Web Forms :: Treeview Binding With Multiple Root Elements?
Nov 29, 2010
I have a treeview like this
like that
when i click on p3 of root2 display data.
but how to know which parent of child is selected?
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I am new to Dot net.
I have Treeview with 4 child nodes.I have 4 XML Files.
When i click on each child node,i have to display XML File
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Second child node ----- CLICk-----> Second XML File
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<image filename="1.jpg" heading="1.jpg" />
<image filename="10.jpg" heading="10.jpg" />
<image filename="11.jpg" heading="11.jpg" />
<image filename="2.jpg" heading="2.jpg" />
<image filename="3.jpg" heading="3.jpg" />
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Jul 14, 2010
I am writing a programming using Tree View. I have created the Tree View object and have added a node for the root called Favorites. I want the user to be able to enter a value in a text box and once clicking on an add folder button, an event fires that takes the text that was entered in the textbox and creates a new node under the root node of favorites.
I am having a problem with my program in that the user is not able to click on the Favorites root note in order to create another node underneath of it. Favorites is simply displaying on the screen, but they cannot click on it to select it. What do I need to add so that the user can select the node to which they want to add a child node to?
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Nov 12, 2010
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Nov 12, 2010
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Apr 8, 2010
I need to display the innertext of the each node as items in my menu along with count (i.e; NewObject1(1), NewObject2(2)). I m using treeview but not able to bind this to treeview using xmldom
Xpath being://Request/NewObject/Object/text(). But not able to read text() attribute to treeview.
<NewObject ID="1"> [code]......
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Aug 25, 2010
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e.g. with the view model
class FooViewModel
public List<BarViewModel> Bars { get; set; }
class BarViewModel
public string Something { get; set; }
and the html
<input type="text" name="Bars[1].Something" value="a" />
<input type="text" name="Bars[3].Something" value="b" />
<input type="text" name="Bars[6].Something" value="c" />
at the moment, bars will just be null. how could I get the model binder to ignore any missing elements? i.e. the above would bind to:
BarViewModel { Something = "a" },
BarViewModel { Something = "b" },
BarViewModel { Something = "c" }
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Apr 28, 2010
I have a class Person with three properties, ID, Name, Registered. I have the following array of this class
Person1 (ID=A00 ,Name=Andy )
Person2 (ID=A01 ,Name=John )
Person3 (ID=A02 ,Name=Lina )
Person4 (ID=B00 ,Name=Rachel )
Person5 (ID=B01 ,Name=Peter )
Person6 (ID=C00 ,Name=Hans )
Person6 (ID=C01 ,Name=Emily )
I need to show this array in a treeview in this way: When the person has ID finished in 00, it is showed how the father node, and the other persons starting with the same letter are the child nodes.
In this case Andy would be the father indented 0, and john and lina would be his childs indented 1.
I need to show this structure in a checkbox treeview and when I select the father checkbox, the child checkbox must be selected too.
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Jan 11, 2011
I have a Web.sitemap like this
Menu A
Menu a
Menu b
Menu c
Menu d
Now I want to insert 2 childs under Home become
Menu A
Menu a
Menu b
Menu B
Menu c
Menu d
My web.sitemap file was like this:
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Jan 27, 2010
I ran into the following issue when trying to run a test website on IIS 7.5 (Windows Server 2008 R2 DatacenterEdition). The web-app is configured to run with framework version 3.5 in a .Net 2.0 app pool. Also the framework 4.0 beta 2 is installed on the server. The application named 'TestPfade' is located under the website's root named 'Default'. It is not only a virtual directory but defined as an application. The folder structure looks like this: The markup of the sole document reads as follows:
When viewed in a browser the image gets shown because the given relative path is correctly resolved to 'images/Lighthouse.jpg' but the paths to the ajax-framework resources also include the application's root folder and therefor aren't found: 'src="/TestPfade/WebResource.axd?d=1bX...' Here is the complete html-source generated:
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Mar 10, 2011
I see that the data is there when I autogenerate. I can't seem to understand how to get the values from the nodes? Any reference anywhere on the ways to set the properties of databandings/TreeNodeBinding?
Like I need the name inside here
<TaxonomyName>Resource Enhancement</TaxonomyName>
<asp:TreeView ID="tvSubmissionCategories" runat="server" DataSourceID="xdsSubmissionCategories"
<asp:TreeNodeBinding DataMember="Taxonomy" Text="TextThing" />
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Oct 2, 2010
How can I bind data to YUI Treeview control [URL]
here is sample JavaScript code that have been used in the above URL
<div id="treeDiv1">
<script type="text/javascript">
var tree;
(function() {
function treeInit() {
function buildRandomTextNodeTree() {
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Feb 21, 2011
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I want to do something like this in mvc 3:
How do I do a text box for each guest? And how do I capture them in the action method that it posts back to?
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Nov 30, 2010
I want to create XML document with multiple elements inside. The format should be something like this:
How Can I solve this, so the data will be fetched correctly?
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Feb 4, 2011
Is it possible to use multiple authorization elements in a single web.config to allow additional users access to one file?
E.g., I would like to allow User1 access to the whole application (including Page1.aspx), and User2 access to only Page1.aspx:
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Oct 5, 2010
i have multiple tables .
I have created one stored procedure where I am selecting the table values.
I am using LINQ to retrieve the Data. So Using Linq I am calling the stored procedure.
So I ll get the table values in the C# Code the table values.
so in my UI i have 4 gridviews.
I want split the output values into four source and bind it to the grid.
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May 13, 2010
I have a treeview associated with an XML Datasource but the treeview loads only the xml node names whereas i want to assign the values in the xml nodes to the treeview instead of typing <databinding> for each node in the source file. I want to write code which dynamically read the xml nodes and populatethe treeview or is there any property which will read the values also ?
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