Web Forms :: Calls OLE In Web Site Application?

Jul 29, 2010

I try to write on clipborad the HtmlTextWriterin Render Event of Web Page.Why do i recive this error ?Prima di effettuare chiamate OLE, occorre impostare il thread corrente sulla modalità Single Thread Apartment (STA). Assicurarsi che la funzione Main sia contrassegnata con STAThreadAttribute.Before OLE calls, set the current thread to single thread mode on Apartment (STA).Make sure the Main function is marked with STAThreadAttribute.his is the of ASP.NET page that throw the error

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
public delegate void ClipBoardEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);


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Web Forms :: Persist Data Across Event Calls Without Using Session / Application Variables

Oct 26, 2010

If I have a 2 control load events and one page load event subs and the control1_Load events fires first, can I lookup some database things and persist them? I would like to use the persisted data in the other two events when they fire. Normally I've been using session variables , is there a better way?

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How To Keep Session Alive Between Two Calls To A Web Service In A C# Application

Oct 5, 2010

This is quite straight forward. I'm calling a web-service (.asmx, with session enabled) from a c# application. I want each call to be with the same session key as the previous one (as opposed to creating a new session key each time).

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Calls To Successive Calls On Repeater With XML Datasource Is Not Binding New Data?

Feb 17, 2010

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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
XmlDataSource1.Data = GetXmlFromFile(Request.QueryString["file"]);

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What am I missing here. How can I get the XML data to be bound against the repeater on each page load instead of just the first one?

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Multiple Webservice Calls / Some Of Its Calls Are Duplicated (with Difference Of Milliseconds)

May 10, 2010

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Configuration :: How To Created A Simple Web Application That Calls A COM Object

Jun 28, 2010

I have searched the vast information highway and found nothing but road blocks!I have created a simple web application that calls a COM object like we've all done before. Well this time, the COM interop don't want to work due to DCOM Identity CRISIS. The only way I can get it to work is to physically log in to the web server and thenrun my web application.

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Asynchronous C# Method Calls In Page Working On Debug, But Not Working On Live Site

Jan 25, 2011

OK Here is the situation:

I have a web app with a table of statistics on our salesmen's customers, and each row has a sparkline graph showing the general trend of the sales data for the last 12 months. Each page shows a particular salesman's customer list, and some of them can have an enormous number of customers = an enormous number of rows = an enormous number of sparklines (e.g. one in particular has 125 and takes 15 seconds to load).

For this reason, jQuery sparklines could not be used - they completely pinned the CPU of a user accessing a page with a lot of sparklines with IE.

So I moved on to using the Google Chart API, which worked much better, except for two issues: 1) it's on a secure site, and the Google Chart API URL is only served over HTTP (solved by using a small wrapper script to download the graph dynamically and re-serve it from our secure server); and 2) on a page with 125 sparklines, it was still very slow due to the number of requests (even when the 0-9 server prefixes are used to maximize the # of available connections).

So my next step beyond this was to try to make each of the "download/grab/re-serve image" method calls asynchronous - and it worked!

...but only on my dev box running in debug mode.

When I pushed it up to the live site, it was faster, but it left some of the images unloaded, which is of course unacceptable.

So here is what I was hoping some SO hotshot would know:

1) Why are my asynchronous method calls working while debugging, but not working on the live site?

2) Is there any easier way to get a large number of sparklines of some sort to load quickly on a secure server without making me want to tear my hair out?

2a.) Does anyone have any experience using the ASP.NET Chart Library? Is this something I should investigate?

2b.) A co-worker suggested I make my own sparkline routine using a 1x1 CSS background image and varying the height. The problems are a) it is completely un-extensible in case we want to make changes; b) it seems hacky as hell (leaves about a bajillion DIVs per sparkline in the markup); and c) I have no idea if it will be fast enough when there are 100-200 of them on one page - what are your thoughts on the feasibility of the 1x1 sprite approach?

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Visual Studio :: Web Site / Web Application Templates Seem Changed - Default.aspx Only With Site.master

Oct 21, 2010

Using Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. I was used to creating a web app anytime and I would get a default page for starters and be happy. But today I find that when I pick either the ASP.NET Web Site or ASP.NET Web Application templates I get site.master and a bunch of site admin files that I don't want. Alternately when I select the empty versions of those templates, I get almost nothing at all. An almost empty web.config page and no Default.aspx page. There is nothing magical about having a default.aspx page in place, but it is an indicator of a change when I can only get a virtually completely empty website or a website with a bunch of bells and whistles I don't want.

Also, for some reason, when I create a new app or website as just noted, in the Solution Explorer I get aspx.designer.cs files showing as well as web.config files for both debug and release. Somehow some settings and templates must have changed, or am I missing something here? How can I get my settings/templates to go back to the way they were?

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Web Forms :: Add Application Help Functionality To .net Site?

Feb 8, 2010

I'm planning to add application help functionality to an asp.net site, with the following requirements:

1. Help links to be introduced throughout the application, either at the page level or next to a particular textbox, with a popup that will show guidance to users on how to use that page or what to enter in that textbox.

2. Content of these help popups to be managed by a designated end-user (not the site's developers).Currently we are using help popups that are programmed into the system and can only be changed through site upgrades.

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MVC :: All Changes To Site.css Are Ignored In Web Application?

Jun 7, 2010

It appears that the mvc project is ignoring the site.css file.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Open VS2010.

2. Create a MVC2 Web Application.

3. Make any change to the style sheet, and note that your changes do not appear when you run the app.

4. Even better, rename the Site.css file and note that the site runs fine without it.

Could someone explain why the Site.css file in the Content folder is being ignored?

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Web Service And Web Site In Same Application - .net 2.0?

Aug 31, 2010

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C# - Difference Between Web Application And Web Site?

Oct 11, 2010

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Site Not Marked As Application In IIS?

Mar 10, 2010

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How To Use Profile In Web Site/web Application

Apr 4, 2011

Some years ago I worked at a very large project in C++/Java with the a CORBA ORB and we were using Rational Purify/CodeCoverage to instrument, detect memory leaks and discover bottlenecks on server code. From that time I did not have any experience on using tools like that on the .NET platform either working on pure c# or with a web application

Do you use tools?Do you estimate traffic and do calculations on the expected bandwidth needed?

Do you profile differently server code and web page rendering?

What code coverage tool are you using?

I know this is a very big topic. Some information I have are from the book "Performance Analysis for Java WebSites", who is fo the Java platform and reference tools for that platform but ises an approach that is transferable and so the core ideas apply generally.

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How To Show A Site In Web Application

Aug 27, 2010

in my web application i have a button controls like yahoo button, gmail button etc., when i click on any button i want to show the related site in my web application (i want to show the site in a particular part of my web application) right side corner of my web application how can i show the site, which control i have to use.in window application we have webBrowser control in web application how can i show the website.

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Create Web Site Vs Web Application?

Aug 20, 2010

I follow the tutorial and creted a web site for my company sales system. One of my collegue mention we use the wrong templet, we should use Web application for company application.Should i continue using web site or change to web application? We are creating application for company sales, inventory, hr ,etc where possible more than 1000++ user. And during month end, it will be high traffic and transaction. can Web Site Template with BLL and DAL handle it? or i just need a powerful server?

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Configuration :: How To Publish Site / MVC Application

Dec 30, 2010

I had first build an database and populated it with various information, set some properties related to FTS and other things.

Now, in the asp.net MVC application, I am able to add the database ServerExplorer->Connect To Database-> Data Source= MS SQL SERVER->Server name->OpAmp-pc. Now, I was unable to add the database by copying the file in app data folder.

My doubt it how can I share the website+ database with my fellow batchmate or put the whole website online.

Build->Publish Sirte, didn't solved the pupose.

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Implement A Web Site Installer For Application

Feb 3, 2010

I need to implement a web site installer for my asp.net application. The installer will be handling following features - Deploy the .net web application on to the IIS server Setting up the Sql database connection to run the DB scripts. Execute all the DB scripts. Run another exe for the license management. If some thing goes wrong, need to rollback everything. I have heard about wix and install shield and wondering what would be the best technology suitable for this particular case.

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Visual Studio :: Difference Between Web Application And Web Site

Nov 26, 2010

What is the difference between a Web Application and a Web Site?

These are the steps i am following crating the both:

File - new Project - Visual C# - ASP.NET Web Application
FIle - New Web Site - Select "ASP.NET Web Site"

I know this a simple doubt but i want to know.

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Deploy Web Application To A Sharepoint 2010 Site Using WSP

Aug 2, 2010

Suppose I created a custom web application that consists of: several assembly DLLs: web app, business logic, data services multiple aspx pages and ascx custom controls that use them custom configuration section custom HTTP module. More or less the usual stuff. I would like to deploy it to a particular sharepoint site under a certain subfolder. So if I access my sharepoint site via [URL] (because I'm not using sites/some_site) I'd like my application to be available under [URL]

I could manually add a virtual folder (not application because I would need to access some Sharepoint site's data) to my sharepoint site in IIS and manually edit site's web.config file to register my HTTP module and add my custom configuration section as well either putting my DLLs into GAC or put them in the _app_bin (so I don't have problems with CAS), but I don't think that's a good thing to do, because this web application may get deployed in an environment where this shouldn't/couldn't be possible. So I figured I could build a WSP using Visual Studio 2010 and deploy it that way. But I don't have enough experience doing that.

I created a new sharepoint 2010 project. Is there a way I could add all non-executable application files (aspx, ascx) at once? I've seen the advanced tab of the WSP package where I can add my DLLs either to bin folder or GAC. I don't know whether I would also have to add any safe control and register certain classes?So I suppose I need some pretty detailed and explanatory guidance here.

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Site Security/Access Management For Mvc Application

Mar 25, 2010

I am trying to find a good pattern to use for user access validation.

Basically on a webforms application I had a framework which used user roles to define access, ie, users were assigned into roles, and "pages" were granted access to a page. I had a table in the database with all the pages listed in it. Pages could have child pages that got their access inherited from the parent.

When defining access, I assigned the roles access to the pages. Users in the role then had access to the pages. It is fairly simple to manage as well. The way I implemented this was on a base class that every page inherited. On pageload/init I would check the page url and validate access and act appropriately.

However I am now working on a MVC application and need to implement something similar, however I can't find a good way to make my previous solution work. Purely because I don't have static pages as url paths. Also I am not sure how best to approach this as I now have controllers rather then aspx pages.

I have looked at the MVCSitemapprovider, but that does not work off a database, it needs a sitemap file. I need control of changing user persmissions on the fly.

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Configuration :: Setting Up An Application Pool And Site?

Aug 17, 2010

I have developed my web site, now i need to set up a space on the server for it.

I have added an application pool in iis and created a site but im not sure how to link the 2 or what to do next.

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Visual Studio :: Running A Web Site Or Web Application Project?

Mar 16, 2010

So I have seen the items about the differneces between web application and web site projects. My big question is - how can I tell which one I am running in the RC of VS 1010?

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How To Manually Clear Server Cache For A Single Application / Web Site

Mar 11, 2011

How can I manually clear ASP.NET server cache related to a give application/web site like what can be done on IE to clear browser cache for a give domain? BTW, I am using II7.

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Security :: In Application How To Stop Cross Site Request Forgery

Jun 15, 2010

I am using asp.net 3.5 and have validateRequest="true" in the machine.config.

Do I need to do something special to stop CSRF and Cross Site scripting or asp.net will handle all these?

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