Web Forms :: Different Option With RouteTable In 4.0

Jan 11, 2011

I have a page with 4 option query string. I wan to show SEO friendly URL with all four query string. I have configured as follows in global.asax file:

routes.MapPageRoute("commercial", "real-estate/commercial/{state}/{dist}/{location}/{seoTitle}.html", "~/Commercial.aspx");

the page can be display like:

- [URL]
- [URL]
- [URL]
- [URL]

So my question is, shall I need to configure separately for each link and that this will work for above said scenario?

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How to get url from RouteTable.Routes collection by key?

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Enumerating .NET MVC RouteTable Route URLs?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to enumerate the URLs of Routes in the RouteTable.In my scenario, I have the following routes defined:

("PadCreateNote", "create", new { controller = "Pad", action = "CreateNote" });
routes.MapRoute [code]...

In other words, if my site is mysite.com, mysite.com/create invokes PadController.CreateNote(), and mysite.com/foobaris invokes PadController.Index().I also have a class that strongly types usernames:

public class Username
public readonly string value;[code]....

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var username = new Username("create");

Then an exception should be thrown. What do I need to replace //... make sure 'name' isn't a route URL off root with?

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C# - How To Reload RouteTable When Webpage Collection Has Changed

Feb 5, 2011

In my Global.asax file on Application_Start I create a certain number of routes in RouteTable.Routes by looping through a list of web pages collected from a database. This works fine, all routes are created and function as required. But in my web application the user can modify the database and therefore the collection of web pages. This means that during the life cycle of the application some of the routes become invalid, and new routes should be added.

What I wish to do is: The moment the user changes something to the web pages collection, I would like to clear the RouteTable and reload it by looping through the (modified) web pages collection again.

Unfortunately the Application_Start in Global.asax is ran only once, namely at the beginning of the application. I tried moving it to Session_Start which results in undesired behaviour due to the RoutesTable being static.

How do I give my user the ability to change the web page collection on-the-fly whilst having the static RouteTable remain 'in-sync' with it?


At the moment I do something like this (pseudo-code):


The problem is that during the life cycle of the application users can add/modify/delete records in the webPageInfos, how do I update the RouteTable with these changes?

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Web Forms :: Can't Select Dropdown List Option If There Is Only One Option Returned

Jun 29, 2010

I have a dynamic dropdown that is populated from sql. The user is supposed to select an option from the dropdown, then click a search button on the form to return some results based on that selection. It works fine if the dropdown gets populated with more than one record. However, if only one record is returned, that one record can't be selected. Whether you select it or just leave it alone since it's the only one, when you click the form button (search button), no results are returned b/c the dropdown selection must not be actually selected.

I've included the relevant code below. First the DDL, then the datasource, and finally the C# code in the if (!Page.IsPostBack)


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Web Forms :: Should Keep Using Iframe Or There Is Any Other Better Option

Mar 5, 2011

I have to convert some classic ASP code into ASP.NET Here is the scenario:?id=1234 , Page1 has two iframes frame1->frame1.asp?id=1 , frame1 has some buttons clicking on which will decide if to allow user to print info in frame2.frame2->frame2.asp?id=1, frame2 has detailed info about id=1 which needs to be printed based on action taken in frame1.Is this approach still the best one or are there any other better options?One option I can think of is replacing frame1 and frame2 by UserControls.

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Web Forms :: Use Databinding Option In Wizard?

Oct 10, 2010

I have Wizard steps in a a Wizard control. Each step looks like a form with textboxes and dropdowns for users to complete. I don't want to lose the data as user completes each of the wizard step.

1. I'm thinking about saving user input to sql database when user clicks the next button with each wizard step but I wonder if this is wise since it would create many runs and writes to the server? If not the best way then what method should I use? I just don't want user to lose data if browser crash or for any reason.

2. Or should I use the DataBinding option in the Wizard? Would this be a better performance?

3. Another concern I have is that there are on average about 7, 8 HTML-Server CONTROLS (I added id and Runat="server" to the regular html controls) in a wizard step. If I load up all 7 steps and each step has 8 controls then is that a lot of controls? Wouldn't that affect performance easily when there are a few more users access this web app? Maybe I shouldn't use Wizard for this then? I should just have 7 forms and each form would have Next and Prev buttons that takes users to whatever page they want?

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Jan 4, 2011

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Apr 20, 2010

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Jun 18, 2010

it is possible to select an option in selectbox by value?In c# there is a way to select it by index. But I realy want do it by value?

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Web Forms :: Looking For An Option To Print A Page With All The Formatting?

Sep 7, 2010

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Web Forms :: How To Get Other Country And State Option In Dropdown

Feb 2, 2011

i am entering the value in a txtCountry and txtState if the other country and other state option is been selected. while i am entering the otherCountry and OtherState option at the dropdown lists Databound event.

so at the time of getting the data from database if the other option is selected then i am giving the variable value to the txtCountry and txtState likewise. but here i am not getting the exact output and getting error.

my code looks like below.


in above Code the ViewData function gets the data at edit time from the database

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Web Forms :: Changing Dropdowns Option When Click Other

Jan 19, 2010

I'm currently writing a website with two linked drop downs, when you click one it changes what options can be used in the second one, that's all find and dandy however i need to have the option for an "Any" (*) option in both of them, I did have it working with appenddataitems turned on and "

however this causes problems as you click an option in the first dropdown then change it and the second drop down keeps the options for the first selection aswell. Am i going to have to live without the Any option in the second box and put in code if firstbox.text = "Any" then Secondbox.text = "Any" (when it comes to doing the search on the database?)

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Jan 5, 2011

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Jan 3, 2011

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Web Forms :: Paging On Existing Print Option On Browser?

Apr 7, 2010

I have a listview on the web page, which looks like a neat report.

Like you know all web pages on IE have a print option on it or Print Preview.

These are existing on the web page.

When I click on it to print my page, which has two pages to print. The first page is fine, but the second page has a wide space right on top. How could I do paging settings to fix this space to go away?


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Web Forms :: How To Hide A Open Option While Downloading Files

Feb 10, 2011

How to hide a open option while downloading files from Web page developed using asp.net C#.

My Exact need is ,

1.I will download a excel from my webpage ,there it s giving option to Open,Save,Cancel.

2.But i dont want to give option to open excel with out saving .Because if they give i am getting version compatibilty errors.Those are unsolved over a month,so ve decided to hide the open button.

Is there any way to do that so in asp.net c#?

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Nov 6, 2010

how to setup a edit option in the drop down...


I have a drop down for 6 colors...and user didn't find the color which he wants...can I place a last option as new or Edit or something which allows the user to enter the color he wants in the dropdown or change that drop down to textbox to enter data... If this is possibly then how can i capture those values in the code behind...

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Web Forms :: Open New Window Option For Image Button?

Aug 17, 2010

I am using an Image Button with onclientclick property set.

Upon clicking the button I am able to navigate to URL page. But when I am right clicking on the Image Button I am not getting "Open in new window" or "Open in new tab". These options I see when I right click on an Hyperlink control.

Can we achieve the same fro Image Button.

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Web Forms :: Save Option For Each Page In The Client Side?

Apr 12, 2010

I am working on a real estate website, they asked to have a "Save this page to list"means that the vistor will save this page in his browser .Is it using cookies ? how ?

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Web Forms :: Payment Option Based On Time Of Month?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a fuctioning webform where users can sign-up for a monthly reoccurring meeting. However I want to change the payment amount based on the date the individual signs up.

For instance the meeting is the 2nd wednesday of the month, if user signs up 7 days or greater they pay $10. If they sign up less than 7 days till the meeting they by $20 dollars. If user signs up 2 days before meeting they receive a message informing them registration is closed.

Is this possible with aspnet? If so how is it done, if not what options do I have?

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Web Forms :: Unable To Render Pdf And Page Option Simultaneously?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a aspx.cs page that renders a pdf file directly.

To render the pdf directly i have to use ContentType="applicationpdf" in my .aspx page.

The problem I am facing now is:

I need a time-request field - namely, the user would have to enter the time (from and to) and hit Go and the pdf will be rendered according to the date-requested.

However, I cannot display the time-request (or page option) field and render the pdf simultaneously.

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