pretty simple, but I don't know how to do it.

(In case you're wondering why not just use the method I had, it is because I had a text box to enter the PK of that row. I was told that for the web app to be more "user-friendly" the user should not have to enter the PK, but instead click on that row from the gridview and be directed to a page with that row already selected. Then I'll use that method)

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Configuration :: Configuring Original Settings For New Website Based On Site Files From 1st Website & Password Q

Oct 19, 2010

I want to make a 2nd website and am using a copy of the site files from my 1st site built for me, I added them via FTP to the hosting company. I realise when I edit the new site via the CMS it is editing both sites plus when I try to change anything to the CSS file I get the following error -


So my questions are what do I need to change to be able to deploy a new site with the files I have to make a new site?I also don't understand where the password is coming from, I can see the User ID comes from the database. in the Asp.net connection strings are the following:

site Data Source=sql7.hostinguk.net;Initial Catalog=***;User ID=***;Password=*** - Where is this password coming from?

membership Data Source=sql7.hostinguk.net;User ID=***;Password=***;persist security info=False;initial catalog=***;

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Web Forms :: How To Do HTTPS Redirect In Website

May 7, 2015

I purchased a certificate from my hosting provider from my web site. There was some confusion as to whether I needed to use IIS to install it or if they would. After a few days and several phone calls they said they had it installed and configured, but when I tried to set up rewrite rules in web.config the site would not load. When I point my browser to https:mydomain it would load, but there was not green lock in the address bar and 'HTTPS' was not green. I contacted them again and after explaining the situation and being put on hold for 45 minutes I hung up. This morning the the site is working and HTTPS appears to be configured correctly.

I could find no changes to web.config on redirection, so how is it being redirected to HTTPS? I'm concerned that when I post changes to the site I could wipe out what ever they did to get it to work with HTTPS. Could changes been made 'above' my site on the server that I can't affect? Should I be concerned?

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Web Forms :: Changing The Css Path Based On Theme Selected?

Feb 4, 2010

I have provided 2 theme in home page (default.aspx) , onclick of this link i am able to change the css path and image path according to the theme selected but once i login the image path are comming correctly accordinly to theme selected but the css (stylesheet) path is not changing.

when i select a theme and view the source of default page all the paths are changing but once loged css path is not changing.

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Web Forms :: Set A Treeview Selected Based On A Query String?

Jun 21, 2010

On the left hand side I have a tree navigation . It is populated from a XML file with . What I want to achive is when a querystring of the value of the XML file is matched , the tree node sets a setfocus or highlights on a particular node from the querystring passed through. I cant find a method which mimmicks findtreenode with value x and sets a selected .

e.g treenode is filled

folder 1
| -- item 1
| -- item 2
folder 2
| -- item 3
| -- item 4

when a querystring of SC=Item 1 is passed , it should search against the tree and open the folder branch and select item Item 1

I can use a for next loop and loop through each node but it will get slower as more nodes are added.

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Change Text Of Text Objects Based On Formula Result In Crystal Report

Sep 3, 2010

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Redirect Based On IP Address?

Feb 2, 2010

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string myIP = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress.ToString();


{ [code]....

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the "xcity" take only the last value ??


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Web Forms :: Change The Css And Image Path Based On Theme Selected?

Feb 22, 2010

I need to change the css and image path based on theme selected..

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is there a way where the same can be achieved in master page itself instead of using preinit event in all pages ??

in all pages in have used


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How To Redirect Based On Selection Of DropDownList

Jul 26, 2010

I have a TextBox1 and a Search button in my application with this following code:
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Response.Redirect("~\searchpage.aspx?PatientNRIC=" + TextBox1.Text); }

Which means, if the user type ONLY IC NO:S1234567D, then when click it will show the patient detailview. So I now I'm doing almost the same thing but now I have a TextBox2 and a DropDownList1. Inside DropDownList1, I have "Name", "IC No", "Test_Date". So for an example, I type "S1234567D" in the textbox1, and I choose "IC No" in DropDownList1 it should redirect me to a page of the S1234567D's patient detailview. How could I do my code?

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How To Redirect Page Based On User

Jul 22, 2010

i created a web application which has a media player in between,but when i open the application on my ipad or ipod, the video doesnt play as the video player doesnt support ipod and ipad,,

i found out a way with which i can play it but how can i redirect the page based on the client side.

i would like to know a C# code to know what kind of browser the user is using.

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C# - Redirect To Url Based On User Data?

Sep 8, 2010

When someone logs on to my site. I want to direct them to their own home page. If the user has the id of 1. They would go to[URL] I already have the login and id setup. I am not sure how to incorporate it into the url.

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AJAX :: Show/hide The Text Box Depending On The Text Of The Selected Item In The Combo Box?

Nov 13, 2010

I have a .net 3.5 web form with an ajax combo box and a text box inside it. The bombo box is bound to a SqlDataSource.

My requirement is to show/hide the text box depending on the text of the selected item in the combo box. If a particular string, say 'xyz', appears in the text of the selected item, the I will make the text box invisible. I enabled the AutoPostback, made the text box disappear in the SelectedIndexChanged event, and everything worked fine.

However, when users enter their own texts (which are not in the list items), I am unable to show / hide the text box. I've tried the TextChanged event but nothing happens. It seems the event is not trigger after I enter a new text and locate the focus to other place.

is there a way to prevent the user ented text from being inserted into the bombo box?

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Web Forms :: Enable Disable RequiredField Validators Based On Value Selected In DropDownList?

May 17, 2013

I have a dropdownlist ,three text boxes and a submit button.The three text boxes are disabled and enabled based on the condition in dropdownlist.I have provided required field validators in three text boxes.When I click on condition "self" then three text boxees are disabled and submit button click wont enter the values since required field validators prevent that.I have set causes validation property to false.But it wont work for the second condition where i need to enable all the textboxes,If i didnt provide any values it will enter nulll values to db.

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Web Forms :: Is It Possible To Redirect To Another Website After Exporting A Datagrid To Excel

May 7, 2010

Is it possible to redirect to another website after Exporting a datagrid to Excel?

Right now I have code that goes a little something like this


Response.ContentType = "application/ms...";

/* write to an Excel file through streams */


That is the basic idea of my code.

This doesn't work because I can't redirect after clearing the header or changing the content type.

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Web Forms :: Redirect To Any Website Page On DropDownList Selection

Dec 6, 2013

Article located here: [URL] ... Code is simple, straightforward (especially with the stored procedure piece). I customized the code a bit to fit my requirement and it works great.

I would like to know if you can give me a hint on how to do the following:

My dropdownlist has 10 listitems. 7/10 works fine because they populate data from the db. However, there are 3 listitems that link to external sites and they have nothing to do with the db.

I have something in mind but I am not sure if it works or not. What I have in mind is I need to write some script:

In the web page, I need to use SelectedIndexChanged even

In the code-behind, I need to write something like this:

If listitem value = 'yahoo'  then 'www.yahoo.com else if listitem value = 'google'  then 'www.google.com else URL

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Security :: Want To Redirect The User After The Log In Based On His Role?

Mar 17, 2011

i want to redirect the user after the log in based on his role. e.g. admin, userI already read the other threads.. I already used this:


And this:


I also tried the above codes on the Page_Load event.

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Security :: Redirect To Different Folders Based On Roles?

Jul 4, 2010

I have implemented membership and enable role based on. I have 2 roles "admin" and "super_admin" and once the user login, I want to redirect them to different folder based on their role. My guess is, the redirection need to be determined once the user clicked login on the login control and here is my code.


However, whenever the user login (regardless of admin or super_admin) the page keeps redirection to Anyone/Default.aspx.

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Security :: Want To Redirect User Based On The Login ID?

Jan 26, 2010

i am using asp.net membership. when users arrive at my sight they can enter user name and password.

I then want to redirect them to a page called "MyAccountPage.aspx" which is unique to them. could someone post the c sharp code that I can use to capture the Unique Id of the user is it best to then pass this as a parameter to a control on the aspx page that displays data for that user. am I correct in thinking that I need a UserId column in my data table as well.

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Mobiles :: Platform Based Page Redirect?

May 26, 2010

This will be typical question to ask, but i havent found any right soultion to this. I need to redirect pages based on devices browsing, mostly focusing on iPad, iPhone, Blackberry. But i need server side code, for this; as javascript is disabled by default on Blackberries, so tring to avoid javascript. I have checked MVP Mobile Devices, but dont know how to implement in my sites.

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