What Code Would Be Placed In The Application_start And The Session_start Events In Global.asax

Oct 31, 2010

what might be best suited to place in the Application_Start and Session_Start subroutines? I know when each subroutine is called. Application_Start when the first user first accesses the web application. Session_Start when a user opens a session with the application. But what code belongs in each of these subroutines. What should the code in each subroutine do?

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Web Forms :: Calling Global .asax Page Events From Code Behind (C#)

Apr 1, 2010

i wrote some code in application start event in global.asax page...

how to call that event in my every .cs page of my project.

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Security :: Get User Id In Session_Start Or Global.asax

Dec 6, 2010

I have a custom provider for authenticaiton that is HTTP Module-based. IIS authentication and web.config authentication is configure to 'None' and allow anonymous. When I probe for User.Identity.Name in Session_Start, it is empty. However User.Identity.Name works elswhere in the application as expected (returns the current user id). Is it possibly during Session_Start no authentication request has been issued, therefore there is no principal at this moment?

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State Management :: PostBack Triggers Session_Start On Global.asax

Oct 6, 2010

I have a simple aspx Page, which html contains:


and code behind:


This is quite simple. When I press btn1, it sets correctly the Session Key. And this is then the issue arrives: When I press one of these buttons, this is the sequence of what happens:

Global.asax: Session_Start
MyPage.aspx: Page_Load » btnX_Click

So, everytime there is a PostBack, even before the Page loads, the session starts and generates a new Id. This way, I loose everything during the PostBack. My Session State configuration:


This is running on VS 2010 + V3.5, on IIS5.1. The Page header configuration is default.

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Web Forms :: What Does Initialize() Does In Application_Start Method In Global.asax

Aug 13, 2010

In my company app they are doing the following. I do not understand that what initialize does? Do we need to Initialize assemblies before using them? and what kind of assemblies needs to be initialized?

Below is the code:


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NullReferenceException In Global.asax When Referencing Context.User.Identity In Session_Start

Sep 30, 2010

When I am debugging an application in ASP.NET, after about ~5 minutes I get a NullRefEx coming from global.asax.cs regarding:

protected void Session_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e)
WindowsIdentity identity = null;
identity = (WindowsIdentity)(Context.User.Identity);

Context is Null at this point. I am a noob in ASP.NET with regards to Global.asax.cs. This code was written by another developer. EDIT: This is the code with HttpContext...

protected void Session_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e)
WindowsIdentity identity = null;
identity = (WindowsIdentity)(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity);

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State Management :: Want To Access Url In Application_start Event In Global.asax?

Dec 1, 2010

Suppose my website address is like http://localhost/MyWebsite

I wanted to access this url in Application_start event in global.asax, Can i some how get it?

[I know i can get it via application_beginrequest or other event]

View 17 Replies

MVC :: Use Session / Line In Global.asax In Application_Start() Method File?

Apr 8, 2010

I'm trying to use SESSION in my MVC application.I wrote following line in Global.asax in Application_Start() method file:

protected void Application_Start()
//uzupełnij zmienne sesyjne
HttpContext.Current.Session["LOCATION_ID"] = 15;
I also enabled SessionState in Web.config by addind following line:
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="120" />

And when I run the application I'm getting this exception:

Szczegły wyjątku: System.NullReferenceException: Odwołanie do obiektu nie zostało ustawione na wystąpienie obiektu.

Błąd źrdła:


Wiersz 31: //uzupełnij zmienne sesyjneWiersz 32: Wiersz 33: HttpContext.Current.Session["LOCATION_ID"] = 15;Wiersz 34: Wiersz 35: RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes);

View 5 Replies

Configuration :: Application_Start (global.asax) Not Firing On Windows 2003 Server?

Jun 3, 2010

I have the same issue, I have added the On before the Application start, or Session Start and it is still not working.Application_OnStart or Application_Start is not firingSession_OnStart or Session_Start is not firing..Note that in my development environment it is firing (both of the names).When I am adding the Global.asax file, there is only one file (no .cs file). And when I am publishing the project, I am not getting the Global.asax file, I am getting a xxxxGlobal.asax.dll file on my bin folder...

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Configuration :: Global.asax Events Not Fired In Website

Mar 11, 2010

I have recently published my website, it worked fine but the only issue is that the error handling code in the global.asax never works. It works when I tested the website on my localhost but not when it is deployed onto my hosting provider.

I tried moving my global.asax file onto my root directory (not the bin) on the hosting folder, then my whole website wouldn't even start. I get the error message "System.Web.HttpException: This server variable cannot be modified during request execution."

But if I remove the global.asax, then it is running fine again.

Note: I didn't use the publish function in Visual Studio to publish my website, I sent the files over one by one via cPanel. Note: I googled about this, a lot of them are saying about global.asax being precompiled into a dll, but I can't find that dll in my local computer.

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MVC :: Pattern URL Routing In Global.asax Code

Jul 15, 2010

Currently using asp.mvc in application. there is problem related to my URL. I have changed Routing respectively as per the mvc pattern URL. In Global.asax Code :

// Route name
// URL with parameters
new { controller =
"Home", action = "LogOn", ID =
UrlParameter.Optional, PRODUCT =
UrlParameter.Optional, CATEGORY =
// Parameter defaults );

In Grid, While click row of ProductDetails link URL will be : [url] When click on same thik i click on product Page link i am calling method "ProductDetails". Expected URL would be [url]

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Web Forms :: Global Asax.cs Code Is Not Executing?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a Global.Asax and Global.Asax.cs file that is specific to my particular Asp.net project. For some unknown reason the code in my Global.asax.cs file is not being executed. I thought that the breakpoints were being ignored, however that is not the case. Because if I try to deliberately force an error to occur, the code is never executed. Below is an example of what I am talking about. The real code in my Application_Start method is not shown below. ANd other methods are not shown as well.

I have tried renaming the Global.asax file and then re-creating it, and that did not work either. Strange because when I try and create a new Global.asax file, the option to create a code behind file is greyed out.

Why isn't my Global.Asax.cs code being executed?

private void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
int x = 1;
int y = 1;
int z=1/(x-y)

View 8 Replies

Visual Studio :: Debugging Global.asax Code In Integrated Mode?

Feb 21, 2011

migrating my ASP.NET project from IIS 6 to IIS 7.5 I came across an issue with the Managed Pipeline Mode set to 'Integrated'.I have a Global.asax file in my web root to initialize some objects, gather data etc., however I am not able to hit breakpoints in the associated code-behind file (VS 2008). The code is executing very well (as I can tell from Eventlog), but I want to step into all that initializing there and need to have the debugger attached properly.Everything is working as expected in Classic pipeline mode. Since I'd like to benefit from Integrated Mode features in the future I wonder if I have to give up the ability to debug my Application start and error events...

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Architecture :: Redundant SQL Code To "set Up" My Code Behind. Can I Put It In The Global.asax?

Oct 14, 2010

I've moved away from using sqldatasources, and now I exeucte all my sql in my code behind. However, I'm looking to make my codebehind a little more cleaner/neater. For example, on one page, there are three stored procedures that must execute, and All three have these same 8 lines of code for each of my three stored procedures. How can I condense my code behind to not always have to add this...

SqlConnection conn = default(SqlConnection);
SqlCommand comm = default(SqlCommand);
SqlDataReader reader = default(SqlDataReader);
string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["xyz"].ConnectionString;
conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
comm = new SqlCommand();
comm.Connection = conn;
comm.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

View 10 Replies

Set A Breakpoint Inside Application_Start And One Inside Session_Start

Jun 24, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2005, and running my application from inside it, directly using its development application server.

If I set a breakpoint inside Application_Start and one inside Session_Start, the latter is reached first, and I honestly think it should be the other way around.

View 3 Replies

C# - Dictionary Lookup Efficiency & Request Scoped Global Variable Accessible By Global.asax And Pages/etc?

Feb 8, 2011

I know there is a couple answered questions on here regarding "request scoped" globals, but I want to nit-pick on something specifically and maybe squeeze some extra enlightenment out of one or two of you.I have an ASP.NET C# Website and a static Dictionary of objects (loaded from DB once on Application start). Each page request will need to do a lookup in the Dictionary (based on a key derived from the request url/etc) and get the appropriate object.The issue is I'm trying to maximize efficiency by reducing the lookups to the Dictionary per Request. Doing just a single lookup within a Page itself is easy enough and I can pass the object to sub controls, etc too.. but global.asax is separate from the Page and it also needs to use the object (in Application_BeginRequest and Session_Start).

So is doing a Dictionary lookup once in Application_BeginRequest, once (when necessary) in Session_Start and once in the Page negligible speed wise, even if there are many requests coming in every second?I would like it if I could just have a Request scoped global variable that I can easily call upon.. the only one I see available though is HttpContext.Current.Items and that is a Dictionary itself.Am I beingridiculously nit-picky with my concern over efficiency? or will these milliseconds (nanoseconds?) get me in the long run when more and more requests are being made?

PS. I currently only have around 100 objects in the Dictionary although this may increase in the future.

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Web Forms :: When Adding New Global.asax File, The Option To Create A C# Code Behind File Is Greyed Out?

Jul 25, 2010

I have an asp.net application. I want to add a global.asax and global.asax.cs file to my project. In the IDE when I select to create a new global.asax file, the option to create a CS code behind file is greyed out. When the global.asax file is created, no code behind is created, instead code is placed in the global.asax file and the global.asax.cs file is never created? Why is the option for a C# code behind file greyed out?

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C# - How To Get Full Host Name & Port Number In Application_Start Of Global.aspx

Nov 22, 2010

Uri uri = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url;
String host = uri.Scheme + Uri.SchemeDelimiter + uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port;

and it worked well on my local machine, but when being published to IIS7, there is an exception saying

System.Web.HttpException: Request is not available in this context

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C# - How Can We Use Global.asax

Feb 26, 2010

how can we use global.asax in asp.net? and what is that?

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Global.asax With SQL?

Jun 20, 2010

Is it possible in the global.asax file on session_start to check if a url string exists and it it does insert the string into a sql database? The url would be something link http://www.mysite.com?campaign=january.

I would want to capture the january bit and put that in the database for each visitor that uses that url.

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Security :: Getting User Name Of Authenticated User In Session_Start Of Global?

Jan 6, 2011

I am using form authentication in my website. I have a scenario wherein the user is authenticated but the session has timed out. So, i would like to initialize some session variables in Session_Start of Global.asax (First i check if Request.IsAuthenticated=True). For that i required the name of the user who authenticated. On .aspx pages we can get it using Page.User.Identity.Name but how to get it in global.asax page.

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Web Forms :: What Is Global.asax / How To Use It

Jan 27, 2010

I want to make All Methods about Error handling in asp.net some one device me at using global.asax what is global.asax?

how can i use it ?

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Configuration :: Global.asax 3.5?

May 12, 2010

I have a hosting account on DailyRazor.com , i use Global.asax in my project to start a schedule process in Application_Start.When i just publish my website, and upload it, the Application_Start does not Fire, but when i upload the Global.asax to my host it gives an Error but the Applicaiton_Start Event fires up, and then i delete the Global.asax file and everything works.just wondering, What am doing wrong ? or why this meaningless thing happens?

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C# - Global.asax Application_BeginRequest

Nov 4, 2010

I have a site with multiple domains pointing to it. I wanted to redirect all requests to main domain so I've created a method called RedirectToRealDomain("domain.com") to check and redirect all requests to my preferred domainAt the moment it lives on Session_Start but I am planing to move it to Application_BeginRequest event. As I understand Session_Start only raised when new session started but Application_BeginRequest raised on all requests. RedirectToRealDomain method doesn't do any DB lookups or anything expensive apart from comparing strings.

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Set Masterpage From Global.asax?

May 21, 2010

I want to set the Masterpage property in Global.asax.

This is what I have done but I get a NullReferenceException on the first line.

protected void Application_PreSendRequestContent(Object sender, EventArgs e)
System.Web.UI.Page page = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Handler as System.Web.UI.Page;
if (Session["lang"] == "eng")
page.MasterPageFile = "SideMasterPageEng.master";

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