WCF / ASMX :: Creating .Net Web Service To Send Multiple XML Files
Apr 27, 2010
I have to define a web method which will fetch XML documents from another web service based on the list of projects from the database. Now I need to send these XML documents in different SOAP envelopes. XML documents can be more than one.
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I am trying to simulate a sample web service payload similar to that which i will receive one the webservice is live. Can anyone help me simulate this?Criteria for my response will be:a bool pass or fail string - message and the object (in this case in the form of a list) heres the class I am to populate with sample data:
How can I use this class to put sample data in it? Lets say I want to put customers in the list 'ReturnObjects'?
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Jul 23, 2010
I am creating new WCF service and i would like to do two way XML for communicating with third party vendors. My wcf service get the request from the outside program by means of URL and it should response accordingly.
Example - I have url which third party will call and put xml as a request, i have to get that xml, work accordingly and response back with either success or failure and appropriate xml. I need to make it completely automatic so anybody can call that url, it will validate that user and do the next step of request and response.
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And this is an example of a method being called;
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Dec 17, 2010
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Instead of using datatypes from web service proxy we need to create our own class which will take the values from web service output.
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Dec 16, 2010
i had my code in .aspx page which i trnasfeered to the .asmx pageso i get error in few places in .asmx pageUnable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.String[]'earlier i had a label control which i hve replaced with a variable in .asmx pagelet me knw hoe to do the few modification to make it workingi hve the below code which gives me conversion frm string to string[] errorPrivate Shared errorList As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)dim msg as string
If errorList.Count = 0 Then
msg="Sucessfully done"
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Jan 10, 2011
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Feb 22, 2011
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Aug 23, 2010
I am trying to create a web service that can do the following functionality:
Request XML
How can I create web service to do this.
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Apr 8, 2010
i have designed a web service which would create 2 csv files on the system. I want to send the links to the location of the files as an url attachment over the aspx page.
like : http://myserver/download.aspx?file1=C: empimage1.png&file2=C: empimage2.png
the output from the asmx web service is : [Code]....
where xx.xx.xxx.xxx is the ipaddress. this is the whole output i get from the webservice.
how do i get the aspx page to send the attachment in the format i mentioned above? I have added an asp website to the project and added the webservice as a web reference to this but i do not know how to get the location from the xml output file of the webservice result.
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Mar 23, 2011
I want to create a zip files for multiple file
Ex: Folder One-----------> file1, file2, file3
want to zip 3 files into folder.zip
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Jan 5, 2011
I have been wrestling with web services technology/techniques for part of 2010 - learning how to reate/consume/deploy... I have also been experimenting with third party web controls from ComponentArt. In some of the samples from ComponentArt I observed that they use .asmx files locally to populate their custom data controls (datagrids, comboboxes, treeview controls...). What is interesting (and a little bit confusing to me) is that in the ComponentArt samples they reference the web services directly within their controls in the markup. My question is if this can be done normally with controls that ship with Visual Studio (any version -- I have em all 2005, 2008, 2010). I ask this question because from VS I only know to reference web services by right clicking on the project in the solution explorer to add a web reference.
Here is the services tag used by ComponentArt
<asp:ServiceReference path="FileExplorerTreeViewService.asmx" />
Then in the property grid of a data control -- say a treeview control-- they reference the web service, and when the project is run -- the control is populated with data from the web service.
Do data controls from VS support this technique? My other question is if there is a benefit to using a web service as a datasource for a control and what is this benefit? What is the criteria for using a web service in this manner?
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May 19, 2010
want to create one web service but I have many classes. I want to call all classes in single wsdl.For example [Assume web service implemented in this class]
my Asmx file is User.asmx.Now when I add webservice reference in website, I want to access as following way
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Oct 27, 2013
try {
string str = "";
HttpFileCollection fileCollection = Request.Files;
for (int i = 0; i < fileCollection.Count; i++) {
HttpPostedFile uploadfile = fileCollection[i];
[Code] ....
The control jump in catch block or showing error file could not be found, how to remove it ..
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Mar 17, 2011
I've got a WCF web service that runs fine at the moment but there is talk about using it very heavily soon. As part of it's normal process it writes a file out, then reads it back in again (don't ask why, I know it's stupid). I'm concerned that if we start hitting it with lots of requests then the following might happen.
1. Request 1 writes the file out.
2. Request 2 comes in and overwrites the file.
3. Request 1 reads the file back in but this is now the wrong file.
My understanding is that the requests would naturally queue up so that request 2 wouldn't start until request 1 had finished, but I'm not totally sure.
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Dec 23, 2010
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Sep 10, 2010
Is it possible to hook multiple role providers with one service? I want client A to connect to service A with roleprovidername A & client B to connect to service A with roleprovidername B
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Mar 3, 2011
I want to call .asmx service from jquery
.asmx service will return multiple data from database.
I need to get those data to jquery on client side
and then i need to put each data into their respective textfield on the client side
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May 5, 2010
if i have the web application with many pages like add order page, edit order page, and delete order page actually they also interact with the Sql Server 2008 and i also create web service page call Sales_Service.asmx. i know just i need to put something like query into Web Method in Sales_Service.asmx but i have a lot of queries, i don't know which query i should put into it and how the web page call the Sales_Services.asmx
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Nov 8, 2010
A customer reported that our asmx web service is continually increasing in memory (mem usage as well as private bytes). We are able to reproduce the problem in our lab with Windows 2003 Server SP2 (fully patched) on some of the machines. The customer is using Windows 2008.
We created a Hello World web service targeting the 2.0 framework built under VS2005 SP1 and a test client that continues to call it. The memory increases steadily - approximately 40K per client request. If the test app is paused, the memory remains the same. When it is closed, the memory drops. Explicit calling of GC.Collect does not drop the memory.
We have run the memory profiler on the service and the leak is all native memory. We have uninstalled/re-installed the Framework on one of the machines but no difference. To our knowledge all of the security and IIS settings are not modified. We have compared app pool, default web site and virtual directory properties to machines that have no problem and they are identical.
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Dec 24, 2010
I have a form with 10 file inputs. They can contain 10 random files with random sizes. If I send these files to ASP.NET server with this code:
var count = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files.Count;
var TotalSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
HttpPostedFile postedFile = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files.Get(i);
TotalSize += postedFile.ContentLength;
And as you can see I didn't save the files on the server, will this code just calculate the summary of files without need to receive the whole file from the client (And therefore it would be very fast)?
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Jun 5, 2010
i have a production server that does not have ftp access. Possible way to deploy files is connecting with remote desktop client and send files.
As you know this approach is highly hard and time inefficient.
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Mar 17, 2011
I have a .net app developed in .net 4.0 version. And I implemented an asmx web service in this. Now I want to call one of the webservice method in another classis ASP application java script function.
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Mar 28, 2011
Is it possible to run a web service as a particular user/service account in the same way a Windows service can?I have a service account used for connecting to the DB and want to run the webservice under this account as the users using the webservice won't have DB access.The way I see to do it is to include the Impersonate option in the Web.config file, but is there any better way to do this?
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