Web Forms :: Aligning The Rows In A Table With Vertical RadioButton List

Feb 23, 2010

I have a table with 10 columns out of which 8 have a radiobuttonlist, now the two ohter columns that I have, one has text boxes and another one a label.

I want the columns 1 and 2 to align with the rest of the columns. Because its columns 3 - 8 have radiobuttonlist, its considering one Radiobuttonlist in one cell of the table


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Forms Data Controls :: Creating Dynamic Rows In A Table From List?

Sep 7, 2010

am creating dynamic rows in a table from List<Productos> but this list have repeats same objects depending of quantity for one product.


I like that the products are not repeated but instead that show the quantity in a label.

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Forms Data Controls :: Aligning A Table That Contains Labels With A Gridview?

Feb 1, 2011

I have a table on top of my gridview. My table contains labels. However, though I would like to align the size aka the length of the table with the length of my gridview so that everything looks decents. How do you go about doing so.

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Web Forms :: Disable Dropdown List When One Of Radiobutton List Is Checked

Jan 2, 2013

How to disable two drop downs on checking one of radio button from radiobutton list,,its like radiobuttons with no ID in side <asp:RadiobuttonList> tag. 

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Web Forms :: List With 1 Or 2, Rows The Row Height Automaticaly Expand To Fill The Height Of The Table?

May 18, 2010

I have the folllowig css:

div.ListDiv {
width: 750px; /* Table width will be 99% of this */
height: 320px; /* Must be greater than tbody */
overflow: auto;
table {
width: 99%; /* 100% of container produces horizontal scroll in Mozilla */
border: none;
table>tbody { /* Child selector syntax which IE6 and older do not support */
overflow: auto;
height: 215px;
overflow-x: hidden;
thead tr {
top: expression(offsetParent.scrollTop); /* For IE5+ only */
thead td {
background-color: #CCCCCC;
font-weight: bold;
td {
color: #000000;
text-align: left;
table tfoot tr {
position: relative;
overflow-x: hidden;
top: expression(parentNode.parentNode.offsetHeight >= offsetParent.offsetHeight ? 0 - parentNode.parentNode.offsetHeight + offsetParent.offsetHeight + offsetParent.scrollTop : 0);
tfoot td {
background-color: #CCCCCC;
td:last-child { /* Prevent Mozilla scrollbar from hiding cell content */
padding-right: 20px;

When I have a list with 1 or 2, rows the row height automaticaly expand to fill the heigt of the table.

How can I avoid this happening, and have fixed height colimns.

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Web Forms :: Vertical Align Property Of Table Cell?

Mar 23, 2011

I am trying to add / create a table dynamically which I have managed to do howevever, I am experiencing some trouble with vertical aligning a control within a cell.

I am trying to add a radio button into a cell.


If I only set text within the cell, it veritcally aligns correctly (in the middle), however when I add my radio button it aligns itself to the top of the cell? Maybe I am forgetting to do something or there is some kind of css hack?

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Web Forms :: Radiobutton List When Viewstate Disabled?

Oct 18, 2010

I am having an issue with dropdown list when viewstate is disabled. The selectedindexchanged event fires even for the other events on the page.

I am pasting the code bello. To reproduce the issues I am mentioning change the selected value of the dropdownlist and then click any button the selected indexchanged event fires even thought we didnot change the value.


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Web Forms :: Find Control In Radiobutton List?

Mar 17, 2011

i want to find control radio button list i have child control as listitem at runat server,i have id like i have 4 option e.g.option1,option2,option3,option4 i want to selected one of them.

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Forms Data Controls :: Add Radiobutton List To Gridview?

Mar 15, 2011

I want to add 2 radiobuttons into a column:

- Present
- Absent

There is also a field in the database: 'Present'

I have googled his topic, most of the answers provide with the .aspx code.

I would like to do it from the 'Design' method, ie. from the Property box.

If the user select 'Absent' then a dropdown list have to be 'visible' on the next column for selection.

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Radiobutton List & Gridview Boundfields?

Apr 1, 2010

One of the gridviews looks like this:

Q1 SQ1 A1
Q1 SQ1 A2
Q1 SQ1 A3
Q1 SQ2 A1
Q1 SQ2 A2
Q1 SQ2 A3


All fields are BoundFields (except radiobuttons). They can't be converted to templates, I am using boundfields for row-level displaying in RowDataBound.Each row has a radiobutton and only one radio button should be selected per subquestion (SQ).How I can ensure only one answer is selected per subquestion? On radiobutton click or on submit?

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Forms Data Controls :: Add Radiobutton List In A Detailsview Or Any Other Datacontrol?

Oct 16, 2010

I am developing a website of online examination and i want to know how to display question of my paper along with its Answer options as radio button list. And if i use any data control then how to add radiobutton list n bind that list thru database

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Web Forms :: Clearing Textboxes On A Generated Table Based On Radiobutton Or Dropdownlist?

Oct 5, 2010

I have code that another member assisted with and is working great. Now that the page is working more and more like it should with the remaining requirments. I have something else i would like to implement.

Since the code i have automatically creates / generates a table with textboxes and labels based on a drop down selection. I would like to know how to clear the textboxes if they chose 0 from the dropdown. Or if they select "No" on the radiobutton, then that means they have nothing to provide, so i dont want to capture something that they may have entered before changing their mind.

Here is the code the generates the tables and textboxes, i just need to setup, so that if they select "NO" from the radiobutton or if they select "0" from the dropdown that the textbox values, if any, are cleared so that we dont get inconsistant data captured.


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C# - Table Cell Vertical Scrollbar Remains Disabled?

Oct 29, 2010


with this code i get the horizontal scroll bar.. however.. the vertical scroll bar remains disabled.. and the listbox control extends till the end of the window..!

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Web Forms :: Generate A Dynamic Table And Add Rows To A Table Control?

Mar 29, 2010

I am trying to generate a dynamic table andd add rows to a ASP.Net table control on my UI. My problem is as I add a new row from MyTable, in to another table the table I am copying from, will loose one row. Here is the code:

myTable = new


am just reading one row in every loop and add that row in to another table object, why is 'myTable' loosing loosing one row in each loop?

View 7 Replies

Trying To Write A Custom Validation On A Set Of Radiobutton List?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm trying to write a custom validation on a set of radiobutton list where if certain radio button is selected, a specified checkbox needs to be fill in with certain amount.


<asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator1" runat="server" OnServerValidate="CustomValidator1_ServerValidate" ClientValidationFunction="CheckAmt" ControlToValidate="txtAmt" Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="Enter contribution amount" SetFocusOnError="True" Enabled = "true" ValidationGroup="GiftValidate"></asp:CustomValidator><br />



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Aspx Radiobutton Control List In One Line?

Dec 31, 2010


Is it possible to have radiobutton control list in one row. Now it is in 3 rows.

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AJAX :: Enable A Textbox Using Radiobutton List

Aug 13, 2010

radiobuttonlist (Yes and No)

if yes, textbox should be visible

could we do it using ajax and without using autopostback property?

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Web Forms :: How To Add Same Table Cell To 2 Table Rows

Jan 14, 2011

I have two possible header rows for a DataTable that I build dynamically. Setting the value of a cell works fine. Adding the cell to a TableRow works fine. The problem comes in where I have to build a second possible header row that uses the same cell.

An example is below.

trHead1 = New TableRow
trHead2 = New TableRow
tcCalc = New TableCell
tcCalc.Text = "Rates"

As soon as I make the second row add the cell, the cell disappears from the first row. This really doesn't make sense to me but that seems to be the way it is. If there is a work around other than duplicating the lines;

tcCalc = New TableCell
tcCalc.Text = "Rates"

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Web Forms :: Hiding Table Rows In A Table?

May 18, 2010

I 'm curious to know how I could hide rows in my <table> in logical cases where, for instance, I have a list of radio buttons and depending on whether the user selects "Yes", the row below it appears for them to fill in some information.

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Use A Session Variable As The Text Of A Listitem In A Radiobutton List?

Sep 9, 2010

<asp:RadioButtonList ID="rblSplitWeek" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem selected="true">No Choice</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text = "First" Value = "Session('s_price_1')"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text = "Second"></asp:ListItem>

But keep getting an error when trying to put the session variable in

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AJAX :: Cascading DropDown List & RadioButton In ModalPopup Extender?

Oct 29, 2010

I am using the newest AJAX control toolkit. What I want to accomplish is I have a modal popup panel with cascading dropdown list and radio button inside. The issue is the postback. RadioButton and Cascading dropdown have postback so that will cause the modal panel disappear after the postback. I just want the panel disappear after I click the ok button on the panel and send the data into a field in a page. What I did was I placed the update panel inside the popup panel. If I did that, I would see the dropdown lists automatically refresh every time by accessing the webservice. If I placed the update panel outside, the dropdown would not be triggered. Even I set the trigger for the Update Panel, it will not see that way.

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Adding Data In A Table Column Selected From A Radiobutton?

Jul 29, 2010

how can i put the value selected with a radiobutton in a datatable's column?

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Forms Data Controls :: List.aspx:datagridview Change The Links To Parent Table From Details To List?

Sep 29, 2010

The List Page display child Entity using the gridview each row will have link to the parent

How can I change the link so it shows the parent but in list view(using list.aspx) not detailes (detailes.aspx)view

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Web Forms :: Populate Dropdown List From List Of Table

Feb 8, 2011

I'm trying to populate a dropdown list from a list of existing SQL tables in a database. Does anyone have a code sample for doing this?

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AJAX :: How To Avoid Page Refresh On Radiobutton List Selected Index Changed

Jan 25, 2010

I have a radio buttonlist in my webpage with 2 list items, when I click the 2nd list item I want to change the visibility of a text box so it wore the code

protected void rbList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (rbList.SelectedIndex == 0)
txtPresentlyUsing.Visible = false;
if (rbList.SelectedIndex == 1)
txtPresentlyUsing.Visible = true;

and its working fine but the page got refreshed how can I avoid this if I want to use ajax how can I implement it?

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