Does The Response.Redirect Hit The Break Point
Jun 9, 2010
My code does a response.redirect.
I noticed that while debugging. I had a break point on the page_Load but when it did the response.redirect and came to this page it did not hit the break point.
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Dec 14, 2010
Observing this strange behaviour in Firefox when a history point is added using ScriptManager. Firefox retains the history point in a URL even if Redirect the browser to a new URL.teps to recreate:1. Save the code below as an aspx page in a website and browse to it.2. Click on the "AddHistoryPoint" button. It just adds a history point to the browser URL. (#&&key1=value1 gets added to URL)3. Now click on "Redirect to Google" button. The browser redirects to [URL]) is retained in the URL bar.This happens only in FF (checked in v3.5 and v3.6) browser. This odd behaviour in FF causes lot ot trouble when redirecting to other pages in the same site that change their state based on the state info present in URL.
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new Route("Files/Art",
new FileRouteHandler()));
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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if ((Request.QueryString["UbytovaniePrispevokID"].ToString()) == "")[code]......
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Feb 16, 2010
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What is the purpose of doing this? It seems unneeded to me - at least it doesn't appear to change anything the website is doing if I keep it in or remove it.
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Feb 20, 2010
I have a flash image slider with a button below each image. When i press that button, the user is redirected to a new page where i add that image product to my cart. The problem is that after doing the adding, i want to redirect the user back to the initial page.
The code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
addProductToBasket(getCategoryIdFromUrl(), getProductIdFromUrl());
note that in Firefox is working fine but in IE or Chrome it is DOWNLOADING the swf...If i comment Response.Redict(...) the user remains on this page so the click button is working well, only the redirect seems to be the problem.
Edit: The problem seems to be that Request.UrlReferrer keeps as link not the initial page containing the swf but the swf itself.
So, instead of doing redirect to:[URL] if does redirect to the swf contained on the Index.aspx page[URL]
Solved: with a session variable where i keep the initial page's url
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May 21, 2010
I am working with MVC 2 framework, for multiple sites. We have a base site and then sub sites that inherit from a "Core" site that contains 90% of the functionality that the sub sites will use.
In one of the controllers, I am saving some data, adding a UI message to the tempData and then using Response.Redirect.
The redirect works, but the tempdata is empty after the redirect.
I have tried returning "RedirectToAction" and "RedirectToRoute" with the same routing location and while it populates the TempData, the redirect doesn't happen lol..
So I guess in short, is there a way to get tempdata working when using a standard Response.Redirect?
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Mar 31, 2010
Is it possible to pass on variables in response.redirect in a query string kind of way (without using form and submit).
If yes, what is the format?
I want to pass some variable (from a text box) from a classic asp page to .aspx page and this is what I am trying to do (I could not use session variables since classic asp and .NET asp share different sessions)-
<input type="text" name="txtZip0" id="txtZip0" onblur="<%Response.Redirect("getcitystate.aspx?txtZip0 = "%> + (this.value)<%")%>"size="14"/>
It is throwing me the error -
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A03EE)
Expected ')'
Is this format correct? Is this even possible to accomplish?
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