Visual Studio :: Unable To Add Web Service To App?

Feb 16, 2011

I work for a financial company that has many branches all over the world. Their network security is no 1 on their network priority list. Even the workstation I use is locked down pretty tight, so I don't have the ability to change or install anything. The firewalls are also pretty much very well controlled and I can't really do much, outside of the network, other than browse the web.

My problem is related to all of this...I wanted to create a web app that queries the Google Maps api to get info about the location clicked on a map, by using their reverse geocoding api.If I type the following into my browser, I get the results I require:,28.0514430999756&sensor=true

When I use that url within my app, I get an "Unable to connect to remote server" error. I can only assume that this is related to our restrictions on the firewall, as if I publish the page to my web site (outside the company network), and run it, it works perfectly.

I decided that I would build a small web service with the required code in it to return the data I need. I have written the web service and published it to my site. When I test it by browsing to the asmx file location on my site, I get the usual info presented about the web service.

My problem is that when I try adding the web service to my mapping app, I get the following error, and the "Add Reference" button is disabled:

There was an error downloading ''.
Unable to connect to the remote server.A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed...I thought that web services were supposed to be able to get around firewalls, because they use port 80? Our proxy server isn't on port 80, so I added the following to the web config on my mapping app, but I still get the same error:

<proxy usesystemdefault="False" proxyaddress="mybrowserproxyname:1234" [code]....

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(AspNetMerge target) ->

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Mar 3, 2010

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May 7, 2010

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