Visual Studio :: Design Page Takes Longer Time To Open?

May 10, 2010

some time sthe design pages takes longer time to open sometimes its proper the code page open immediately but the design page tekes longer time to open but its not always how do i solve

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Visual Studio :: Browser Refresh Takes A Long Time

Mar 9, 2011


I'm running a single page (default.aspx) web site in Visual Studio 2010. I have a few other projects in the solution, but they're all taken out of the build queue at the moment. I'm using Visual Studio Development Server as the web server (I haven't tried IIS yet). I'm using the HTML5 Boilerplate from [URL] I'm testing in Chrome and IE8


Visual Studio 2010 is outputting "Debug" information to the Output window every time I refresh my browser. Whilst this isn't a problem in itself, it seems to be extremely slow in doing so... it takes around 4 seconds to show the page in full from initial refresh.

I've noticed that the "Script Documents" folder appears in my solution view, and some files (notably JS files) seem to take a while to show up. I've tried removing all the JS and CSS file references from my page, but it still does it.

So, to troubleshoot I've created an index.aspx page with no content apart from the generic ASP.Net template code, set this as the start page, but it still takes just as long to load up as the other page.

As a last resort, I've created a new project and tried it with no changes to the default page - still the same, takes a few seconds to finish loading in either browser.

The strange thing is that this happens even when I stop debugging in Visual Studio and browse directly to the URL on the ASP.NET Development server.

Output Windows contents when page is refreshed


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Visual Studio :: Checkout/Checkin Takes A Long Time?

Jul 27, 2010

Checkout/Checkin takes a long tim

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Visual Studio :: When Open An Aspx Page In Design View The Layout Is "scrunched" Up?

Jul 2, 2010

We have two installs of VS 2008. One on a machine that previously had 2005 installed and one on a new [clean] machine with no previous Visual Studio install.The clean machine install went fine, however when we open an aspx page in design view the layout is "scrunched" up. In source view the text matches the text in source view [of a copy of the same aspx page].In design view on the 2005/2008 VS installed machine, the layout is fine.Layout on the page is done in a "Table", with various text boxes, buttons, gridviews.

And just to reiterate, the aspx file in design view [using VS 2008 SP1] on the machine that has VS 2005/2008 installedlooks fine, no problem.The same page loaded in design view on the clean machine with VS 2008 SP1 installed is "scrunched" up.For example the gridview that should be at the top right of the page is in left-center of the page and the gridview that should be at the bottom-center of the page is also at the left-center, directly on top of the gridview that should be at the top right sideof the page.Have compared the config of VS 2008 on both machines and can't find a problem!

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Web Forms :: ValidatorCalloutExtender No Longer Available In Design Time?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm using VS 2008 with the AjaxControlToolkit and at design time I am dragging some regex validators on the page.

Prior to yesterday, when I did this, the design time control allowed me to click a little arrow in the upper right hand of the control and add an extender.

Well, now that ability to add an extender at design time is gone, and I don't know what happened.

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Visual Studio :: Access Control In Design Time View

Mar 18, 2011

I am creating custom control with tabs and also giving design time support for that control. In design time I cant accessing the child controls and also tabs. I want to change the tabs at the desing time.

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Visual Studio :: Boolean Variables Set On A Web Control At Design Time?

Dec 15, 2010

I'm trying to extend a RequiredFieldValidator in an incredibly basic manner.All I want to do is add a property that is a boolean that can be set at design time through the Properties window of Visual Studio 2008.I can get the control to build and render at design time but as soon as I set the Boolean property the control breaks.There is no trouble at run-time with this control, only design time.Below is the code,the placement in VS and the error message:

1) The Code:


3) This is what the design surface shows after that change is made:

In case the image is missing or broken and to help the search engines, this is what it says:

"An unhandled exception has occurred. 'False' could not be set on property 'ShowValidatorSummaryLink'"

I'm sure I'm missing something or there is a serious bug here.I can't imagine that setting a simple property on the design surface would cause so much trouble.

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Visual Studio :: Can't See Bottom Of Page In Design View

Apr 1, 2011

When I'm in Design View I can't scroll down to the bottom of some of my pages. I've scrolled down as far as I can and the bottom is cut off. This doesn't happen on all the pages. I tried increasing the height for the ContentPlaceHolder.

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Visual Studio 2008 SP1 - Design View Of Page Only Shows The Master Page?

Feb 26, 2010

I'm creating a app that uses a Master Page.

But when i go to Design View of the page (for creating the events automatically or for drag/drop any new control from toolbox, I don't want to type everything) the design view only shows the master page! the page controls are complete ignored!

the image: [URL]

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Visual Studio :: AccessDataSource Is Working But Disappers At Design Page?

Dec 1, 2010

M was creating web page. Then next day when i starts my project again, everything was running properly, but now in all design page the tool of AccessdataSource is not showing in Design page. Though its working but it is not showing in design page. it shows in other system. So due to its invisibility , some times i create four-five datasoure in one page. Same problem also happens in sqldatasource and all other datasource.

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Visual Studio 2010 - Site Upgraded VS08 - VS10, And Now Compile-time Errors Do Not Show Until I Request The Page At Run-time?

Mar 11, 2011

I have an ASP.NET website that worked fine using and debugging in VS2008. I went through the upgrade process opening the solution in VS2010. I can run the site, but as I make changes in the app_code folder classes, they don't seem to commpile and warn me of compile-time errors. As soon as I get to a point that calls the class, the errors show up. Sounds JIT I guess, but this isn't how it was working in 08. Is there an option that was changed in the upgrade process? This is a large project, I really don't want to break something and not find out until some obscure page is opened.

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Visual Studio :: Design View Is Not Able To Pull In The Application For Design?

Feb 23, 2010

can't connect to sql 2005 express sp1 and vs is also sp1. 2) Which my guess is because of the database connection not being able... design view is not able to pull in the application for design, it's as if there is no theme and css just white background and black print.

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View .aspx Page In Separate Design And Source Tabs In Visual Studio?

Jan 31, 2010

We have three options to view any .aspx page in a tab


How can we view Design and Source in separate tabs for a any aspx page ?

Or if this is impossible!! can we use split option by Vertically splitting the Design and Source ? if later one is possible, I could stretch the view onto two monitors like here as suggested by Nick Craver.

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Visual Studio :: Designer Screen / The Popup Window Is No Longer Popping Up ?

Jan 19, 2010

In a custom component, there is a popup window that should appear to me so that I can manipulate one of the lists (an in-built editor). The component is Telerik, but I don't think that has anything to do with it (maybe).

The popup window is no longer popping up to me. I wonder if it got minimized or it's a z-index thing, where the window is behind VS? But this locks up VS, and I can't do anything within it until I cancel the window. But I can't cancel the window because I can't see it... and so that is really slowing me down and is really frustrating.

Is there a way to get around this? A key press to bring this to the front or give it the focus?

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Visual Studio To Always Open Web Site Instead Of Editor's Web Page

Apr 4, 2011

When I edit .aspx or .cshtml file in the Visual Studio and press Ctrl-F5 (run), it runs the current file in the browser. How do I make it to avoid this and always open the app's site URL instead?

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Visual Studio :: 2010 No Longer Creates Automatic Functions With Correct Parameters?

May 3, 2010

I've just upgraded to Visual Studio 2010, and notice that now when I add an event to a control (eg, "OnDataBinding" to an "ObjectDataSource", the editor no longer creates the code behind function with the right arguments etc.

How to I get this bacK?

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Visual Studio :: 2008 Takes Forever To Start Debugging?

May 5, 2010

I have a solution I have been working on over the last few weeks with a 3 or 4 projects in that used to build and begin debugging in under 10 seconds.The solution contains 3 dll's and 1 mvc project.

As of today, it takes about 2 minutes to start debugging, it keeps pausing on "loading symbols for ccpCodeProvider.dll".

I'm debugging on the internal vs development server, and I haven't changed anything since yesterday?I haven't ever used symbols before, and I'm not trying to debug the framework or anything, I just want my stupid web project to run.I created a new solution from scratch and added a random console app, and that also takes forever to debug.

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Visual Studio :: Why After Installing 2010 SP1 Starting And Stopping The Debugger Takes Forever

Mar 15, 2011

why after installing VS2010 SP1 starting and stopping the debugger takes forever?

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Visual Studio :: Can't Open A SourceSafe 6 Database With Visual Studio 2005?

May 25, 2010

I know both these software are old and that I can update to newer version. But I need to do it with those software in particular.I have Visual Studio 2005 and Visual SourceSafe 6 installed on my computer. When I try to open Visual SourceSafe 6 database using Visual SourceSafe 6 directly, I have no problem at all.Then I try to open a project solution I took from SourceSafe using Visual Studio 2005. Right away I receive this messageThe solution appears to be under source control, but its binding information cannot be found. It is possible that the MSSCCPRJ.SCC file or another item that holds the source control settings for the solution, has been deleted. Because it is not possible to recover this missing information automatically, the projects whose bindings are missing will be treated as not under source control.

Then an invite to chose a SourceSafe Database open. I click on BROWSE. First thing I noticed : The SourceSafe available databases list is empty (while I remind, it's not in SourceSafe 6. I can see there the COMMON database and the VSS database which is located on a different server on our network. Before that, I went in TOOLS->OPTIONS->SOURCE CONTROL, and make sure Visual Source Safe was selected as the Plug-in to use for a Source Control).So I click again on Browse, and locate my srcsafe.ini file. Everything is OK. It evens confirm me that my database path is
\dev2k3programmationVSS and that my database name is indeed VSS. So it found it. I then click on OK.

But when I do, the Database is not added to my available list, at all. The result, I can never select a source control, ever, which end in me not being able to work connected to the main source control of our network. Everything is working fine on every other computer in our company. Only this one have problem.Did I give enough description to my problem? I really need help on this one, because working disconnected from Source Safe can give a lot of pain to our team. Can anyone give me an hand? If you need any more info, just ask.

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C# - Page Rendering Takes More Time?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a aspx page which contains 6 user controls which will be displayed when the user clicks on any button using show model pop up extender. My page rendering takes more time. it taked 3 minuits to load the page. If i debug the page its traveling to page load of all the user controls. Its not taking more time to fetch the data from database but its taking time to load the page. Is there any way to improve the perfomace .Is there any place where i have to look into.I am using VS 2010 and c# .

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Visual Studio :: Saving Aspx File In Source View Mode Takes Too Long?

Jun 30, 2010

saving my aspx file takes too long, it has some nested tables, but it is nothing huge, it has like 50+ overall controls on the form. When I hit the save button, it takes a few minutes and drives cpu crazy, so I am guessing it is doing something in the background.

So, what is the reason, any clues how to speed this up?

I am using Vs.Net 2010 Ultimate

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Visual Studio :: No Default 'create/open' Access To 'WebSites' From The VS2010 Start Page?

Jan 4, 2010

Why is there no default 'create/open' access to 'WebSites' from the VS2010 start page?

Background:I've succesfully been developing ASP.NET web applications (via WebSite method ((((Not WebProjects)))), using VisualWebDeveloper) for roughly 3 years. Personally, I prefer the WebSite method or strategy due to the decrease in both size and complexity (the web applications I build are generally for around 50-100 simultaneous users logging in and out and constantly manipulating data). I will continue bulding my sites via the 'Website' method provided VS2010 doesn't begin it's deprecation.The root of this question (which boiled into this post) came from perusing this article and this video tutorial. It's a shame to see functionality that brings with it an overall ease of use and increase in production capacity by decreasing both size and complexity of web application development... downplayed.

If the Visual Studio 2010 Development Team left this functionality out for a reason, I would very much like to know. So that I know what is going to be "sponsored by Microsoft" in a couple of years and I don't waste another second considering using the 'WebSite method' as a viable solution (as I know that I can't stick with vs2008 while rest the development community gets to evolve with the innovations implemented within vs2010)... WebSite method or the WebProjects method.

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Web Forms :: After Getting The Records It Takes Too Much Time To Display In The The Page?

Mar 1, 2010

i have 4 dropdownlist controls in a page. each have more than 6000 records. when retrive the records from DB there is no issue and taking very less time. after getting the records it takes too much time to display in the the page. here no problem with db retriving.. i guess problem is with page weightage. how can i solve this problem..

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Web Forms :: Steps To Be Taken If The Page Takes Time To Load?

Feb 12, 2010

if I hit the .aspx page on the browser and if the page takes time to load say may be 25-30 seconds then what are the steps to be taken to make sure that the page loads quickly. In other words what could be the reason for this slow loading.

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Visual Studio :: Switching To Design View - Unable To See Design View?

Jan 5, 2010

in my project the design view is not viewed, but the project is working well and good .. the only issue is i cant see my design view ..

error stated is ""Cannot switch views: Validation (Internet Explorer 6): Element 'Style' cannot be nested within element 'td'.""

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