VS 2010 / C# GridView Binding Twice

Jan 12, 2012

I want to be able to click on a cell in the GridView and determine the data in the cell. So using the example from here [URL] .... I created a new class inheriting the GridView class. But the problem I am running into now is that the data is now being added twice to the GridView so that I have twice as many columns than I had before. Base on what I was able to gleem from the Internet is that the DataBind method is running twice. Once for my class and once for the inherited class.

Is there a way to keep this from happening?

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VS 2010 - Binding SortList To Data Component?

Dec 15, 2010

I'm wondering if this can be done. I have a SortedList which represents a shopping cart. The sorted list contains multiple instances of my CartItem class. The CartItem class contains all the fields (product id, price, quantity, etc.)

I'm wondering if there is a way to bind this to one of the data components (ie DataList, ListView, gridView, dropdownlist, etc.)

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VS 2010 Binding Single Item Without Using FormView / DetailsView / Repeater

Aug 11, 2010

The title pretty much explains it. I want to bind a single item to a detail type control. I can bind to a repeater perfectly fine and obviously only one item will be displayed. It seems like there would be a better suited control for this. I know about FormView and DetailsView but they both generate a table which I don't really want. Something similar to the Repeater since it doesn't generate any content other than what you put in the template.

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VS 2010 - Reading Data From Excel 2010 To Gridview

Apr 4, 2012

It cant be more simple. However I have tried a lot of examples and none of them have been working.

I have a very simple Excel file. I want to post these data in a gridview, Column A, B and C all placed in the Sheet1 and the file name is Book1.xls.

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C# - Binding DataTable To GridView, But No Rows In GridViewRowCollection Despite GridView Population?

Jun 2, 2010

I've coded a GridView in the markup in a page. I have coded a DataTable in the code-behind that takes data from a collection of custom objects. I then bind that DataTable to the GridView. (Specific problem mentioned a couple code-snippets below.)

GridView Markup:

<asp:GridView ID="gvCart" runat="server" CssClass="pList" AutoGenerateColumns="false" DataKeyNames="ProductID">

Goal: I'm basically trying to find a way to update the data in my GridView (and more importantly my cart Session object) without having to do everything else I've seen online such as utilizing OnRowUpdate, etc. Could someone please tell me why gvCart.Rows is empty and/or how I could accomplish my goal without utilizing OnRowUpdate, etc.? When I execute this code, the GridView gets populated but for some reason I can't access any of its rows in the code-behind.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding DataSet And GridView, Apply Bulk Rows Edit And Update On GridView

Dec 10, 2010

I have a set of dataset with different column retrieved from DB. I need to present the datasets in one GridView (or other ListView etc...) without specifying the column_header. It should present automaticly since the GridView is bind to the DataSet.

In additional, I want this GridView to handle multiple rows edit and update the dataset, idealy, show data in textboxs in initially.How could I set the GridView to edit_model without hardcode column_header and textboxs in 'itemtemplate' or filed.

How could I achieve the bulk edit and update, so that I can assign 'mydataview1.table' to the dataset.

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Binding Xml Data Into Gridview Using C#?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a XML file which contains a list of items/elements:


I can bind the data into a gridview. However, only the attributes are displayed(which is: category and ID). I need the elements to display out too (which is: Name,Description,Latitude and Longtitude).

Would anyone be kind enough to solve this problem for me?

And is it possible to populate a drop down list in using the same XML file? As in populating the category in the drop down list.

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ArrayList Binding To Gridview?

Jan 26, 2011

I have an arraylist of string items that I want to bind to a gridview.I want to bind the value from each item to a asp:HyperLinkField but I dont know what the DataTextField should be? The arraylist obviously doesn't have a column heading as it's just 1 dimensional.What value do I need to use in the DataTextField?

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C# - Gridview Binding To XML - Something Missing?

Jan 1, 2010

I am trying to make a simple grid view that is binded to a simple xml document but I must be missing something since I am keep getting error message:

The data source for GridView with i 'GridView1' did not have any properties or attributes from which to generate columns. Ensure that your data source has content.


<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="XmlDataSource1">
<asp:BoundField DataField="id" HeaderText="ID" SortExpression="id" />[code]...

Is it perhaps my xpath that is wrong or am I making something fundamentally wrong here?

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C# - Binding A Button To A GridView?

Jan 7, 2011

This a pretty simple question, I'm just not sure how to do it exactly. I would like to bind a Button or perhaps ImageButton to a GridView in ASP.NET/C#. Currently, the GridView has two columns and is bound to a DataTable with two columns. I want to add a third column to the GridView, which will include the Button.I know GridView has ButtonField, but I'm not too sure how to go about using it to do what I want. I want to dynamically generate these Buttons and add them to the GridView.Here is how my GridView looks right now:



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Exception When Binding GridView

Sep 28, 2013

I am trying to bind GridView when I'm getting next exception: 'System.Data.DataRowView does not contain a property with the name "AvailabilityDate".

Below are my asp GridView and Vb codes with both purple lines where the exception happens.

<asp:GridView ID="gvAvailability" runat="server"
PageSize="50" ShowFooter="True"
BackColor="White" BorderColor="#CC9966" BorderStyle="None"
BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="4" AutoGenerateEditButton="True"
AutoGenerateDeleteButton="True" EmptyDataText="No records found!"
GridLines="None" AllowPaging="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False">

[Code] .....

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Binding Gridview From Two Different Tables

Sep 23, 2011

I have two tables:

Table 1: QuestionsBank

Table 2: Answers

Example first table:

ID The Question
1 what is mean cat?
2 what is mean forum?
3 How you can register in vbforum?

Example second table:

QuestionID Answer Result
1 it's mean tomcat 10
1 mean cat 10
2 Nothing 0

I want gridview display as in below:

ID The Question Answer Result
1 what is mean cat? it's mean tomcat 10
1 what is mean cat? mean cat 10
2 what is mean forum? Nothing 0

etc ...

Note:No any relation between tables only ID column is primary Key and i have also primary key in second table.

View 6 Replies

C# - What's The Difference Between Binding Data To The Repeater In The Mark-up Or Binding It Programatically

Mar 4, 2011

What's the difference between binding for example a column called ("Name") in both cases ? and is there's any performance difference ?1- Assigning the data in the mark-up

<asp:Label ID="Name_Lbl" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Name") %>' ></asp:Label>

2- defining a control object for every control inside the repeater ItemTemplate and find it and then assign the data in the column "Name" to ite.Item.FindControl("Name_Lbl")

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AJAX :: Tab Container And Binding Gridview

May 8, 2010

I am using the ajax control toolkit - Tabcontainer. I wonder how to refresh the latest data inside the tab. For example, I have two tab. The first tab is a add form. After I add the form, I prompt out a successful message. Then I click on the second tab which is my gridview listing of the inserted record. But when I click on the second tab, it seem not binding the gridview to show the most latest record I have inserted.

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Binding LinqDataSource From Code - Behind To Gridview?

Sep 8, 2010

i have a grdidview control on the .aspx page and i am trying to connect dynamically from code behind and bind the gridview but somehow it throwing me an error... what is wrong with this code?

LinqDataSource LDS_POReport = new LinqDataSource();
LDS_POReport.ContextTypeName = "DataContextDataContext";
LDS_POReport.Selecting += new EventHandler<LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs>(LinqDataSourcePO_Selecting);
this.gvReport.DataSource = "LDS_POReport";


after i update the code to this.gvReport.DataSource = LDS_POReport;

it works fine but when i try to sort i get this error:

The GridView 'gvReport' fired event Sorting which wasn't handled.

i added this but no effect.

LDS_POReport.AutoPage = true;
LDS_POReport.AutoSort = true;

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Gridview Binding With Combobox's In Header?

Jul 27, 2010

how one might go about binding to a gridview in ASP.Net 4 in a scenario where the first row of my gridview should be the headers, the second should be a combobox for each column and the third is the beginning of my actual datasource.

If you can imagine what I am trying to achieve is an ability to create a binding between each column in the datagrid and another datasource. This binding is created by the user selecting a value in the comboboxes. However no matter what I try I cant seem to achieve this.

HeaderText1 | HeaderText2 | HeaderText3
ComboBox1 | ComboBox2 | ComboBox3
DataRow1 | DataRow1 | DataRow1
DataRow2 | DataRow2 | DataRow2
DataRow3 | DataRow3 | DataRow3

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MVC :: Binding Each Gridview Column With A Property?

Mar 16, 2011

Is their any way I can bind each column of the grid seperatly with each property? It is possible to do that in web form, but i am not sure about MVC grids.

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AJAX :: Data To Gridview Is Not Binding?

Feb 17, 2011

I want to bind gridview at runtime on button click.

I have use AJAX toolkit control, it's reference on that page(also script manager and update panel controls required for AJAX controls). When i remove all these from my page gridview data binds successfully. But when i use these controls and AJAX library reference, data is not binding to grdiview control. But at debug time it shows row count to 2 which is exact count which i wants.

here is my binding sample.

AMCGrid.DataSourceID = "AMCFILLAll"
here AMCFILLAll is my sqlDatasource.

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Binding Tuple Output To The Gridview?

Mar 4, 2011

I am developing a web application where in i have a WCF service which interacts with the database using entity framework. I want to get rid of creating Classes for each & every LINQ query

public class Emp
public int CD{get;set;}
public string Name{get;set;}
public List<Emp> GetServTypeForPromotionDue()
return (from a in Context.TableName
select new Emp{ a.CD, a.NAME });

for other table & LINQ i have to create a separate class every time. Alternative to this is to use Anonymous method which is not preferable solution. To avoid both the methods I am using Tuple Class where I return List> or List> depending on the return type. This works fine but the problem is I am binding the result of LINQ query directly to a Gridview By default Tuple has properties item1,item2,..& so on. So my griview shows these names are column names so, Is there any way I can change the property name to CD, Name instead of Tuple's Item1, Item2 before binding to grid?

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ADO.NET :: Binding Compiled Query To Gridview?

Oct 14, 2010

how can i bind data to gridview when using compiles query?

load all country


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Binding Data To Gridview Using LinQ?

Feb 12, 2010

i m binding data to Gridview using LinQ i need to sort the Gridview i have no idea how to sort cs i m using LinQ to Bind data with Gridview at Button Click.

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Web Forms :: Binding A ArrayList To A GridView?

Mar 17, 2010

I am working on a VS 2005 based Environment, on .NET 2.0.am trying to Bind a ArrayList to a GridView. The ArrayList consists of Objects of a Specific Class. When i bind it now all the Properties in the class. The catch is I do not want to display all these properties on the GridView.For Example: The objects of this class is held in ArrayList, when i Bind it to GridView it shows all the four Columns, Where as i want to show only 2...


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C# - LinqDataSource - Filtering And Binding To Gridview?

Jul 28, 2010

the problem is not solved the way i wanted but i go ahead give the credit to : ƁukaszW.pl for his time and effort.

i am using gridview control and a linqdatasource and its all working fine and i have added the functionlity of searchingBySubject and i added WhereParameters and than binding my gridview (see the code below) but somehow its not returning any rows and i see i have number of rows based on what i am searching.

protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.LinqDataSource1.WhereParameters["Subject"].DefaultValue = this.txtSubject.Text;


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C# - Binding HyperLinks To GridView Using AutoGenerateColumns?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a DataTable which has columns that are generated dynamically at runtime. This DataTable is bound to a GridView that has AutoGenerateColumns set to true. I've run into a problem with this since some of the data in the DataTable are HyperLink objects, so instead of displaying the actual link in the table, it displays "System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink".

Normally, I would just use a HyperLinkField in my GridView, but since the GridView's columns are generated automatically, I'm not sure how to do this.

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Web Forms :: Binding DataTable To Gridview?

Nov 8, 2010

I am trying to add many rows in the gridview by clicking a Add button in web form by takeing the value from the textbox then add it to gridview but i couldn't because it accept one row only so how can I let the gridview accept more than one row in every click to the button.


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