Web Forms :: Performing SaveAs Option In ConsoleApplication?

Jan 3, 2011

Is there any way to perform traditional web based Upload SaveAs option with consoleapplication. I just want to call the saveAs option by passing the filename as argument need to be saved to the location.

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Web Forms :: Can't Select Dropdown List Option If There Is Only One Option Returned

Jun 29, 2010

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Web Forms :: Image Corrupting By SaveAs Dialog?

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Web Forms :: HttpPostedFile.SaveAs - Save To Fixed Directory Path?

Jan 19, 2011

I have a standard FileUpload control, which calls a class library, where the file becomes HttpPostedFile. In beta versions of my page, I've been able to successfully use HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(filename)to save the file. The class library does various functions, including saving the image into /uploads and a thumbnail into/thumbs.

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My question is: Apart from hard-coding the directory structure of my hosting provider, is there any way to use an equivilent to server.mappath which will recognise the root path of the website, and ignore sub-folders?

One method which solves my problem is to append "../" to the start of the file location, eg HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../" & filename) ...However, as many pages will be able to call the upload class library (and not all of them in a sub-folder) I want to make sure I'm not always back-tracking on the subfolders.

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What else can I do to not have the validate request set to false and still get beyond the error?

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when I use the Encoding object

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[Code]....My Sending Debug log has the Extension xml coming out in HTML format correctly before POST. Below is just a piece of it[Code]....

And then on the other side log I get the below

Extensions =??

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AJAX :: Getting .saveas Filename From Asyncfileupload?

Oct 25, 2010

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Here is my codebehind:


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Execute HttpPostedFileBase.SaveAs Method?

Feb 18, 2010

I've got an asp.net mvc application that uploads a file and stores them in one of the directories where the website is located.

My question is... When you execute HttpPostedFileBase.SaveAs() method saving it with the same name as an existing filename on the folder, does HttpPostedfileBase overwrite the file?

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C# - Use File.SAVEAS But Get 404 Error, Because The Size Is Big?

Dec 15, 2010

I'm using asp:fileupload control to upload my Picture files. So the user click on browse and select the file and click on upload and in event handler of upload button there is FileUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs () etc.

Everything works fine. Accept when for big file size. e.g. I've got a file (jpg) 5.5 MB. When I try to upload this file I get an the error below.

The strange thing is I the button upload file eventhandler I check the file size. If (intFileesize < intFileSizeLimit) etc.

But the strange thig is I remove all the code in Upload eventhandler for testing/debugging and I still get the error below. So the error occurs outside the Button handler. I mean the error cause is not by Fileupload.SAveAs etc.... So the question is how can I avoid this. I mean I have built restriction of 1 mb, but This code is not reached.

I don't have any problems with small sizes e.g. I could upload 400 kb w/o problem.

So the question is what is the cause for the big file size how can I solve this?

Other question is: Is there a tool or whatever to crop the filesize and upload? I mean even if they upload 6 mb picture, I should crop that to 50kb or whatever during upload. How to aproach this? maybe a 3rd party freeware?

ERROR I get after 2-3 seconds

Oops! This page appears broken. HTTP 404 - File not found.

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Feb 15, 2011

I have a table in a DB in which I need to perform the following operations:

1. Order the table using index A.
2. Traverse the table and do some calculations for every row.
3. Order the table using index B.
4. Traverse the table and do some calculations for every row.
5. Order the table using index C.
6. Traverse the table and do some calculations for every row.

As you can see, what I need is to process such a table several times depending upon a different index for every process. If I use a DataReader I can only traverse it one way and one time, I cannot apply another index and start from the beginning once again. What strategy should I use to achieve my goal? Is a DataTable a good choice?

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Aug 4, 2010

I've got a routine that's supposed to be capturing data from an XML to a DataTable (which works fine), and then using that data to insert into MS SQL. I have no problems with the Inserting of records (via a different routine) but am struggling to update existing records - I'm not even getting any errors, and I can verify that the data is being assigned to the parameters.

Here's what I've got.

Shared Sub Sold(ByVal FullPath As String)
Dim SQLSold As String
Dim SC As New SqlConnection(CS)
SQLSold = "Update Properties SET Status = @Status, Price = @Price WHERE UniqueID = @UniqueID"
Dim DT As New DataTable


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GridView Delete Icon Not Performing

Apr 21, 2010

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C# - Performing Authorisation/authentication Between Webservices?

May 14, 2010

i am developing webservices.In that i want to maintain state information so that all WebMethods could be access only after Login.I have tried but getting problem.I am attaching my code.Any other alternative will also be welcomed.

WebService(Namespace = "http://amSubfah.org/")]


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How To Prevent Duplication On Performing An Operation In Gridview

Jul 6, 2010

I would like to know how to avoid the same operation from being performed twice after some action has been taken on the gridview.

i.e. on clicking a button in gridview, operations in RowCommand get executed. Then on doing a page refresh, the same thing gets done again.

How can we avoid this?

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C# - Performing A Response.Redirect From A Non-Web Based Project?

Jul 13, 2010

I have created a utility method that contains some try/catches in it. In those try/catches I need to redirect the customer using an HttpResponse redirect. I can't seem to figure out how to do this outside a web project. This utility class is referenced from my ASP.NET web project and so I'm just abstracting out some of the code into this utility class so I no longer have the request object.

I know I can use HttpWebRequest object for a lot of web related request tasks outside a web project, but could not seem to get any redirect method there to use after putting in a using System.Net; in my utility class.

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Ssis - Performing Bulk Processing In Page?

Jan 19, 2010

We need the ability to send out automatic emails when certain dates occur or when some business conditions are met. We are setting up this system to work with an existing ASP.NET website. I've had a chat with one of the other devs here and had a discussion of some of the issues.Things to note:All the information we need is already modelled in the ASP.NET websiteThere is some business-logic that is required for the email generation which is also in the website alreadyWe decided that the ideal solution was to have a separate executable that is scheduled to run overnight and do the processing and emailing. This solution has 2 main problems:If the website was updated (business logic or model) but the executable was accidentally missed then the executable could stop sending emails, or worse, be sending them based on outdated logic.We are hoping to use something like this to use UserControls to template the emails, which I don't believe is possible outside of an ASP.NET websiteThe first problem could have been avoided with build and deployment scripts (which we're looking into at the moment anyway), but I don't think we can get around the second problem.So the solution we decided on is to have an ASP.NET page that is called regularly by SSIS and to have that do a set amount of processing (say 30 seconds) and then return. I know an ASP.NET page is not the ideal place to be doing this kind of processing but this seems to best meet our requirements. We considered spawning a new thread (not from the worker pool) to do the processing but decided that if we did that we couldn't use the page returned to signify a success or failure. By processing within the page's life-cycle we can use the page content to give an indication of how the processing went.So the question is:re there

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Wait Until Image Loads Before Performing Function?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm trying to create a simple portfolio page. I have a list of thumbs and an image. When you click on a thumb, the image will change.

When a thumbnail is clicked, I'd like to have the image fade out, wait until the image is loaded, then fade back in. The problem I have right now is that some of the images are pretty big, so it fades out, then fades back in immediately, sometimes while the image is still loading.

I'd like to avoid using setTimeout, since sometimes an image will load faster or slower than the time I set.

Here's my code:

$(function() {
$('img#image').attr("src", $('ul#thumbs li:first img').attr("src"));
$('ul#thumbs li img').click(function() {


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MVC :: Storing State In 'TempData' When Performing The PRG (Post-Redirect-Get) Pattern?

Jul 29, 2010

I'm learning about storing state in 'TempData' when performing the PRG (Post-Redirect-Get) pattern. It says TempData stores session state on the server. I'm wondering if this is safe or unsafe in a load-balanced server farm?

Are there precautions to be taken with TempData? Or can we happily program against it with abandon. Just wanting to avoid the frights we all got with the Session back in the day with ASP.NET of old.

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