Web Forms :: Accessing Functions From Controls?

Jul 1, 2010

I have made 3 web controls which need to be accessible between eachother. First control is main control (controlA). Other 2 controls (controlB and controlC) are referenced in controlA. Now i need to access function from controlC and call it in controlB. I tried adding new reference, but it doesnt work the way I want it.

ControlA is main control and it is merely a table to hold other 2 controls in place. I can access both controls from controlA, but since I need to modify controlC due to drop down menu in controlB i can't force controlA to respond to event in controlB every time it occurs and affect controlC. Or can i? :)

So whenever the event (SelectedIndexChanged) of drop down menu occurs in controlB, I need to set up/change controlC. Problem is, I don't know how to call function from controlC. It may sound very simple to solve and i tried to make a new instance of controlC class in controlB my webpage just wouldn't load.

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{ bunch of stuff }

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Links referred to:


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Jul 9, 2010

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