Web Forms :: Can't Pass String From Database

Apr 23, 2010

I'm creating a dynamic menu, from the reading of a table in a database, everything is going well so far I need to read the url field that has the address of the pages, to appear in the masterpage, the problem can not I pass the string from the database for the navigateUrl.

<asp:MenuItemBinding DataMember="MenuItem"
TextField="Text" ToolTipField="ToolTip" NavigateUrl="pathurl"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" encoding="utf-8"/>
<!-- Find the root node called Menus
and call MenuListing for its children -->
<xsl:template match="/Menus">
<xsl:call-template name="MenuListing" />
<!-- Allow for recusive child node processing -->
<xsl:template name="MenuListing">
<xsl:apply-templates select="Menu" />
<xsl:template match="Menu">
<!-- Convert Menu child elements to MenuItem attributes -->
<xsl:attribute name="Text">
<xsl:value-of select="Description"/>
<xsl:attribute name="ToolTip">
<xsl:value-of select="Text"/>
<xsl:attribute name="pathurl">
<xsl:value-of select="url"/>
<!-- Call MenuListing if there are child Menu nodes -->
<xsl:if test="count(Menu) > 0">
<xsl:call-template name="MenuListing" />

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State Management :: How To Pass Dynamic String Through Query String With Java Script

Dec 24, 2010

I m facing some problem. i m not passing Dynamic string through query string..

I m using this code

string abc = "CPCB_" + TextBox1.Text + "_" + TextBox2.Text;


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C# - Cannot Pass A Input From Text Box To A Query String And Then Keep The String In This Box?

May 28, 2010

I have a simple ASP.net page:

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<p><asp:TextBox id="input_box" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button Text="OK" runat="server" OnClick="run" /></p>

I want to send input from input_box to a query string, and then keep this input in the input_box when the page reloads.

That's the code behind page:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
input_box.Text = Request.QueryString["input"];
protected void run(object sender, EventArgs e)
string url = string.Format("?input={0}", input_box.Text);
Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsolutePath + url);

Problem is that when query string is not empty, string from input_box cannot be passed to query string. How to correct it?

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Web Forms :: Pass A String Value From JavaScript To VB.Net?

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I'm new to ASP.Net and need to pass a string value being recorded in a JavaScript function to a temporary string declared in VB.Net.

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Mar 14, 2011

I have never passed along variables to a function before. I have a function here that should return true or false.

My question is, how I do this in a realtime example. How do you pass along the 4 string variables to the function and see if cbValid is true or false ?


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Web Forms :: Pass A String To A Date On A Calendar?

Feb 11, 2010

I downloaded the sample project from here:


I wanted to use this in one of my projects and the project is all in VB so I tried to convert the C# to VB; it appears that C# did not convert to VB properly. This is what I have after the conversion and a few small modifications (number of schedDay):


It appears that the string is not being passed to the date on the calendar; all dates are shown, but no strings are displayed within the dates. What am I doing wrong?

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Web Forms :: Pass Data Through Query String?

Sep 8, 2010

In my website i pass data through query string.

But i want to encrypt it .

If i use encrption , does that mean that on every page which require the query string has to decrypt it.

Or is there a better approach. Fast and less complicatied.

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Web Forms :: Using Java Script To Pass Text String?

Mar 15, 2011

I have the following requirement I need to fulfill using Asp.net and Java Script. Here is the requirement. I have two web forms. Web form A and Web form B. The second web form "B" will act as a popup web form. For web form "A" When web form "B" is closed, I need to pass back a text value to web form "A" Does anyone know how to do this in Java Script?, and Asp.net?

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Web Forms :: Pass Query String With Postback URL For ImageButton

Jul 19, 2012

I am having one Image button in web page. how to set the postbackurl with server side values to  query string values.


public static string strValue="abc";

<asp:ImageButton runat="server" ID="imgCancel" PostBackUrl="~/Login.aspx?Name=strValue" ImageUrl="~/Images/cancel.png" />

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Web Forms :: Pass Session Variable Value In Query String

May 7, 2015

If that Possible then How? 

Response.Redirect("Manage Admin.aspx?AdminId=Select AdminId from Admins where UserName=" + Session["AdminSession"]);

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Web Forms :: Calling Page - Pass Parameter In Url Query String?

Apr 14, 2010

We are using a asp.net page to submit data to server. what we do is we will pass as parameter in url Query string) and in page load we take that values and submitting to database I have these following doubt

1, What is the default event happening while we call a ASP.NET page is it a POST or GET? We tried to call this url from a mobile application, it is not happening , we are not getting any error also in the mobile application.

2, IF we are calling the url to submit data from mobile applications which one we have to use (GET or POST)

3, IF we are calling this url from an application running in PC to submit which one we have to use ?

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Web Forms :: Query String Value Didn't Pass To Page - Redirect To First?

Jan 29, 2011

I have two pages in asp.net page1.aspx and page2.aspx From page1.aspx am passing the query string value to page2.aspx If user directly go and load page2.aspx, then i need to redirect to page1.aspx, coz page1.aspx query string value should be passed to page2.aspx

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Web Forms :: How To Pass A Long Parameter String (more Than 256 Chars) Via Querystring

Aug 30, 2010

In my project one of scenario demands passing querystring values more than 256 chars @ a time ...I tried it but after 256 chars its trunacting all other chars. workaround or various ways for passing more than 256 chars through querystring.

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Web Forms :: How To Pass The Id Of Selected Checkboxes To Another Page Using Query String

Feb 20, 2011

i have used a gridview and checkbox to select the items in the gridview....I can select the values easily...when i am selecting one row at a time then using query string i can easily pass the id of the selected row but when i am selecting multiple rows in the field,i dont know how to pass the array of integers[i.e id value to another field]...

here is a part of my code...this is the html code..


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Web Forms :: Trying To Pass A String Variable As A Parameter To The Document.getElementByID Function

Jan 17, 2011

I have a label "lbl1" that I am trying to locate in a content page from the Master page. I want to do it dynamically so I am trying to pass the name of the control (which in this case is lbl1) through as a parameter. I don't get an error, it just doesn't work. If I do an alert to see what the string "temp" looks like, it is correct, but iit seems as if Javascript ignores it. I believe it has something to do with the '<%= not being interpreted correctly by the browser&nbsp; I'm sure it is a simple solution, but I can't figure it out!

<input type='hidden' name='ID[4]' value='104170' />
<input type='hidden' name='URL[4]' value='http://forums.asp.net/t/1540102.aspx' />
<input type='hidden' name='CAT[4]' value='DataSource Controls' />
<input type='hidden' name='BOARD[4]' value='microsoft' />
<input type='hidden' name='P_DATE[4]' value='Mar 25, 2010 04:38 AM' />
<input type='hidden' name='RANDOM[4]' value='MKH9Tb4zY' />
<input type='hidden' name='REPLIES[4]' value='3' />
<input type='hidden' name='USER[4]' value='aziz' />
<p><input class=subject type='text' size='90' name='SUBJECT[4]' value='DataSource Controls :: passing control parameter to sql datasource in code behind' /><select name='INDEXED[4]'><option value='1' selected>UPDATE</option><option value='2'>DELETE</option></select>Mar 25, 2010 04:38 AM - Replies: 3 CAT: DataSource Controls<a target=_blank href="http://forums.asp.net/t/1540102.aspx">View</a></p>
<p> <textarea rows=10 cols=100 name='POST[4]' onfocus='setSelRange(this, 0, 0)'/>

I need to pass the control parameter to Sql Datasource in code behind,

<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DDL_RType" Name="rtype" PropertyName="SelectedValue"</textarea></p>
<input type='hidden' name='ID[5]' value='119283' />
<input type='hidden' name='URL[5]' value='http://forums.asp.net/t/1574009.aspx' />
<input type='hidden' name='CAT[5]' value='Forms Data Controls' />
<input type='hidden' name='BOARD[5]' value='microsoft' />
<input type='hidden' name='P_DATE[5]' value='Jun 30, 2010 11:12 AM' />
<input type='hidden' name='RANDOM[5]' value='vaWaIeNdo' />
<input type='hidden' name='REPLIES[5]' value='4' />
<input type='hidden' name='USER[5]' value='aziz' />
<p><input class=subject type='text' size='90' name='SUBJECT[5]' value='Forms Data Controls :: Pass parameter to object datasource in user control.' /><select name='INDEXED[5]'><option value='1' selected>UPDATE</option><option value='2'>DELETE</option></select>Jun 30, 2010 11:12 AM - Replies: 4 CAT: Forms Data Controls<a target=_blank href="http://forums.asp.net/t/1574009.aspx">View</a></p>
<p> <textarea rows=10 cols=100 name='POST[5]' onfocus='setSelRange(this, 0, 0)'/>

I have a gridview inside a user control bind to an object datasource. Now I want to bind the object datasource with a parameter from parent page. For this purpose I defined a public property in user control but how do I pass it with object datasource? I am calling from parent page like myusercontrol.parameter=querystring["id"]; How to bind object datasource with my parameter?

<input type='hidden' name='ID[6]' value='184482' />
<input type='hidden' name='URL[6]' value='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3627231/datasource-with-parameter-in-aspx-page-to-move-in-user-control' />
<input type='hidden' name='CAT[6]' value='ASP.NET' />
<input type='hidden' name='BOARD[6]' value='stackoverflow' />
<input type='hidden' name='P_DATE[6]' value='Sep 2 10 at 12:49' />
<input type='hidden' name='RANDOM[6]' value='bYX0jeAEp' />
<input type='hidden' name='REPLIES[6]' value='2' />
<input type='hidden' name='USER[6]' value='aziz' />
<p><input class=subject type='text' size='90' name='SUBJECT[6]' value='asp.net - Datasource with parameter in ASPX page to move in user control' /><select name='INDEXED[6]'><option value='1' selected>UPDATE</option><option value='2'>DELETE</option></select>Sep 2 10 at 12:49 - Replies: 2 CAT: ASP.NET<a target=_blank href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3627231/datasource-with-parameter-in-aspx-page-to-move-in-user-control">View</a></p>
<p> <textarea rows=10 cols=100 name='POST[6]' onfocus='setSelRange(this, 0, 0)'/>

I have a page with some datasources in it. I am doing reenginering of the page itself and would like to split some parts of the page in several user controls. In my code I have an ObjectDataSource object with the following params

<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server"
<asp:ControlParameter Name="albumID" ControlID="txtAlbumID" Type="Int32"/>

This piece of code automatically bind the hidden field "txtAlbumId" to the datasource. In my revision this datasource should be moved to a user control. What is the best way to handle a scenario like this?

<input type='hidden' name='ID[7]' value='34389' />
<input type='hidden' name='URL[7]' value='http://forums.asp.net/t/1627446.aspx' />
<input type='hidden' name='CAT[7]' value='Web Forms' />
<input type='hidden' name='BOARD[7]' value='microsoft' />
<input type='hidden' name='P_DATE[7]' value='Nov 26, 2010 08:25 PM' />
<input type='hidden' name='RANDOM[7]' value='UEVLcNi9r' />
<input type='hidden' name='REPLIES[7]' value='4' />
<input type='hidden' name='USER[7]' value='aziz' />
<p><input class=subject type='text' size='90' name='SUBJECT[7]' value='Web Forms :: How to parse a string variable for diplay in control' /><select name='INDEXED[7]'><option value='1' selected>UPDATE</option><option value='2'>DELETE</option></select>Nov 26, 2010 08:25 PM - Replies: 4 CAT: Web Forms<a target=_blank href="http://forums.asp.net/t/1627446.aspx">View</a></p>
<p> <textarea rows=10 cols=100 name='POST[7]' onfocus='setSelRange(this, 0, 0)'/>&nbsp;How can i&nbsp;&nbsp;display the string variable data "234,345,567,678" into a listbox?

i wish to parse the delimited string as seperate items.

the string can vary in&nbsp;length.&nbsp;</textarea></p>
<input type='hidden' name='ID[8]' value='175584' />
<input type='hidden' name='URL[8]' value='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2866868/datasource-select-parameter-from-get-value' />
<input type='hidden' name='CAT[8]' value='ASP.NET' />
<input type='hidden' name='BOARD[8]' value='stackoverflow' />
<input type='hidden' name='P_DATE[8]' value='May 19 10 at 15:21' />
<input type='hidden' name='RANDOM[8]' value='XYAWdt1ps' />
<input type='hidden' name='REPLIES[8]' value='1' />
<input type='hidden' name='USER[8]' value='aziz' />
<p><input class=subject type='text' size='90' name='SUBJECT[8]' value='c# - DataSource Select Parameter from GET value' /><select name='INDEXED[8]'><option value='1' selected>UPDATE</option><option value='2'>DELETE</option></select>May 19 10 at 15:21 - Replies: 1 CAT: ASP.NET<a target=_blank href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2866868/datasource-select-parameter-from-get-value">View</a></p>
<p> <textarea rows=10 cols=100 name='POST[8]' onfocus='setSelRange(this, 0, 0)'/>How can I use the value of a GET form value as a SelectParameter?

Note: Both C# and VB.NET answers are fine.

<input type='hidden' name='ID[9]' value='46929' />
<input type='hidden' name='URL[9]' value='http://forums.asp.net/t/1542116.aspx' />
<input type='hidden' name='CAT[9]' value='Web Forms' />
<input type='hidden' name='BOARD[9]' value='microsoft' />
<input type='hidden' name='P_DATE[9]' value='Mar 31, 2010 01:51 AM' />
<input type='hidden' name='RANDOM[9]' value='iX9IkD8rq' />
<input type='hidden' name='REPLIES[9]' value='1' />
<input type='hidden' name='USER[9]' value='aziz' />
<p><input class=subject type='text' size='90' name='SUBJECT[9]' value='Web Forms :: How to pass parameter in DropdownList Datasource' /><select name='INDEXED[9]'><option value='1' selected>UPDATE</option><option value='2'>DELETE</option></select>Mar 31, 2010 01:51 AM - Replies: 1 CAT: Web Forms<a target=_blank href="http://forums.asp.net/t/1542116.aspx">View</a></p>
<p> <textarea rows=10 cols=100 name='POST[9]' onfocus='setSelRange(this, 0, 0)'/>

I just like to know how to pass a parameter to the datasource of my dllItemCodeFooter&nbsp;and dllItemCodeEdit Drowndownlist which calls my getItemCodeList(decimal categoryID) method in the code behind. The value of the parameter will be seletectedValue of the first dropdownlist ddlCategoryFooter&nbsp;or&nbsp;ddlCategoryEdit).I know it could be done in code behind, but i prefer to bind my datasource in asp page. I want to achieve something like this DataSource='<%# getItemCodeList(ddlCategoryEdit.Seletected)%>'


View 7 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Split The String Into N No. Of Strings N Pass That Into Datalist

Apr 29, 2010

One to Many Relationship Between Columns For each filename it should show multiple HS1's links

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Pass String Contains '+' Via The Querystring?

Apr 22, 2010

I need to pass '+' via the QueryString.

some special character can be passed by using 'Encode' .. but '+'

I know the one solution, If I replace '+' with other character.

But it's not the perfect solution.


well I used escape() javascript function to encode.

escape function can't encode + . is the another function to encode on javascript?

View 4 Replies

Pass Value In String S Onto A New Webpage In C#

Nov 8, 2010

i want to pass a string value from one page to another.Also i have some text boxes and the values entered in it needs to be passed to a new page.How do i do it?

I have a string S

String S = Editor1.Content.ToString();

i want to pass value in string S onto a new page i.e Default2.aspx how can i do this in ASP.net C#

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Web Forms :: How To Pass Null Values To Database

Nov 3, 2010

my table field allows null values. but my code below does not work unless a value is assigned to my variable even though the glable variable is initialised to 0; tried the DBNull.Value - still, it gives me error as the table in question is linked and expecting a value.


View 10 Replies

MVC :: Pass A String Value To A Controller Action?

Feb 16, 2011

I am trying to get this functionality on my jokes website:


To get all the bar jokes ..etc

The way I have my route right now is:


which means I have to type:


the problem is that even with that, the string parameter "bar" isn't being acknowledged ! ( I know from debugging). Here is my Index action in the Category controller:


View 8 Replies

How To Pass Date In Query String

Mar 4, 2010

I have a textbox with a date field in dd/MM/yyyy format.

I am passing it to popup page via query string. Problem being is that it is translated there as MM/dd/yyyy

How do I fetch the date correctly guys ? My code on parent page gridview


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C# - Pass String Parameter To SqlDataSource?

Sep 16, 2010

i have placed a SqlDataSource component on my aspx page but while configuring the SqlDataSource in the "Test Query" Step I am passing the following parameters :But when i click ok it returns following error:This error occurs when i pass the string :


I have tried a lot of combinations but nothing works. It works only if i pass one of the three words in single quotes like this :'ERROR'Infact the INFO WARN and ERROR are the various levels available in the table. Each record can have only one level and in the sql query i am using IN("-----") to match the criteria, hope you understand.

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How To Pass A String From .aspx To A Class

Feb 24, 2010

I need to pass a string from my .aspx page to my .VB class.

i need to capture (device_category; accept_headers : user_agent) and pass the values to my class, i tryed to captur the values on the clas itself but i got an error(valuse are not member of this class..)

How can i have a string accessable to my class?

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How To Pass A Value To A String From A Local Resource

Feb 11, 2010

I have created a webpage called server.aspx and the related local resource file called server.aspx.resx. In the resourcefile I defined the message "{0} is required." with the key Error.

In my .aspx page I access the string:

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ControlToValidate="textboxName" runat="server" ErrorMessage="<%$ Resources:Error %> ID="validatorName">

Now I want to pass a value, for example the name of the textbox 'Name' to the resource string, so that the errormessage is "Name is required."

Is there any possibility to pass a value to the string?

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C# - Pass A String Value Into A Gridview In C Sharp?

Oct 6, 2010

i have extracted data from database..currently that information is in a string variable...my point is to pass that string value into a gridview in the application..i have already created the gridview with checkbox list fitted into it...on inserting the values will the gridview will expand dynamically ??..if no then what to do ? how to push the data into gridview so that it expands dynamically?

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