Visual Studio :: Debugging Global.asax Code In Integrated Mode?

Feb 21, 2011

migrating my ASP.NET project from IIS 6 to IIS 7.5 I came across an issue with the Managed Pipeline Mode set to 'Integrated'.I have a Global.asax file in my web root to initialize some objects, gather data etc., however I am not able to hit breakpoints in the associated code-behind file (VS 2008). The code is executing very well (as I can tell from Eventlog), but I want to step into all that initializing there and need to have the debugger attached properly.Everything is working as expected in Classic pipeline mode. Since I'd like to benefit from Integrated Mode features in the future I wonder if I have to give up the ability to debug my Application start and error events...

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Visual Studio :: Unable To Start Debugging On The Web Server / Debugging Failed Because Integrated Windows

Jun 3, 2010

I get this error when I hit F5 in VS 2008. I have checked that Windows authentication is enabled on the site and it is. I can mannully attach the debugger to the IIS process and it works. What could be wrong? I have tried alot of things without success.

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Configuration :: Global.Application_BeginRequest() Not Processed In IIS7 Integrated Mode?

Dec 8, 2010

I fill a third-pard component variable in Global.Application_BeginRequest(). Everything is fine until I set IIS7 into the Integrated mode. In that case the method Application_BeginRequest() is not called (Application_Start is ok).May be some module is registered wrong?(I have found a same problem here on forum, but without a solution:[URL]

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There is no attach process option in VC++6.0 to give aspnet_wp.exe.

how to debug C code called .NET web services.

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Visual Studio :: Debugging Transact Sql Code In 2005?

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Visual Studio Debugging - Url Includes Foldername - Breaking Code?

Jan 15, 2010

When I right click on ASP.NET development server, it says http://localhost:1394/testing
as the ROOT URL. This does not go well with my code. I think the main reason is my code assumes it is in the root folder, and things start breaking when that is not the case. If I deploy this website, then it all works, but I lose my debugging capabilities. Is there a way I can make it skip the name of the folder (which is "testing" in this case)?I am using virtual URL. Things break on virtual urls, not on static ones. (But virtual url works fine when deployed, and make sure it is in the root folder, otherwise it will not work.) [URL]

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Can Set The Connection String For Custom Session State Mode In Global.asax File

Feb 5, 2010

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Redirect - Custom Errors With Mode=remoteOnly And Global.asax Handling Exceptions?

Jul 19, 2010

I have custom errors set in the web config file as follows:

<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="GenericError.aspx" />

Fine and dandy... I like that mode="RemoteOnly" facilitates development...

For unhandled exceptions, I have in global.asax:

Sub Application_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub

However, unhandled exceptions are going to the generic error page instead of the informative yellow screen of death preferred by developers. I can comment out the redirect in global.asax, but then I need to remember to change it for the production environment. Is there a way I can check in Application_Error whether I am remote or not to determine whether to redirect?

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Visual Studio :: Global Name Change Of The Stored Procedures In The Code Behind?

Jan 28, 2010

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Code To Check For Integrated Pipeline Mode?

May 3, 2010

I am looking for code to upload to a shared web host that will return whether or not the web site is running in integrated pipeline mode.

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Visual Studio :: How To Turn Off Remote Debugging 2010 / Unable To Start Debugging On Web Server

Mar 7, 2011

I'm trying to debug my web application on my localhost machine in Visual Studio 2010 and I keep getting this error: "unable to start debugging on web server. The Microsoft Visual Studio remote debugging monitor(MSVSMON.exe) does not appear to be running on the remote computer."

Is there a way I can turn this off as I'm not trying to make any attempts debugging remotely.

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Check If Our Code Is Executing In Integrated Pipeline Mode Or Not?

May 3, 2010

Is it possible to check if our code is executing in Integrated Pipeline Mode or not?

There are some ASP.NET class properties that only work in Integrated Pipeline Mode, and I want to avoid raising an exception if there is a way to test if our code is executing in that environment or not.

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Visual Studio :: Edit & Separately Manage CSS Code Rather Than Work In A WYSIWYG Mode?

Jul 31, 2010

A few basic yes/no questions to see if I am expecting the impossible within VWDE:

At one point I thought I was given an option to create an external css file & have all styles automatically stored in the external file. Is there such a setting? ( Right now I have an external css file created & linked to the page, but as I work on the web page in Design view all new styles are created in the web page & I need to use the style manager to move them to the external file. )Can I tell VWDE to generate css for all formatting as I create a new table in the web page in design view? In other words, can I work strictly in web page design view yet have all formatting code - including the table layout - generated into the external css file?If I create style code for a web page table, does that style code need to be manually modified each time I add or remove rows from the table?Is there a VWDE funtion/tool to generate an external css file for an existing web page that contains embedded/inline styles? Right now I find that I need to individually move each style to an external sheet - i.e. Q1.If I were able in some way to create an external css file to handle all formatting for a given web page, would I have to manually create & maintain a second external css file to provide a printer-friendly format?Basically I have found so far that WYSIWYG editting in VWDE is ok up to a point, but support for CSS in Design view is very limited. It seems that if I want to employ CSS, I have to edit & separately manage CSS code rather than work in a WYSIWYG mode.

TI am hoping that even simple yes/no answers to the above will help me determine if VWDE is an exercise in frustration or worthwhile for me.

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MVC :: Pattern URL Routing In Global.asax Code

Jul 15, 2010

Currently using asp.mvc in application. there is problem related to my URL. I have changed Routing respectively as per the mvc pattern URL. In Global.asax Code :

// Route name
// URL with parameters
new { controller =
"Home", action = "LogOn", ID =
UrlParameter.Optional, PRODUCT =
UrlParameter.Optional, CATEGORY =
// Parameter defaults );

In Grid, While click row of ProductDetails link URL will be : [url] When click on same thik i click on product Page link i am calling method "ProductDetails". Expected URL would be [url]

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Web Forms :: Global Asax.cs Code Is Not Executing?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a Global.Asax and Global.Asax.cs file that is specific to my particular project. For some unknown reason the code in my Global.asax.cs file is not being executed. I thought that the breakpoints were being ignored, however that is not the case. Because if I try to deliberately force an error to occur, the code is never executed. Below is an example of what I am talking about. The real code in my Application_Start method is not shown below. ANd other methods are not shown as well.

I have tried renaming the Global.asax file and then re-creating it, and that did not work either. Strange because when I try and create a new Global.asax file, the option to create a code behind file is greyed out.

Why isn't my Global.Asax.cs code being executed?

private void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
int x = 1;
int y = 1;
int z=1/(x-y)

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What Code Would Be Placed In The Application_start And The Session_start Events In Global.asax

Oct 31, 2010

what might be best suited to place in the Application_Start and Session_Start subroutines? I know when each subroutine is called. Application_Start when the first user first accesses the web application. Session_Start when a user opens a session with the application. But what code belongs in each of these subroutines. What should the code in each subroutine do?

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Visual Studio :: Start Debugging Option Is Shown In The Visual Studio 2005 IDE?

Feb 9, 2011

I run the start debugging runs successfully. but still is shows start debugging option is shown in the Visual studio 2005 IDE. And one more problem is ::I applied break points in one page and run the application. but those break points are not detected....

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Apr 1, 2010

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how to call that event in my every .cs page of my project.

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C# - In Visual Studio 2005 Build Mode Drop Down, Release Mode Not Shown

Sep 15, 2010

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C# - What Is The Difference Between Debug Mode And Release Mode In Visual Studio 2010

Mar 17, 2011

Possible Duplicates: Debug/Release difference Performance differences between debug and release builds

What exactly is the different in compiling and running an project in Debug mode VS Release Mode?

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Visual Studio :: How To Enable Debugging In Visual Studio 2008

Sep 7, 2010

I have upgraded a Visual Studio 2005 Web Site in a 32 bit server to Visual Studio 2008 maintaining the same 2.0 framework in a 64 bit server with Windows 2008 R2 Server. The Web Site has several class libraries.

After porting to Visual Studio 2008 2.0 Framework using the Upgrade Wizard, I found that I was unable to hit a break point in the Project code behind files while I was able to in the class libraries. The bin folder has the dlls and the corresponding pdb files for the class libraries. I did start the Web site as an Administrator and made sure whole bunch of IIS7 properties are properly set.

I tried to rebuild the solution as a Web Application in Visual Studio 2008 and gave up that approach as I faced hundreds of error messages pointing to missing references and namespaces inspite of adding whole lot of references and namespaces to the Web.

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Visual Studio :: Control Integrated With VS2010?

Jan 19, 2011

can someone recommend me of an online source(version) control integrated with visual studio 2010(free if there is or chargable), something like Microsoft visual source safe hosted in a static IP.

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Visual Studio :: VWD 2010 Express Integrated Web Server

Apr 19, 2010

I've been working on a website using Visual Studio 2008 that uses URL Rewriting. Being that the integrated web server in VS2008 does not support extension mapping, I'm using IIS in Windows XP for my testing. The problem I'm at now is that I'm considering hosting the site under IIS7. Using Integrated Pipeline mode under IIS7 has a big advantage in that I can force all file extensions (and directory requests) through the rewrite engine with a setting in the web.config file instead of having to configure a custom ISAPI handler in IIS. My problem is in testing this before trying to deploy.

Does anyone know if the integrated web server in Visual Web Developer 2010 Express supports integrated pipeline mode? Specifically, if I add the "runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests" attribute to the "modules" section under "system.webServer" in "Web.Config", will all requests get piped through the engine?

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Architecture :: Redundant SQL Code To "set Up" My Code Behind. Can I Put It In The Global.asax?

Oct 14, 2010

I've moved away from using sqldatasources, and now I exeucte all my sql in my code behind. However, I'm looking to make my codebehind a little more cleaner/neater. For example, on one page, there are three stored procedures that must execute, and All three have these same 8 lines of code for each of my three stored procedures. How can I condense my code behind to not always have to add this...

SqlConnection conn = default(SqlConnection);
SqlCommand comm = default(SqlCommand);
SqlDataReader reader = default(SqlDataReader);
string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["xyz"].ConnectionString;
conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
comm = new SqlCommand();
comm.Connection = conn;
comm.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

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