I've created a class library, now I'm trying to use it in a webservice.If I try and use it via a web method like this:
<WebMethod()> _Public Function GetStaffList() As List(Of ClassLibrary.Staff) End Function
I get this error:You must implement a default accessor on System.Security.Policy.Evidence because it inherits from ICollection. And I can't seem to find any coherent instructions on remedying this issue.If I copy the Staff class into the web service (app_code) it works hunky dory, so it must be security..I can't be the only one attempting this! MSDN doesn't explain this one too well :(
I have a web service called service1. Is it possible to pass the parameter related to the service to a class library so for e.g.
Service1.service ws = new Service1.service(); Service1.UserDetails ud = null;
now if I call a method that exists in a class and pass ud. Cam i do that because I am trying to do this and I am getting an error. Do i need to add a web
reference to this service in the class library My method call is like this
authenticateUser.Authenticate(ud, UserName);
and in the class libary I have
public void Authenticate( Service1.UserDetails ud , string UserName) { }
I have an asmx web service, and every time I try to call a static method in another project (which is a class library), I get an internal server error 500.
I created a Class library for WCS service (MyWCFServiceLibrary) to access data form my database. The database connection strings have been defined in Properties->Settings.settings. The endpoints are defined in the app.config. Tracing and logging is set to write to files on local server. This service is hosted by a .net web service. This webservice refrences the WCF service using MyWCFServiceLibrary.dll and MyWCFServiceLibrary.pdb. The web service is hosted in IIS. All this setup is working fine on the development environment.Now I want to deploy this in the QA environment. Since I am a newbie with WCF, I would appreciate some help on what needs to be done for deploying this on the QA server.1. Do I need to recompile the MyWCFServiceLibrary.dll after changing the connectionstring to point to QA database and tracing and loggint paths to the new server?2. Is there anything that needs to be done with end points or anything else?
<Application architecture>I'm developing ASP.NET Web Application by Visual Studio 2008.(.Net Framework Version = 2.0)I put followin two projetcs in the solution.a. Class library which implements all the buisiness logic for application. (I'll call it "ClassLib" in the followin sentence)b. ASP.NET Web applicatoin which presents UI.(I'll call it "WebApp")ClassLib uses Web Service which located on other server. So, I set web reference in it. Method for url settings for this web reference is "Dynamic".
I've created class library project and added service reference to webservice. When i try to use webservice object am not able to access webservice methods.
myservice proxy=new myservice(); proxy.( no methods are coming)?
1. i am calling wsdl of api it is asking for username and password . I configured that and now i am able to see wsdl 2. i have an this API from my wcf application , first i have tried with WCF service application . i add the API as WEBrefrence and created code like that
localhost.WebServicesSessionSpringBeanService service= new localhost.WebServicesSessionSpringBeanService();
My team and I have a asp.net web forms application and are using several class libraries. In one of those libraries, we are trying to consume a web service. The web reference was added in the web app project and the appropriate references have been added. The app compiles. When attempting to consume said web service in the class library, the credentials don't seem to work, and the call fails. However, if we take the web service call out of the class library, and consume it within the web app, it works.
I have a separate environment for development. On my production server, where we mostly host web applications, we deploy the precompiled version of the web project. While doing development I work on three projects. One is the WCF Service. Two, is the class library project. This library has classes which makes calls on the WCF service. And the third, is a web project which consumes the class library.
The last two projects come under one VS solution. I host the wcf service in the development environment. This service is added as service reference to my class library. I am unable to visualize what will happen once I add the DLL (viz output of the class library project) to my web project, and, the web project has to be deployed. At the time of deployment I have to change the service reference (the url of the svc file will change as it has to point to the production wcf service). How to go about this? What must I take care when adding the dll to the web project?
How to access proxy class of a web service which has been referenced in the website project of a solution within a class library project in the same solution?
I mean no web-service reference/setting is added to the class library and instead it needs to be picked from the web project.
i am new to WebServices, i have a ClassDataLibrary.dll which include classes like Users,Products,Articles...
i want to create a structure like this in my webService. as i saw the examples of creating web services the web methods written on the same page. but i got over 50 methods in dll and i want to share these methods with flash so flash user get data using my webService but it will be difficult to find the method he wants so i want to give my webService in a structure like:
Service1.Users // he will finds the methods about users
Service1.Products // he will finds the product methods
how could i do it ? is there any example or something to share with me?
I am trying to simulate a sample web service payload similar to that which i will receive one the webservice is live. Can anyone help me simulate this?Criteria for my response will be:a bool pass or fail string - message and the object (in this case in the form of a list) heres the class I am to populate with sample data:
How can I use this class to put sample data in it? Lets say I want to put customers in the list 'ReturnObjects'?
I am creating new WCF service and i would like to do two way XML for communicating with third party vendors. My wcf service get the request from the outside program by means of URL and it should response accordingly.
Example - I have url which third party will call and put xml as a request, i have to get that xml, work accordingly and response back with either success or failure and appropriate xml. I need to make it completely automatic so anybody can call that url, it will validate that user and do the next step of request and response.
i am in the process of creating a restful service with WCF, the service is likely to be consumed by at least 500 people at any given time. What settings would i need to set in order to deal with this.
i had my code in .aspx page which i trnasfeered to the .asmx pageso i get error in few places in .asmx pageUnable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.String[]'earlier i had a label control which i hve replaced with a variable in .asmx pagelet me knw hoe to do the few modification to make it workingi hve the below code which gives me conversion frm string to string[] errorPrivate Shared errorList As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)dim msg as string
If errorList.Count = 0 Then msg="Sucessfully done" Else
I wont to restrict my web service only for few domains.
I wont to have access to web service from using ajax and my page, and I don't want that anybody can create client to my WebService and view my web service methods.
I have to define a web method which will fetch XML documents from another web service based on the list of projects from the database. Now I need to send these XML documents in different SOAP envelopes. XML documents can be more than one.
If i want to use Property & Method in same class then how to use it. I want to keep separate class only for interface , not for property. Also we have tried with [OperationContract] before get ,set in Service class . it solved our issue but throws error while run a .svc file