Visual Studio :: Break Point Will Not Currently Be Hit?

Jul 20, 2010

Break point will not currently be hit.No Symbols have been loaded for this document"

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Similar Messages:

Visual Studio :: Unable To Attach. The Binding Handle Is Invalid/ Not Point To The Break Point?

Dec 13, 2010

Not point to the break gives above error massege when start debbuging. How i fix this.

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Visual Studio :: VS Debugging Cannot Hit A Break Point?

Jan 27, 2010

When I click "Start Debugging", VS2005 cannot hit a break point. How can it be resolved?

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Visual Studio :: Break Point Is Not Working Inside?

Dec 6, 2010

My break point is not working inside code behind..But its working fine when I am workinf with windows....

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Visual Studio :: How To Remove Line Break In Code

Apr 8, 2010

Many times I remove in the code window (Using Replace and Regular Expression). Is ther a quicker way of doing this without writing a macro? The best way would be a shortcut key.

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Visual Studio :: Can The Value Of An Object Be Changed In Break Mode With The IDE

Apr 22, 2010

I was debugging and noticed the following in VS 2008. I had a breakpoint set to see what the values were for the objects used with my parameters in my DAL. I hovered over the object in question and the little window came up with the name of the object(with the blue brick to the left of it), a vertical line, and the objects value to the right of it. This is what I expected to happen.

What I didn't expect is the that I was able to change the value of the object in the little window. I then tried to continue the execution with the new value that I inserted but wasn't able to get the new value to remain. I suspect maybe I didn't do something right.

Is there a way to get the new inserted value(in the little window in break mode) to be used? It seems like there is or I shouldn't have been able to change it..

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Visual Studio :: Variable Data Not Displayed During Break?

Jan 18, 2010

I'm having issues with the Express version of Visual Studio 2005 ever since I had reinstalled Windows 2000. For some reason, while debugging I can't view variable contents if I hover my cursor over that certain variable, it just marks the variable with a square, but it won't show the DataTip no matter what. I had tried to restore my import/export settings, reinstall Visual Studio, but nothing seems to have helped, and I can only view variable contents using the QuickWatch window, or by putting it into the watch list, but to be honest this is extremely annoying. I haven't had this on my previous Win2k installation, and so far I couldn't find out why this occurs.

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Is HTML5 A Break Point

Nov 10, 2010

HTML5 is just an updating to XHTML 4.1 or it brings some thing different and new to the web world ,, what are the major differences between it and its predecessors..

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Debugger (break Points) Not Working In Visual Studio 2008?

Mar 15, 2011

I have an application in Visual Studio 2008. I have been working with it for some time. Today, suddenly, it will not debug, or more specifically it does not stop at the breakpoints I created in Visual Studio. It just ignores them. I tested the break points by adding one at the opening of the Page_Load event and nothing. If I put in a mistake on purpose the application will build, the internet explorer opens, and gives me an error report. It has never done this before. Usually it stops IE from opening and gives me a list of errors at the bottom of the VS screen. I want my old VS back. I don't see how this could have changed it but I'll mention the things I've worked on recently. I've been trying to configure the session states in the web.config page, and then recently I started a new web page with a conection to a database and gridview. I have restarted VS and nothing has changed.

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Visual Studio :: Error Is Inconsistent,files Break The Build?

Nov 16, 2010

Create a control 'ClassName' in file ClassName.cs. Path is c:ProjectWebuserControlsControlTypeClassName.cs


The really bizarre thing is that the error is inconsistent.Sometimes the project builds, sometimes some files break the build, sometimes others do, sometimes all of them do.

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Visual Studio :: Showing Warning Entry Point Was Not Found

Nov 4, 2010

I am using VS 2005.When i was opening my VS 2005 and i tried to open web appication view designer.But it is not working and it is showing a warning message "Entry point was not found".

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MVC :: How To Set A Break Point In A Razor View

Nov 11, 2010

I can't seem to figure out how to set a breakpoint in a Razor view. I understand why that might seem a little weird and may be difficult since a cshtml file is a combination of html and then c# code, but I can step into it. The ability to step into it makes it seem like I should be able to set a breakpoint. Am I missing how to do this or is this not possible in the RC? If not any plans to add this before RTM or in the future?

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Installation :: Break Point Is Not Working?

Oct 9, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2005 with Windows 7. The Problem is when i start debugging it doesn't stops at Break Points.

Debug = "True" in web.config

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Does The Response.Redirect Hit The Break Point

Jun 9, 2010

My code does a response.redirect.

I noticed that while debugging. I had a break point on the page_Load but when it did the response.redirect and came to this page it did not hit the break point.

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How To Set Break Point At Inline Code

Aug 21, 2010

I set the element height value by using inline code

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Cannot See The Break Point When Debug An Application

Jan 21, 2010

I've defined a route in Application_Start, as so many tutorials have instructed

new Route("Files/Art",
new FileRouteHandler()));

And created my own RouteHandler. However this doesn't seem to work at all.When I debug the application, I can see (via a break point) that the route gets added, however when I browse to "http://localhost/MyApplication/Files/Art" I get a browser 404 (not an 404).

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Visual Studio 2005 Debugger Won't Stop At Requested Break Points?

May 15, 2010

I have debug=true both in the web.config and in the requested file but it still won't stop.

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Visual Studio :: Entry Point Not Found Error / Installing Vs 2008?

Jun 1, 2010

Im trying to install VS 2008 on Server 2008 R2. As I try to run the Setup.exe file I get this Error:

The procedure entry Point BaseGetProcessDllPath could not be located in the Dynamic Link library KERNELBASE.dll

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Debugging - Can't Debug In VS2005 Won't Stop At Break Point?

Oct 29, 2010

I have an puzzling problem. I have a new ASP.NET web application in VS2005 that runs fairly well, but I am having a problem and would like to set a break point to see what is going on. I have compiled the project in Debug mode. I have debug=true set in the web.config. But it appears that the IDE is not attaching to the process at all. Have I overlooked something? I am using the development server and not IIS. This has never been a problem in the past, but is this time.

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Ajax Javascript Error, Break Point Points To The View State?

Oct 13, 2010

I have an aspx page that is getting an Object Expected javascript error on submit, but when you break into the error the breakpoint is somewhere in the middle of the __VIEWSTATE input html element.A javascript stack dump shows just "{anonymous}(null)".What does this mean and how does one go about debugging further?

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Visual Studio :: Break Points Not Working In "Debug" Mode?

Mar 5, 2010

I'm running ASP.NET on Visual Studio 2005, and I am not able to step through my break points when I run my application in "Debug" mode. I set the break points, run the application, and Visual Studio simply ignores them.I have gone through all of the configuration settings and project properties to see if their is something obvious that needs to be turned "on" - but I don't see anything.What would be the most logical settings or references to look at?

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Visual Studio 2008 - Website Running In IIS - Point The Website To Use Cassini?

Feb 7, 2010

My client gave me this web solution, in it various projects, and the problematic project (for me) is the Web Site.

I've copied the code to test web server (2008) and installed VS 2008 so I could step through the code on the server due to some weirdness.

Anyhow, when I open the solution locally on my personal computer, it runs on Cassini [URL] because I'm not on a server OS. However, when I run the app on the web server, when I hit F5, it runs oh [URL].

When I'm running the code on the server, how do I point the web site to use Cassini?

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Aug 14, 2010

is it possible to convert whole visual studio 2008 web site project to visual studio 2010 web site project

my current project references

i have a very annoying iis problem

iis server stops working until app pool is recycled

i am hoping that new visual studio (net framework 4.0) may solve this very annoying unsolveable problem

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May 21, 2010

Anyone know if I can maintain a VS 2008 (.net 3.5) project by using the VS 2010 IDE ?

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Jan 28, 2010

where to find/download visual source safe plug in or visual source safe client for visual studio 2005 IDE?

I do not want to install visual source safe 2005 server.

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