Web Forms :: Adding Images To Organization Chart?

Jan 14, 2011

I am currently attempting to build an Organisation chart image map based on the data in our SQL Database. I am doing this at runtime in an ASP.NET C# web application.

I have been asked to investigate the possibility of adding personal images from our SQL DB into the chart and I am completely lost... As I am creating an image already, how would I add an existing image (which is stored in the database) into the new one?

The code I am using to generate the image is as follows -





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my code...



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{URL] ....

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<asp:Chart id="chtTriage" Width="545" BackColor="#f2f2f2" runat="server">
<asp:Series Name="srs" ChartType="Area" Color="LightGray">
<asp:DataPoint XValue="0" YValues="1000" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="5" YValues="2500" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="10" YValues="6000" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="15" YValues="4000" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="20" YValues="2500" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="25" YValues="2000" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="30" YValues="1500" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="35" YValues="1200" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="40" YValues="1000" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="45" YValues="500" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="50" YValues="0" />
<asp:ChartArea Name="chaTriage" BackColor="#f2f2f2">
<AxisY Title="Number of Dogs" Interval="1000" IntervalType="Number" IsMarginVisible="false">
<LabelStyle Font="Aerial, 8.25pt" />
<MajorGrid Enabled="false" />
<AxisX Title="Triage Points" Interval="10" IntervalType="Number" IsStartedFromZero="true" Minimum="0" IsMarginVisible="false">
<LabelStyle Font="Aerial, 8.25pt" />
<MajorGrid Enabled="false" />

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Adding 'Watermark' To Images On The Fly?

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How can i do that with ASP?

Is this process going to be a great overload for the server?

Could i use an image for a watermark instead of simple text?

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Adding Multiple Images In An Email?

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C# - Adding Images To An ASPX Page?

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ok so I cant post the code because I am new..

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Adding Images To My SQL 2005 Database

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I trying to generte a gridview from a database which displays an image, name of the team, type of shirt but I don't know what data type I should call my Image field in my DB to make it visible.

Column Name Data Type
fld_KitImage = nvarchar = manutdhome.jpg
fld_Image = image = Which I don't know what to put in here.

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Jul 9, 2010

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Feb 24, 2010

how to freeze the x axis of the chart control in ms chart? need to use because data displayed at large amount that is scrollable.

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