WCF / ASMX :: Retrieve Blob Data / How To Store The Value

Jun 18, 2010

I am using C#. I am consuming a webservice. The webservice has a method, which has the return type as blob. The webservice serializes the data before sending as blob.I am able to access the webservice method, but I am not sure how to store the value, as the return type is a blob.I have tried this:

Service1.TestService serv = new Service1.TestService();

? = serv.Custom_methodname(true);

How to assign the output as it is a blob variable?

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SQL TablesListingID, Title.....ListngTypeID,NameListingMatrixListingID, ListingTypeID

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Property myGUID()
value As
= value

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if (Session["ads1"] != null && Session["ads2"] != null && Session["ads3"] != null && Session["ads4"] != null && Session["ads5"] != null && Session["ads6"] != null)
this.Label1.Text = Session["ads1"].ToString();
this.Label2.Text = Session["ads2"].ToString();
this.Label3.Text = Session["ads3"].ToString();
this.Label4.Text = Session["ads4"].ToString();

[Code] ....

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Mar 23, 2011

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<sessionState mode="SQLServer" allowCustomSqlDatabase="true" cookieless="false" timeout="120" sqlCommandTimeout="30" compressionEnabled="true"
sqlConnectionString="Data Source=.SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=mytest;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=mytest;Password=mytest;"/>

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Feb 23, 2010

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public IEnumerable display()
using (TestDataContext db = new TestDataContext())
var display = obj.USP_Actor_View_Speciality(p_UserName, 1);
return display as IEnumerable;

Now the problem is that how can i iterate or fetch over the records and display accordingly in my Presentation Layer so that i could return all the field parameteres Like ield1=val.field1,field2=val.field2.

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WCF / ASMX :: Electronic Store - Two Separate Projects For Entity?

Aug 11, 2010

Nowadays I'm building an electronic store where I work. We have a few other online applications for the e-marketing and e-commerce activities, such as payment forms of campaigns we're spending, various portals etc. There is a common entity in our sites : VISITOR. We save a record for each visitor containing various information. Also, we have another entity - PURCHASE - the purchase of a product. It also exists in some of our DBs, Depending on applications. Today, when I'm designing a new store I decided to get WCF into business.

The purpose is to union all the application workings with PURCHASE and VISITOR. Since there are several applications that use the entity VISITOR and PURCHASE, I thought to develop VISITOR WCF and WCF for PURCHASE. I thought to create them in two separate projects - each one on its own WCF SERVICE APPLICATION, and to invoke them from my new shop as a beginning and in the future from the other applications. Both WCFs will work on the same DB that will contain and work with VISITOR and PURCHASES.

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Feb 23, 2011

I need to store a pdf file on client machine using a web service.

I am unable to find IP address of client machine in web service so that I can insert pdf file in C-drive of client machine.

I am using asp.net 3.5 using c#.

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WCF / ASMX :: Consume A Web Service Asynchronously In CLR Store Procedure

Mar 29, 2011

i have a web service to send emails and i am calling the web service in clr based store procudere and that store procedure is inovked by trigger.

when the trigger is inovoked Web service timout exception occurred.

i have read on the following thread that calling web service async would resolve my problem


but i dont know how to call web service method async in clr based store procedure.

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