Web Forms :: Binding Object To A Treeview Control?
Apr 28, 2010
I have a class Person with three properties, ID, Name, Registered. I have the following array of this class
Person1 (ID=A00 ,Name=Andy )
Person2 (ID=A01 ,Name=John )
Person3 (ID=A02 ,Name=Lina )
Person4 (ID=B00 ,Name=Rachel )
Person5 (ID=B01 ,Name=Peter )
Person6 (ID=C00 ,Name=Hans )
Person6 (ID=C01 ,Name=Emily )
I need to show this array in a treeview in this way: When the person has ID finished in 00, it is showed how the father node, and the other persons starting with the same letter are the child nodes.
In this case Andy would be the father indented 0, and john and lina would be his childs indented 1.
I need to show this structure in a checkbox treeview and when I select the father checkbox, the child checkbox must be selected too.
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here is sample JavaScript code that have been used in the above URL
<div id="treeDiv1">
<script type="text/javascript">
var tree;
(function() {
function treeInit() {
function buildRandomTextNodeTree() {
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Apr 8, 2010
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<NewObject ID="1"> [code]......
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Oct 19, 2010
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I have Treeview with 4 child nodes.I have 4 XML Files.
When i click on each child node,i have to display XML File
in GiridView...ie First child node ----- CLICk-----> First XML File
Second child node ----- CLICk-----> Second XML File
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Nov 29, 2010
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like that
when i click on p3 of root2 display data.
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Nov 3, 2010
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Mar 10, 2011
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Like I need the name inside here
<TaxonomyName>Resource Enhancement</TaxonomyName>
<asp:TreeView ID="tvSubmissionCategories" runat="server" DataSourceID="xdsSubmissionCategories"
<asp:TreeNodeBinding DataMember="Taxonomy" Text="TextThing" />
View 1 Replies
Dec 30, 2010
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May 13, 2010
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Mar 1, 2011
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Now, is it possible to generate a new object on update, without getting and reading each textbox with findcontrol?
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Sep 29, 2010
Okay, here's something that I could easily do the hard way and manually wire up each form element and save it to a datatable in memory, but there has to be a more efficient way to do it.
Here's what I have:
1. A strongly typed datatable and tableadapter in a XSD name Orders
2. A formview control which currently is connected to an ODS connected to the Orders tableadapter, this makes it easy to wire up the databindings for each form field in design view
I would like to:
- bind the the formview to an instance of the strongly typed datatable, and then save the dt to a session object without interacting with the actual database
- load forms on subsequent pages from the dt in session
- ultimately save the dt info to an actual database table on the third page
I've read some solutions where a custom class is created, but to me this seems like almost as much work as wiring up the form field to the table columns manually in code.
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Mar 3, 2011
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Once I click on 'Engines included' a treeview having all the engine node should show. I am geting the engine collection dynamically from database.
1.What should i use to create enginesIncluded control? 2.How do i show a user control having a treeview on click of 'engine included' control? 3. I also need to show the selected engines on the top row as buttons .
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Apr 21, 2010
can you please help me to brainstorm the possible causes of this error. I've got a paged repeater with localisation bound programitcally to an sqldatasource using a stored proc. I can post code if needs be but it's rather long. I'm looking for typical causes of this error + will make note for future reference!
erver Error in '/WebSite4' Application.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source Error:
Line 233:Line 234: Repeater1.DataSource = PagedResultsLine 235: Repeater1.DataBind()Line 236: doPaging()Line 237: End Sub
View 9 Replies
Apr 19, 2010
In the same Code behind file I have:
// This works
Label lblTopNavBarInfo = (Label)Master.FindControl("lblTopNavBarInfo");
lblTopNavBarInfo.Text = "Currently Serving: + FirstName + " " + LastName ;
// This compiles but throws an error in the browser
LinkButton lnkBtnProductsOwned = (LinkButton)LeftNav_CustServ1.FindControl("ProductsOwned"); // The Control is visible
lnkBtnProductsOwned.Enabled = false; // Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
View 6 Replies
Feb 18, 2010
I have a DetailsView (DV) control, an ObjectDataSource (ODS) control, and a button on a page. I have 2 classes in the App_Code directory (Customer and CustomerDAO). The DAO class provides static methods for the ODS control and simply hack values in (ie...no real database selects/updates). The Customer class has 2 properties (Id and Name) and a default constructor. The page takes an ID on the querystring and determines if the DV control is in insert or edit mode. If in edit mode, it sets the SelectParameter on the ODS (id field), calls ODS.Select(), and then calls DV.DataBind(). The existing (although fake) customer is loaded and display properly when this happens. I then change the name of the Customer in the DV and click the Button to save the new data.
Everything seems to be wired up correctly as the UpdateMethod that is specified in the ODS control is called and succeeds (even in my real example with my database). The problem is that the BoundFields in the DV control have not been updated with the new values and therefore the existing values are updated in the database and my changes are lost. I have handled the OnUpdating event of the ODS and the values are still the old values. I have also handled the OnItemUpdating event of the DV control and the NewValues IOrderedDictionary still has the old values in it also. In looking at the MSDN article for the UpdateMethod, it states the following:
Parameter Merging
Parameters are added to the UpdateParameters collection from three sources:
From the data-bound control, at run time.
From the UpdateParameters element, declaratively.
From the Updating event handler, programmatically.
I am using the BoundField classes in my DV control so I would have assumed that the first bullet above would have handled the updating of values, but it doesn't appear to work with the way I am doing it. If I set the values explicitly in the OnUpdating event that is fired by the ODS control (the 3rd bullet) the right values are updated (again...even in my real database situation). It seems like my only issue is that the automatic binding that I expect from the DV control isn't working as I would expect it to. Here is the code that I have in my fake example:
View 7 Replies
Apr 1, 2011
My Grid is bound to a collection type datasource. When I try to sort the Columns in the Grid I get Javascript error saying sorting event not implemented. Why is the default inbuilt sort functionality not working which worked fine when I directly used a sqlDataSource using smart tag. Do I have to write some code to achieve sorting ?
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Dec 13, 2010
I was working with treeview and bumped into this problem where i need to add child nodes to a treeview control,these child nodes are a combination of textbox and button control so that
i should be able to save the text as new child control,i tried overiding the pre render and post render text but didn't get the solution.
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Jul 20, 2010
In a project I'm working on, the master page codebehind does a load of complex checks and confirmations that decide the navigation list displayed on the TreeView of the page. Now, I need a way to access this list from another front-end page, such as "frontpage.aspx".
This serves two purposes. One, the masterpage will hide pages on the navigation list the user shouldn't have access to, but the user can still enter the page by typing the page name into the URL manually. By being able to browse through the TreeView, I can isolate the whole authorization into a single method by simply checking if the page name exists within the currently used TreeView.
Two, this will allow me to easily change the displayed content of any page without checking the database or storing sessions for whatever specific rights the current user has, as I can just look if the TreeView contains "Products Admin" for example, and then use that to hide or display the section of the page that has to do with "Product Admin" functionality.
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Sep 24, 2010
I am getting error of in Foreach loop
How to resolve this situation or any other alternative to cum out of this problem.
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Jun 7, 2010
I have a class:
Then another class, for ProjectCustomer:
My view is the same as any standard auto-created view, with properties set using the likes of:
In my edit page, for editing the fields for these classes, everything works fine, the model binder works, and validation works. In my create page, only the Project class properties get set and the ProjectCustomer properties remain null. I've tried everything I can think of from manually instantiating a new ProjectCustomer before calling TryUpdate model, to letting MVC handle the lot by including the class as a paramater for the action. The values are being passed just fine, as I've tried a FormCollection too and in the debugger the FormCollection contains all the correct fields (i.e. Customer.Name etc.) yet no matter what the ModelBinder just wont attach the inputs to the Customer object inside the Project object, but will only not do this on the Create action, and does it fine for the Edit action even though the code is almost entirely identical.
why the ModelBinder is just refusing to bind for the Create action and no other? What steps can I perform to debug the ModelBinder when it's not working properly like this?
I've tried every combination of things I can think of under the sun, and simply can't understand why it works for one action, but not for another, especially when the code I've used is fairly basic. I'll note that these classes were intended as MetaData classes hence their pointless seeming simplicity, but as part of trying to track down the problem I've stripped them to the bare bones setup above, and still no luck.
Under what circumstances does the ModelBinder decide not to fill the properties of a sub-object?
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Apr 7, 2010
Is it possible to do data binding on the fields of an object just like in WPF?
Something like this:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=lbColor}" />
just for an asp:TextBox element. What I want is that on submit to have the new values inside the binded object and I don't want to manually read and set the values.
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Jan 26, 2010
I'm having trouble finding a good tutorial on binding complex lists to an object. Essentially we have currencies that are user defined, we need to generate a form for each currency to allow the user to input exchange rates. I think I'm doing my list properly according to this post, however I'm not getting any data bound. here is my ASPX snippit.
Here is my form data object and associated objects.
Here is the html that is rendered.[Code]....
I'm having trouble finding a good tutorial on binding complex lists to an object. Essentially we have currencies that are user defined, we need to generate a form for each currency to allow the user to input exchange rates. I think I'm doing my list properly according to this post, however I'm not getting any data bound. here is my ASPX snippit.
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Oct 26, 2010
Is it possible to bind a rdlc report to a business object (.NET 4/VS 2010)In my report I have TextBoxes called Name and Email.Say I have an object Person with properties Name and Email.Can I bind the .rdlc with an object Person at runtime?
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