Visual Studio :: HDI - "Add As Link" An Entire Folder Structure

Mar 8, 2010

I know how to add files to a project by dragging into solution explorer, and I know how to Add Existing Items.

But how does one add a folder + subfolders + files all as links?

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Private selection As EnvDTE.TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection
Private Sub UpdateCopyrightHeader()
Dim content As String = selection.Text
Dim result = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(content, regex, "<lastedit>" & FormatDateTime(Date.Now, vbLongDate) & "</lastedit>")
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AJAX :: Display Directory (Folder) Structure For Folder Outside Project In TreeView Control

Nov 22, 2015

[URL] ....

In above link you clearly describe (How to display directory folder structure).  

The path only works when the folder insight the project.

When I put folder outside the project it didn't work. What type of changes I need to made to acces the folder outside the poject. & How can I show other details of files which are including in folders Like. Last Modified Created Date, Modified Date etc..

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How To Restrict Access To A Specific File In The Account Folder Rather Than The Entire Folder

Jan 1, 2010

I am ristrcting access to the Account folder using below:

<location path="Account">
<deny users="?"/>
<allow users="*"/>

and access to the Default.aspx using

<location path="Default.aspx">
<deny users="?"/>
<allow users="*"/>

but how do i restrict access to a specific file in the Account folder rather than the entire folder?

I tried the following but did not work

<location path="AccountChangePassword.aspx">
<deny users="?"/>
<allow users="*"/>

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Visual Studio :: Adding A Link Like A Control In Toolbox

Oct 16, 2010

I was getting tired of copying and pasting Lorem Ipsum text on my web page.

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App_Code Folder In Project In VIsual Studio 2010

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Visual Studio :: To Add An Existing Folder (and Contents) To A Project?

Jan 21, 2011

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Visual Studio 2010 C# And Classes In App_Code Folder?

Jan 7, 2011

I've searched but not found much that helps, could be using wrong search terms.Anyway, currently using Visual Studio 2005 and VB, but just got Visual Studio 2010 and trying to use C# and am having problems using classes, I think I'm missing something simple here.

In both 2005 & 2010 I create a new website and a Default.aspx, in 2005 using VB, C# in 2010.

Right-click the project -> Add New Item -> Class, and leave it as Class1.vb/Class1.cs

Both 2005 & 2010 prompt to place it in the App_Code folder, so choose yes.

Here are the class files, I've not changed anything apart from create a very simple function:

Class1.vb code: [Code]....

Class1.cs code: [Code]....

In my VB project Default.aspx.vb: [Code]....

No errors, and debugging shows that a = "hello"

My Default.aspx.cs: [Code]....

This gives an error:Error 1 The name 'tester' does not exist in the current context D:Visual Studio 2010WebSite11Default.aspx.cs

How do I reference the tester function within Class1 in my C# project?

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The Application Data Folder For Visual Studio Cannot Be Created?

Jan 2, 2011

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Visual Studio :: How To Create App_Data Folder Grayed Out

Sep 29, 2010

I have a few questions regarding the "special" ASP.NET folders in Visual Studio web projects.

Adding an App_Data folder in Visual Studio is present, but grayed out in my C# web project, why?
What are the meanings of the various ASP.NET "special" folders?

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App_Code - Were these classes that were pre-compiled? Do these ASP.NET folders retain their special meaning if you manually create a folder with the same name instead using the "Add ASP.NET Folder" feature in Visual Studio?

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Dec 28, 2010

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string loadPath=Server.MapPath("~//VMS_Docs");

The window will open in Visual studio but not opened in when I tried to create a virtual directory on IIS.

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Visual Studio :: Unable To Copy Project Folder?

Apr 26, 2010

I currenty have a project hosted on our server, when i open that project folder i see about half of the folders i should normally see, i dont see the Controllers folder, Properties folder, obj folder, as well as the csproj file. Before I could copy this same folder and put it on my laptop and after it brought all of them over it would show these folders. Now it wont, it just copies over what it sees, not the other folders...I'm trying to create a copy on my laptop that I can work on then publish it to the server...I was able to do this before just fine, now its not copying/generating the necessary folders/files to my comp

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Feb 14, 2010

I am a developer who up until now only used WAP assemblies. Is that old and outdated nowadays? For example I have found a really great sample of google map API I'l like to use but my project is in VB.NET and the sample is using code in App_Code folder in C# so I cannot mix and integrate in a easy way. Do I have to convert the C# code into VB.Net to make it work or is there a shortcut when finding sample code in App_Code folder in the wrong code language?

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Visual Studio :: Organizing Files Under Solution Folder?

Jul 29, 2010

In my company app we have organized it something like the following:

1. Solution (Transcripts)
Solution Folder - Lib
Solution Folder - Debug
Solution Folder - Release
Class Library Project
Web Project

My Question:

1. All my references from Web Project are referencing to the DLL's in the Lib folder under Solution (Transcripts). Why can't we refere to DLL's directly under Web Project why the need of creating a new solution folder "Lib"?

2. When we publish the Web Project. Does that mean that all the DLL's under Lib solution folder also gets published?

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Visual Studio :: Cannot Get Attached Debugger To Page In Website Folder

Feb 8, 2011

I'm using Vs2010 professional. I was working with a large WebSite (folder) project at work using IIS7 and tried to attach the debugger to the w3wp.exe for debugging an aspx page in IE8 after setting breakpoints in the javascript for the page and in the Page_Load in the code behind. I got a "first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.dll" in my debug output, so I gave up for the moment. I created a default website project in the root of IIs7, and set it up as an application in IIs7 with the default app pool.

I tried entering a little javascript in the head, and set a breakpoint, and set a breakpoint again in the Page_Load. I attached the debugger again to w3wp.exe. I see the assemblies load in the debug output and nothing happens:

Ignoring attach security warning for process C:WindowsSystem32inetsrvw3wp.exe, owned by IIS APPPOOLDefaultAppPool [administrator]
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_64mscorlibv4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089mscorlib.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_64System.Webv4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Web.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILSystemv4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089System.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Corev4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089System.Core.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Configurationv4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Configuration.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Xmlv4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089System.Xml.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILMicrosoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3aMicrosoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Runtime.Cachingv4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Runtime.Caching.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Web.RegularExpressionsv4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Web.RegularExpressions.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_64System.Datav4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089System.Data.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Drawingv4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Drawing.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILMicrosoft.JScriptv4.0_10.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3aMicrosoft.JScript.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILCppCodeProviderv4.0_10.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3aCppCodeProvider.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319Temporary ASP.NET Fileswebsite297987469de3b823App_global.asax.g3ldh1jy.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.ServiceModel.Activationv4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35System.ServiceModel.Activation.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Web.Extensionsv4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35System.Web.Extensions.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Runtime.DurableInstancingv4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35System.Runtime.DurableInstancing.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Web.Mobilev4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Web.Mobile.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.ServiceModelv4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089System.ServiceModel.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILSMDiagnosticsv4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089SMDiagnostics.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Xaml.Hostingv4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35System.Xaml.Hosting.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319Temporary ASP.NET Fileswebsite297987469de3b823App_Web_t1ltfooj.dll'
'w3wp.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319Temporary ASP.NET Fileswebsite297987469de3b823App_Web_myfv4sgi.dll'
The thread '<No Name>' (0x22cc) has exited with code 0 (0x0).

I am using 64 bit Windows 7 Professional.

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Visual Studio :: Unable To Retrieve Folder Information From Server

Oct 7, 2010

I now get this message in Visual Studio 2010;
Error: Unable to retrieve folder information from the server. (550).

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Visual Studio :: Folder Names Not Showing In Namespace Intellisense?

Jan 25, 2011

When using VS2008 and C# I choose File - New - Web Site.I use namespaces in the aspx files in the same folder.The problem is that the aspx files in one folder can not access the aspx files in other folders even though the files in each of the other folders use the same namespace followed by the folder name.

In fact, if I am in one folder and type the namespaces followed by a period, the other folder names are not displayed in intellisense, only the name of the folder name of the aspx file in which it resides is displayed on the intellisense.

How can I get the other folder names to show in intellisense from any other folder that I am working in when coding in the code behind? fyi, in the html inherit I point to the namespace, the folder name and the code behind file then in the code behind file I code the namespace, the folder name the aspx file is in and the class is the name of the code behind file.

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Visual Studio :: Want To Edit Aspnetdb Database, But Id Does Not Appear In App_Data Folder?

Jul 24, 2010

I have web application project and i want to edit aspnetdb Database, but id does not appear in App_Data folder.I even cant see web.config file for subfolerds. When i create web site project in vs, i can see the aspnetdb Database.Vs Version : 2008

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