WCF / ASMX :: Cannot Get Web Service On Remote Server To Work Using A Domain Name
Jan 25, 2011
I have an Asp.net 3.5 xml web service that I created using the file new website within Visual Studio 2008. I can install and run the web service on a remote server using a web setup project after adding the necessary entries to the web.config file. The problem currently is that the xml web service needs to be configured to use a domain name and not a server name. My coworker has not been able to configure the virtual directory to use a domain name and work successfully. The web service returns a site under construction error.
I am maintaining a web site project in VS2005 and have to call a new web service on a remote server. I've done add web reference, and created the .wsdl and .discomap files in the app_webReference folder. When I try to create a object representing the web service in the code ( wsnamespace.serviceName ws = new wsnamespce.serviceName(); ) the code wouldn't compile.
The web site project is already calling other web services. When I right click on the type representing the web service and "go to definition" it takes me to a proxy class (derived from of course SoapHttpClientProtocol) in the metadata. I think this is what's missing for the new web service i'm trying to call. Have I missed any steps?
Is it possible to run a web service as a particular user/service account in the same way a Windows service can?I have a service account used for connecting to the DB and want to run the webservice under this account as the users using the webservice won't have DB access.The way I see to do it is to include the Impersonate option in the Web.config file, but is there any better way to do this?
We have two application created one for webservice and other application will call the methoddefined in webservice .The problem is we want to add webservice in our application dynamically
I need to call remote web services for example [URL]. So how to do it? I watched all asp.net video about web servies but in all videos they speaking just about local web services,
I wont to restrict my web service only for few domains.
I wont to have access to web service from using ajax and my page, and I don't want that anybody can create client to my WebService and view my web service methods.
how to create a Web service that returns a JSON(or JSONP). That also should be able to work for cross-domain access aswell as for a local call.. help to get this working or for a few links for further reading about this
Can I get who the remote user is on IIS Server that is not part of the domain without challenging/prompting the user? I am thinking not, but wanted to see if anyone had a different answer. I added the server to my intranet zone but that didn't cause IE to send any user information. Or maybe it did but since the IIS server is not part of that domain it can't do anything with the user information. I am looking at the ServerVariables in the Request object.
I am trying to put a basic Hello World Web Service in my Go Daddy Shared hosting.
It is a basic default Hello World Web Service that Visual Studio 2010 automatically generates: it works in my local web machine: i can invoke and can see the xml.
I have transferred the Service1.asmx and the Service1.cs file( in the App_Code folder ). I can view the web service page, but I cannot invoke the web service method, and as a result I cannot see the xml file where the "Hello World" string will be in side the <string> element.
Though I can see the web service page, there is no invoke button. How will I invoke or render the content in an aspx page? As the web page has to change the name space, I have changed the namespace to my website address, but still I cannot see or do an invocation and as a result cannot see the generated xml. My question is
1) what should I do so that I can see the return xml value from the web service?
2) what should I do so that I can render the data of the web service in a web page ( for example, in mywebservicepage.aspx)?
I have a web service that has a CreateReport method that generates a report based on the specified criteria.
When I call this method Synchronously using a Windows Application or Console Application, the call works fine and the report is created.
When I call this method ASynchronously (CreateReportASync) using Windows Application the report is created.
When I call this method ASynchronously (CreateReportASync) using Console Application the web service does not even get the call.
I am using VS2005 and .Net Framework 2.0. So the proxy is automatically created with the Async methods. I am not really interested the result of the method call, so I do not add a Callback Delegate.
when I call the web service from the windows service. But I can visit this web service through IE and I also wrote another console application to call the web service and it works fine, too.
The exception infomation is below:
A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network
I try many methods, like turn off the firewall and anti-virus software, set the web services proxy property to null. but still cannot solve this issue.
I am new to WCF, I was using web service asmx before. I have trouble on making my wcf JSON ajax service work through http like asmx.Could you help me see what wrong in my code?My WCF services are defined in my website application folder. My aim is to call this service in my aspx page java-script code and return complex object back as JSON to my javascript. I have no problem on doing this through classic asmx web service.
When I try to test it through my browser by type this in the URL , URL-http://localhost:3849/WebServices/Account/WCFCompanyService.svc/GetAll. it return "Method not allowed."
But if I type just this URL-http://localhost:3849/WebServices/Account/WCFCompanyService.svc, it return this:
WCFCompanyService Service
You have created a service.To test this service, you will need to create a client and use it to call the service. You can do this using the svcutil.exe tool from the command line with the following syntax:
This will generate a configuration file and a code file that contains the client class. Add the two files to your client application and use the generated client class to call the Service. For example:
class Test { static void Main() { HelloClient client = new HelloClient();
why I'm getting this error? I just re-created (not migrated) my app that was in ASP.NET 1.1 to ASP.NET 2.0. Whole app works perfectly. The only problem I'm getting with this piece of code for the Web Services. I'm running both versions at the same time side-by-side and it works fine in 1.1 and doesn't work in 2.0.
URLName = Context.Request.Url.Segments URLName0 = URLName(0) URLName1 = URLName(1) URLName2 = URLName(2) URLHost = Request.UserHostName URLStr = "http://" & URLHost & URLName0 & URLName1 & "SomePage.aspx?" & "SectionID=" & SectionID ' Create a 'WebRequest' object with the specified url Dim myWebRequest As WebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(URLStr), WebRequest) ' Send the 'WebRequest' and wait for response. Dim myWebResponse As WebResponse = CType(myWebRequest.GetResponse(), WebResponse)
Bam! Error! The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
how to write a function in a web service to upload a file, like a .csv, to SQL Server.
The idea would be to upload the file via an interface built in Flex, send it to the server, and insert the record in SQL Server. My problem is that I don't know how the function should look like:
i am calling the webservice from acrobat javascript. it works very well in development server. but when i put the same code in production server, it doesnt call the webservice.
Lets say I have a web service installed on ServerA. I also have a web application hosted on ServerB, completely different domain from ServerA. That web application contains a web reference to ServerA's web service, so consumes it. What happens if the WAN connection between ServerA and ServerB goes down, for whatever reason? I'm not clear if, once the web method is coded into the consuming application, that the server hosting the service has to be constantly available or not.
I am consuming a Web service passing it an XML string. The WS is querying a SQL Databse and returns an XML string. It all works fine from within Visual Studio 2010. Running the website from the browser, I receive the following error when calling ws.method "RQ.ProcessRequest(XMLOut, XMLIn)":
INNER EXCEPTION: System.Exception: The login failed when connecting to SQL Server SOMTSNAV01
Is there some additional credentials I need to pass to the WS? Is there anything that needs to be done on th WS side to ensure login does not fail? Ideas anyone?