I trying to generte a gridview from a database which displays an image, name of the team, type of shirt but I don't know what data type I should call my Image field in my DB to make it visible.
Column Name Data Type
fld_KitImage = nvarchar = manutdhome.jpg
fld_Image = image = Which I don't know what to put in here.
i am new to .net field , currently i am using Visual Studio 2005, Sql Server 2005(not express editions). Now while creating a website when i want to add a database through VS 2005 >App_Data>"New Item">Sql Database...i am getting an error "Connections to SQL Server Files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly. Please verify the installation of the component or download from the URl: http:go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkID=49251"...
secondly if i add a database through Sql Server how it will add in website that i created in VS 2005.
I am facing one problem with data connection in my MVC2 project. I couldn't able to connect to SQL SERVER Database, the error says "Connections to SQL Server Files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly. Please verify the installation of the component or download from the [URL]
1. Just create a new MVC project 2. I did right click on App_Data and choose Add new item 3. Selected the "Data" option at left hand side and gave a name for the mdf file which is same as my current database mdf file name. 4. After that, clicked on Add button. 5. Then i got above error messages. 6. So do i need to install SQL Server Express 2005?
I tried in VS2008... Tools -> /Options -> Database Tools -> Data Connections, and changing "SQL Server Instance Name (blank for default)" to connect to my instance name but still it didn't work. I couldn't connect to the database from visual C#. I have read several threads about it but I couldn't get any good solution that can solve my issue.
I want to show on one of my pages a slideshow type page. Basically I want it to show a selection of images from a folder and have the images scroll from right to left.
I tried to extract text from images using ocr concept with MODI.In vb and console application it will work fine but i have an error when i applied my code in asp.net ....
It's adding three ?'s to the first element like this:
???<Element> Code: Dim httpReq As System.Net.HttpWebRequest httpReq = Net.WebRequest.Create("https://**") httpReq.Method = "POST" [code]... 'Here I add my elements...
I am trying to add alert message box to my application using below. I need to replace the text string with a Message variable. Cannot seem to get that working.
Code: Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "ALERT", "alert('Replace this with a variable')", True) like
Code: Dim Message as string Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "ALERT", "alert(' """ & Message & """')", True)
I am facing a problem with retrieving an image and showing it on asp.net grid. I migrated MS Access database to sql server. Image are visible in Crystal report when fetched from the same database (migrated sql server database). But same images are not visible in ASP.Net grid view or simple asp.net image control. Following is my code
SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["csr"].ToString()); oConn.Open(); SqlCommand oraCmd = oConn.CreateCommand(); oraCmd.CommandText = "select top 1 photo from [test] where photo is not null"; SqlDataReader dr = null; dr = oraCmd .ExecuteReader (); if(dr.Read ()) if (dr["photo"] != null) { Response.ContentType = "image/gif"; Response.BinaryWrite((byte[])dr["photo"]); }
This function is getting called from another page . "hlopen" is hyper link in the grid. hlopen.NavigateUrl = "GetPhoto.aspx?id=1";
I have an application wich will staore and display the images from the SQL Server 2005.The image i am storing in the DB as byte.I am working on 15 inch montor with resalution of 1024/768 but when i open my application in a big screen of 21 inch or more the image come only half of the form.How can i change the image size based on the screen resalution?
I am sending e-mail with asp.net and I can add one image to this html body of this e-mail by using alternativeview. but here is the deal;
I need to add nearly 40 images of this e-mail and what is the best way to do that ? I know I can add the http links of the images but n some e-mail programs, it blocks the images when I do that.
I have an aspx page which I am pasting the code from. This page is a preview gallery which when I create a new gallery in my admin panel it auto updates to this page and places the text name I assign in the admin and assigns a page link which takes users to the actual gallery page for that preview... for instance I log in as admin and select manage free gallery.. enter the gallery name (for example" free preview") upload 8 or 9 images and a slideshow then hit submit. The gallery is then created and a link to that gallery is placed on my page for all free galleries. I want to not only have a link but an actual thumbnail image for these.. how would I do this given the code I am pasting below? I would also be willing to just eliminate the text link and go with a clickable thumbnail with a short description under it which actually would probably look better anyway. Pasted ASPX Code follows:
I'm not sure if I titled the question correctly so it would be better if I explained what I'm trying to do. I am using the ASP .Net Chart Control to create a line chart showing numbers of trouble calls based on date. What I would like to do is implement a way of annotating the chart with data whereas if there was a spike in trouble calls a line, or asterisk, etc would direct the viewer to "read notes below for an explanation for why the numbers spiked here".
From the samples for the chart control there is a way you can add a bitmap to the chart, however I don't see how that will be effective here because the explanations will come dynamically from a database.
I am currently attempting to build an Organisation chart image map based on the data in our SQL Database. I am doing this at runtime in an ASP.NET C# web application.
I have been asked to investigate the possibility of adding personal images from our SQL DB into the chart and I am completely lost... As I am creating an image already, how would I add an existing image (which is stored in the database) into the new one?
The code I am using to generate the image is as follows -
I want to understand the concept of relative paths as I have been tired of trying out my luck with adding JS files in the master pages and making them to work consistently.The scenario I have studied is as follows.1. Master page is present in subfolder under root, script file is present under a separate subfolder under root.
i want to add the functionality of adding profile images for each user, which i found are based on just uploading images to the web application but without linking these images to the login user.
i have started to do a Asp.net Website Project...Am given few Images , to place it according to the requirement Web Page Sample image given by the client....Am just wondering how to calculatethe exact dimensions of the various parts of a page for Placing Images Perfectly.
Am using Html Divs , Css and a tool called WebPage Maker..Using WebPageMaker Tool i can place images and by running on a browser ,i can calculate the dimensions of that particular part[ For Ex:Header Image] by using FireBug Tool.....
But when using those dimensions[Left,top,Width& Height], at asp.net page by using Divs & CSS...Total page gets collapsed and images just run away.........
Whats the best Approach to do this..??
As of now,am given Few images[Cut], and the original required Image..On seeing that , i should place images accordingly...
But Am not able to calculate dimensions for using at Html Divs and CSS in a ASp.net Page..
however I can only create the last image instead of 5 images.
- imageID - cat5
I assign each image unique ID.
If reader2.HasRows Then While reader2.Read Dim img1 = Convert.ToString(reader2("imgtag1")) Dim img2 = Convert.ToString(reader2("imgtag2")) Dim img3 = Convert.ToString(reader2("imgtag3")) Dim img4 = Convert.ToString(reader2("imgtag4")) Dim img5 = Convert.ToString(reader2("imgtag5")) Dim blogimg = Convert.ToString(reader2("ImageID")) Dim a As New HyperLink a.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return hs.expand(this)") a.Attributes.Add("href", "../../blog/images/" + blogimg) Dim img As Image = New Image img.ImageUrl = "~/blog/images/" + blogimg img.Width = 200 If img1 = "1" Then Dim blogimg1 As HtmlTableCell = CType(FindControl("blogimg1"), HtmlTableCell) img.ID = blogimg + "1" a.Controls.Add(img) blogimg1.Controls.Add(a) ListBox1.Items.Add(blogimg + "1") End If If img2 = "1" Then Dim blogimg2 As HtmlTableCell = CType(FindControl("blogimg2"), HtmlTableCell) img.ID = blogimg + "2" a.Controls.Add(img) blogimg2.Controls.Add(a) ListBox1.Items.Add(blogimg + "2") End If If img3 = "1" Then Dim blogimg3 As HtmlTableCell = CType(FindControl("blogimg3"), HtmlTableCell) img.ID = blogimg + "3" a.Controls.Add(img) blogimg3.Controls.Add(a) ListBox1.Items.Add(blogimg + "3") End If If img4 = "1" Then Dim blogimg4 As HtmlTableCell = CType(FindControl("blogimg4"), HtmlTableCell) img.ID = blogimg + "4" a.Controls.Add(img) blogimg4.Controls.Add(a) ListBox1.Items.Add(blogimg + "4") End If If img5 = "1" Then Dim blogimg5 As HtmlTableCell = CType(FindControl("blogimg5"), HtmlTableCell) img.ID = blogimg + "5" a.Controls.Add(img) blogimg5.Controls.Add(a) ListBox1.Items.Add(blogimg + "5") End If End While
I need to add Images in my Rich Text Box editor after a paragraph. I have gone through this article and it is very useful.
{URL] ....
But I have some question:
1. Can I add multiple images in this Rich Text Box.
2. After adding images and content in Rich Text Box, I want to save it in database. So where will I save images and content. I mean images in folder and content in database or both in database.
Is there a way to process images once uploaded to my asp.net site, to put a watermark or some text across the image to copyright the images? I would like to do this server-side if possible.The other option I have discovered here [URL] would be to store the images as they are on the server, but to manipulate the display so it appears the image is watermarked . However, this solution is in PHP. Does anyone know a good PHP to VB.NET translator?! Or does anyone have a good suggested link, idea or code? Or can I add PHP to my ASP.NET site?