Visual Studio :: Custom Tool Error - Failed To Generate Code For Dataset In VS2008

Jul 12, 2010

I have an existing dataset in VS2008 and app works fine untill I tried to add new datatable.It gave me the following error -

Custom tool error: Failed to generate code. Unable to convert input xml file content to a DataSet. Invalid XPath selection inside field node.

And designer.cs got deleted.If I mannually add datatable in .xsd then it is good.But that option is not acceptable.

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WCF / ASMX :: Custom Tool Error: Failed To Generate Code For The Service Reference 'CompanyService'

Aug 23, 2010

we have an existing application that is undergoing expansion. The new functionality is all written in Silverlight 4. As part of that expansion I gutted all the old Linq to SQL and put Entity Framework 4 into place. To do this I created a standard .net Class Library and added my edmx files there. Naturally, the business entities created by this cannot be used in Silverlight. So I created a Silverlight Class Library and added all the business entities to that Silverlight Class Library as linked files. I changed the name space to be the same.

So I have the following assembly / namespaces

Company.Project.Dal.csproj / Company.Project.Entities (.net 4 class library)

Company.Project.Entities.csproj / Company.Project.Entities (SL4 class library)

With this architecture I was able to share my business entities with my SL enabled web services, my projects, my silverlight projects. Really it's a beautiful thing.

Once this was done I added "message" classes to Company.Project.Dal and again shared them with the other entites using linked files. These messages are things like MyObjectRequest; they are classes that have properties that can set to the ID of the record in the database you want to get, a search string for filtering by last name, first name, etc. (This is in the style of the Web Service Factory if you're familiar with that.)

Finally I turned the whole message into a generic using a base class called EntityRequest


I corrected this error and everything went well for a week until I had to make my first change to the service interface. I added a new operation contract, clicked the handy Update Service Reference on my client and boom.

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Visual Studio :: Can Visual Studio 2008 Be All In One Tool To Integrate Source Code Continuously

Jan 20, 2010

can Visual Studio 2008 be All-In-One tool to integrate source code continuously from team members, build, unit test?

Having used Visual Studio Team Edition 2005, unit testing each method within VS itself. I strongly believe that it is feasible to add-on tools. Example ankhsvn tool to use SVN from Visual studio [URL]

In my investigating i have come across number of tools(shown below) to use with Visual Studio 2008 professional

Development tool:- Visual Studio 2008 professional using Subversion as source control tool. Continuous Integration:- Hudson or Cruise control Build tool:- NAnt Testing:- NUnit, Selinium As Visual Studio 2008 can be used for unit testing I think NUnit is out of consideration.

In the same way i would like to have any other tools/add-ons to Visual studio to implement continuous integration, building and unit testing. This process should be automated such a way source code between team members is continuously integrated, built and unit testing is done as configured.

Objective is to use few number of tools as add-on to Visual Studio or achieve most from Visual studio itself (example unit testing). Visual Studio should be all in one tool.

I am aware that Team Foundation Server best suits my requirement, but it is out of scope due to its cost.

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Visual Studio :: Intellisense In VS2008 Use Code-behind, And Though Declare ASP Elements In The Aspx File?

Nov 2, 2010

I have an intellisense problem in VS2008.I use code-behind, and though I can declare ASP elements in the aspx file, it's as if the code can't see them.The pages run OK,but when I type anAspLabel and then '.' for example, intellisense does not pop up the methods and members for this asp label.

I've tried the reset option in Options > Text Editor.Intellisense works fine if the class instance is declared in the code behind file,but it won't recognise web controls declared on the aspx page.

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Visual Studio :: Convert Vs2003 To Vs2008 Error - Unable To Open The Web Site?

Jan 12, 2011

I got this error while converting

Unable to open the Web site 'http://localhost/America/Tranxfer3.4/TxfReport/TxfReport.vbproj'.

The Web site 'http://localhost/America/Tranxfer3.4/TxfReport/TxfReport.vbproj' does not exist.

if you know anyother suggestions for converting vs2003 to vs2008 project

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Visual Studio :: Configuration Tool Won't Run In VWD2010 / HTTP Error 404 - Not Found

Apr 28, 2010

My project works under VWD2010 but when I click the Configuration tools at Solution Explorer, nothing happens unlike under VWD2008.

The configuration developement port is running and accessing it only gets me this error, [:(]

Server Error in '/asp.netwebadminfiles' Application.

HTTP Error 404 - Not Found.

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Visual Studio :: Web Site Administration Tool - Error Encountered - Return To Previous Page

Jul 22, 2010

I Have a problem here with Visual Web devoloper 2010 , When I click the " Configuration" , the browser doesn't open the Web Site Administration Tool but the icon does appear in the notification area , on right clicking the icon it opens up the Web Site Administration Tool in the browser and displays "An error was encountered. Please return to the previous page and try again."

On the other hand I don't have any issues using " Configuration" with Visual Web Devoloper 2008

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Visual Studio :: No More "Run Custom Tool" For Reports In 2008?

Apr 15, 2010

At my old job, i had a report server that was very stable. I was using VS2005, and when i added a crystal report to the website, there was a vb file generated for the report. At my current job, i am using VS2008, and the VB file is no longer generated for the report, and there is no "Run Custom Tool" command when you right click on the report in the solution explorer.I would really just like to test the reports where i can declare the report as a variable and launch the report like i used to, but now i seem to be forced to use the ReportSource control along with the ReportViewer control....and the results are sporadic at best. I get very random "report source invalid", "load report failed", and other undescriptive errors. this is unsatisfactory for these .Is there a configuration thing I am missing, or will I need to go back to VS2005, re-add all the files to a VS2005 project, and start all over, just in order to test and see if maybe it's the reportsource control causing all of my current problems?

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Configuration :: Visual Studio Development Server Connects But IIS Failed With Error

Jun 16, 2010

I wrote a web service to send emails and some win apps supossed to call the service for sending emails. When I test the service via Visual studio development server everything is ok and it sends emails. But with IIS the smtpclient.send throw an exception whit this message : No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it [mailserver ip:port] The endpoint for VS development server is [URL] and for iis [URL] The smtp server is remote (gmail) and iis version is 6. I set the current local user as iis anonymous user. I am in LAN and my client firewall is off. There is an ISA server for the internet but I'm using a dialup connection for the internet. So why visual studio can send emails but iis can't?

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Visual Studio :: Failed To Add Web Reference 'com.paypal.sandbox.www' - Error: Access To The Path Denied

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to add a web reference to my project in Visual Studio 2010 that points to PayPal's Sandbox service.

The address is [URL]

Although VS finds it using the Add Web Reference dialog box, when I press the Add Reference button I get the following error and it fails:

Failed to add Web Reference 'com.paypal.sandbox.www'.

Error: Access to the path 'C:Documents and SettingsMyNameLocal SettingsTempPayPalSvc.wsdl' is denied.

Even if I attempt this using http instead of https it still fails with the same error.

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Visual Studio :: Error - Failed To Map The Path '/Includes/Utils/Controls/alphalinks.ascx'

Apr 12, 2010

Warning 1 C:UsersBillDocumentsMy Web SitesNausetNewcomersIncludesUtilsToolsWebAdminUsers.aspx: ASP.NET runtime error: Failed to map the path '/Includes/Utils/Controls/alphalinks.ascx'. C:UsersBillDocumentsMy Web SitesNausetNewcomersIncludesUtilsToolsWebAdminUsers.aspx 1 1 C:...NausetNewcomers

This warning is in error as the file is in the structure where it is supposed to be, what is the problem?

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AJAX :: When Ran On Visual Studio Server It Worked Fine And Never Shows Framework Failed Error?

Nov 11, 2010

I used Ajax script Manager in new version of my and when i ran on Visual Studio server it worked fine and never shows framework failed error but when i installed on IIS 7.0 Vista webserver and ran across it i got his error. Can Anyone helpme out in solving this issue?..Web.config file:


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Web Forms ::The Custom Tool 'MSDiscoCodeGenerator' Failed While Updating WebReference

Mar 9, 2011

Getting error after adding the web reference in my application.The error is The Custom tool 'MSDiscoCodeGenerator' failed.

unable to check out the current file.The file may be read-only or locked,or you may need to check the file out manually.

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C# - Which Tool Is More Usefull For Code Generate

Mar 19, 2010

i want to generate code for .net n-tier application.or 3-tier which tool is more useful.

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Visual Studio :: Report Tool In Visual Studio That Do Not Want Duplication Of Information?

Aug 2, 2010

Report Tool in Visual Studio that I do not want duplication of information

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Visual Studio :: Generation Of Designer File Failed: Error HRESULT E_FAIL Has Been Returned From A Call To A COM Component

Nov 19, 2010

started getting error

Warning 1 Generation of designer file failed: Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.

i am not even able to see the designer file

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Visual Studio :: Cannot Get VS2008 To Upgrade To SP1

Apr 19, 2010

I run the preparaion pack then successfully run the installation of SP1 I do not see verification on the 'About VS 2008' page.

Consequently (I think) my attempts at installing SQL Server Management Express 2008 constantly fails due to the lack of SP1.

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Visual Studio :: Which VS2008 Edition To Buy

Mar 11, 2010

I need an advice on which edition of VS 2008 to order. We are a team of 3 developers, one of use has VS 2008 Team Suite edition, but he works on a different projects under different management, and the remaining 2 of us are working with VS 2003. So we want to upgrade to VS 2008.

Can we buy a one edition of Team suite and the another Professional edition for the other developer, or it has to be Team suite for all developers.

Do you think we are going to miss anything by buying Professional edition for both of us.I'm not really sure which way to go.

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Rebuild Solution In Vs2008 Without Visual Studio?

Apr 1, 2010

How can we Rebuild solution in vs2008 without visual studio?

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Visual Studio :: Cannot Create *.mdf File In VS2008?

Jan 16, 2010

Im working on windows 7 operating system now and having a few issues with the sql server. I had visual studio 2005 and sql server express 2005 installed on my machine 1st. i then got visual studio 2008 and installed sql server express 2008. when i try and create a new database in the App_Data file (sql server database *.mdf file) i get the following error message;

"Connections to sql server files (*.mdf) require sql server express 2005 to function properly. Please verify the installation of the component or download from the url:"

I was just wondering what way i could create a *.mdf file looking into sql server express 2008. I also found out that sql server express 2008 management studio is not compatible with windows 7 yet..?

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Custom Server Controls :: Adding Inline Code Model User Control To Visual Studio ToolBox?

Mar 2, 2010

I have developed a User Control in inline code model and convert this into dll and try to add it into Visual Studio ToolBox. It shows error "There is no component found in the object.". It is showing actually because i have not added ToolBoxData attribute just before the class declaration, because there is no class declaration in the inline code model. I don't know where i have to add ToolBoxData attribute.

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Visual Studio :: VS2008 With Win7 - Class Not Registered

Sep 17, 2010

We recently converted the VS.2005 application into VS2008 in XP machine and it was working fine like compiling with out any issues and working as expected. But recently team upgraded laptops to Win7 when trying to compile it we have got issues then we changed the compiler settings to 'x86' and compiled it went good. But after that login screen came when ran the applciation without environment selection (production, DEV, Testing etc). basically we are getting this environment setup from system registry, we uderstand that Win7 is looking in different location hence no environment information is coming up..later we see that where the code is looking for environment environment and created environment keys in registry, after that environment infromation displayed in login screen but not able to login into applciaiton throwing exceptions like " Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))"

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Visual Studio :: Changing Font Color Of Vs2008 IDE?

Jan 7, 2010

I have found a settings that I like VibrantInk_V2. THere is only one section of colors I don't like. on the aspx page the section between the <script> the key words are dark blue and string is dark red. I have tried to find these in the options item list, but have not found anything that matches them.

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Visual Studio :: Should Windows 2003 Autoupdate VS2008?

Feb 11, 2010

I installed Microsoft Windows Sever Enterprise Edition (rus) SP1, downloaded (manually) and installed Windows Server 2003 SP2.Installed VSTS (Visual Studio Team System) 2008 (with MS SQL 2005 Express with it, MS Office 2003, MSSQL2008 Developer Preview), IE7.And my Windows Update does not detect/autoupdates any updates/service packs for VSTS2008 and Windows XP, only updates for operating system Windows Server 2003, .NET, IE7, MS Office, etc.

Is it something wrong with my setup?Should Windows Server 2003 autoupdate detect and install VSTS2008 and MS SQL Servers updates, or should not?

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Visual Studio :: Unable To Install Vs2008 On Windows 7 64 Bit?

Jul 27, 2010

I am trying to install vs 2008 on a 64 bit windows 7.

when it completes about 10% of the installation it gives me a list of error messages telling that setup has failed.I searched in microsoft communities and on the net,

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