WCF / ASMX :: Electronic Store - Two Separate Projects For Entity?

Aug 11, 2010

Nowadays I'm building an electronic store where I work. We have a few other online applications for the e-marketing and e-commerce activities, such as payment forms of campaigns we're spending, various portals etc. There is a common entity in our sites : VISITOR. We save a record for each visitor containing various information. Also, we have another entity - PURCHASE - the purchase of a product. It also exists in some of our DBs, Depending on applications. Today, when I'm designing a new store I decided to get WCF into business.

The purpose is to union all the application workings with PURCHASE and VISITOR. Since there are several applications that use the entity VISITOR and PURCHASE, I thought to develop VISITOR WCF and WCF for PURCHASE. I thought to create them in two separate projects - each one on its own WCF SERVICE APPLICATION, and to invoke them from my new shop as a beginning and in the future from the other applications. Both WCFs will work on the same DB that will contain and work with VISITOR and PURCHASES.

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Creating Separate Models And Controllers Projects

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Controllers.AccountController.Initialize(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext)': no suitable method found to override.

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protected override void Initialize(RequestContext requestContext) {
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public JsonResult GridData(string sidx, string sord, int page, int rows)
var pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(page) - 1;
var pageSize = rows;
var totalRecords = GetAllEmployees().Count();
var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(totalRecords / (float)pageSize);
IQueryable<Employee> employees = GetAllEmployees().
OrderBy(sidx + " " + sord).
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UI->>Business Logic->>Data Access

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MVC :: Store Model In Separate Class Library- Pass Model Objects?

May 19, 2010

I'm building an MVC 2 RTM app, and I want to be able to share my model across applications. I'd *like* to be able to implement it like:ASP.NET MVC2 app (holds Views and Controllers)Class library to hold Model(s)WCF app to handle the data transactions with the models via different data stores across apps I had the MVC app working fine, but I wanted to abstract the data stuff and be able to work with the model across apps through the WCF site, so I created a class library project and moved all of the Models classes into that and set-up a WCF app, then added project references to the MVC and WCF apps that point at the class library. The idea was I can create services that take and return objects from the model via method calls across apps. It appears that everything's wired up correctly in the MVC project, so I'm passing the objects stored in the Models class library between controllers and views and everythig is compiling just fine, but for some reason the data is not being passed back from the views to the controller on POST -- all of the properties in the classes are null or empty.

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Java - Siutable Tool And Technology For Electronic Health System?

Jul 26, 2010

i am going to develop an EHR (Electronic Health Record System) i am new to this field and want to discuss what tool technology i have to use for this purpose:

here is my research about EHR and available tools for it

1) i am going to discuss about java as an EHR is a web based system so J2EE will be the solution for java at core level and as i am going to globalize my system so i need some standard protocol for it the most useful and one is HL7 CDA 2.0 one thing about java i like is it provides JAVA CAPS with full implementation of HL7 protocol. it make my work bit easy the second thing about java is it is very efficient for DATA CENTERED application as mine one is but the problem is with the scalability of system that is much expensive and time taking. and java is bit slower on client side that can effect downtime that should me very less approaching to zero for my system. and at last i need a attractive user interface. and the most wanted thing is privacy and security.

2) the other option is PHP for doing all as above described it is less expensive and less time taking for scalability,may contribute to achieve a good interface and a faster client side but question mark on data centric environment and security.

3) the last one is the MS's ASP.NET no doubt about security and privacy but very much expensive to develop and maintain and no platform independence and what about speed that is response and down times?

i have discussed the possibilities upto my best knowledge hope u people advise me which one will be the best to attain privacy, security, speed and scalability on best cost.

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WCF / ASMX :: Write Method Which Will Return From Data Entity

Jun 11, 2010

What i need to do: When i click button on my .aspx page WCF service should be called, which should return data from ADO.NET entity data model. Entity data model and webservice is already added. I just have to write a method which will return data from data entity.

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WCF / ASMX :: Retrieve Blob Data / How To Store The Value

Jun 18, 2010

I am using C#. I am consuming a webservice. The webservice has a method, which has the return type as blob. The webservice serializes the data before sending as blob.I am able to access the webservice method, but I am not sure how to store the value, as the return type is a blob.I have tried this:

Service1.TestService serv = new Service1.TestService();

? = serv.Custom_methodname(true);

How to assign the output as it is a blob variable?

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WCF / ASMX :: Instantiate An Instance Of An Entity (that Has A Datacontract On The Server Side)?

Oct 13, 2010

On the client I want to instantiate an instance of an entity (that has a datacontract on the server side), send it to the server, let the server modify it in some way, and send it back. I'm talking about using standard-issue, ordinary WCF objects with DataContract/DataMember attributes.

The only way I could figure out to accomplish the above is to pass the object by reference. Is there another way?

In researching this, I found the links below, one of which says it is not possible to pass by ref (yes I realize we are passing a copy, but it is the result I'm interested in. Perhaps that is what the author is alluding to??).

Sorry for having to ask this but I'm confused (again).


Server code:


Client code:


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WCF / ASMX :: Store A Pdf File On Client Machine Using A Web Service?

Feb 23, 2011

I need to store a pdf file on client machine using a web service.

I am unable to find IP address of client machine in web service so that I can insert pdf file in C-drive of client machine.

I am using asp.net 3.5 using c#.

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WCF / ASMX :: Consume A Web Service Asynchronously In CLR Store Procedure

Mar 29, 2011

i have a web service to send emails and i am calling the web service in clr based store procudere and that store procedure is inovked by trigger.

when the trigger is inovoked Web service timout exception occurred.

i have read on the following thread that calling web service async would resolve my problem


but i dont know how to call web service method async in clr based store procedure.

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Jan 14, 2010

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what the best approach would be to achieving this? So far I have set up a dataset with a dataadapter and table for each connection and then linked the tables in the dataset. The problem that I'm having is getting the linked resultsets to work.

On my form I have the datagrid with two Objectdatasources one for each dataadapter and i believe that's where I'm going wrong...

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MVC :: How To Separate Project Into Separate Layers

Feb 2, 2010

I am beginner to ASP.NET MVC.

We are doing project in Asp.Net MVC and Nhibernate.

How to seperate my project in to layers ? how to design classes ?

should i followany patterns ? repository patterns ?

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Entity Framework -Update Entity When Another Entity Is Updated

Jun 30, 2010

I have an EDM, it includes the entities extension and history. My goal is to use history to keep track of all the changes made to extension entity. For example, if extension with ID 223 has its property 'Name_Display' changed - I want the history entity to record this.

I'm using ASP.NET with VB.NET. Where in my code do I put the hook to say, "update the history entity" and what should that hook look like?

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MVC :: Using Data From Multiple Entity Framework4 Model Entity Objects In MVC2 Controller?

Sep 29, 2010

getting data from multiple Entities models into an MVC controller. Most of the examples I have seen for using EF in an MVC2 app only use a single entitiy.

I have just started using MVC2 in C# using the Entity Framework models (CIOps.model) created from an SQL database. I can create the controller and views using single tables of the model in MVC2, but I just cannot get my head around how to get data from multiple entity tables into the controller (similar to joins in T-SQL). I have included an example below of the controller code that works with a single entity table, tbl_tours (tbl_tour in DB).

Could someone please illustrate how this code would be changed to include additional columns from FK tables in addition to tbl_tours columns. E.g. the clients name from the tbl_clients, the coordinators name from the tbl_employees, and costs from tbl_costs entities? Is it possible to do this directly using the EF model entities/classes that are already created and not use LINQ, POCO, Repositories, etc.? The FK relationships are already in the EF models. I have included the whole controller code, but I just need a few examples of how to join the multiple entities, not rewrite every CRUD function function in the controller. I think this will get me over the hump in using EF in an MVC2 App. Also ignore the fact I am using the home controller, this will change in the application.


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