Web Forms :: Dynamic Control Based On DataBase?

Apr 21, 2010

I don't want any one to write any code here, i just want the way I can handle and manage the following, because I don't if this exist or not....

In our company we are building a project, that have maximum flexibility (the boss is not always right, but he is always the boss), by website we are building have a configuration page that can set the type of control(by giving it a name or somthing) the page will create...by example on an email page, we have the "To" field which is a textbox... when the email page is loaded, we have to check how many textboxes are there in the database, and then create the control dynamically when the page loads... what is the best approach for this? is it wise to save the c# code for each control in the database? or just a flag the indicate what type of control i wanna create is enough ?

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How To Point The Login Control To A Different Database Based On The Database Selection

Feb 23, 2010

For the login control that I am using, there is a connectionstring which is automatically created in the web.config file.I ran an .exe file which populated the specified database with all the asp login related tables and stored procedures...

<remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>
<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=localmachineName;Initial Catalog=DBName;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=DBUserName;Password=password" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
How can I point the login control to a different Database based on the database selection by a user i.e. the user can change the name of the database and so the login should point to that database.

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Web Forms :: Enable Disable CheckBox In ListView Control Based On Database Value?

May 7, 2015

I want to make checkboxes which are already Checked to non editable or readonly to true.

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AJAX :: Control Based Control Doesn't Work - How To Implement It On Control Based Control

Jan 14, 2010

i'm trying to develop a ASP.Net control. If it based on System.Web.UI.Control id doesn't work correctly with Ajax.Net updatePanel. If I change it to System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl the it works fine with Ajax controls. What is the difference between them and how I implement it on Control based Control?

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AJAX :: Show Hide Image Control On Page Based On Database Value

Dec 14, 2013

Below is House_info table

id name behcode

1 Neda 1111
2 Jack 2222
3 Sara 3333

House_p table

id Product behcode

1 sofa 1111
2 iron 1111
3 scarf 2222

and below is SP

ALTER procedure [dbo].[storeinfo1]
@Behcode nvarchar(10)
select behcode,Name
,(select Behcode from House_p where BehCode=@Behcode) behcodeP
from House_Info
where BehCode=@Behcode

I have image=>Productimage  in product.aspx page I want if in House_p table there be my users behcode it do Productimage.visible=true 


In House_info table exist user Sara with behcode=3333  her behcode  isn't in House_p table so I want in product.aspx page ProductImage.visible=true

How I can do it?

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Data Controls :: Adding Dynamic Rows In GridView Control With Database Value

Nov 28, 2012

i have read and used this script.Adding Dynamic Rows in ASP.Net GridView Control with TextBoxes..it is very usful to me but i want to fetch data from sqll database and fill the newest row with it. the past row data hav to be remain same. becoz of the same name of textbox it happens. whenever i  try to fetch data from database and fill textbox all rows get updated with the same data.

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Data Controls :: Show Or Hide Image Control In GridView Based On Condition From Database

Dec 19, 2012

i am using template field display image based on condition in table field. i have field name  verify i used to store yes or no value if it is yes then display image else noting to display in gridview

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Call Of Hyperlink Based On Role?

Apr 14, 2010

i need to create a hyperlink dynamically. In our project till now we are calling the hyperlink in every page but now we need that controls must be displayed on the roles b'coz we are all the pages in one role and only few controls in some other roles

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Column And Design In Gridview Dynamic Based On Value

Nov 18, 2010

I need to generate gridview based on table value... let us consider i have in my aspx page one dropdownlist in which i have binded somevalefor example: dropdownlist contain:- Item1 based on Item1 i have three table first table conists A,B,C,D value. Second Table consist 1,2,3,4,5 Third Table consist (0.5,0.6,0.7) for 1, (0.7,1.0) for 2, (0.6) for 3, (0.8) for 4, and another(0.8) for 5 based on this three table i need to show girdview like this which is below If its Item2 dropdownlist then row and column of girdview will be any number based on first,second,third table value for Item2like this if Item3 dropdownlist then row and column of girdview will be any number based on first,second,third table value for Item3.help me to achieve dynamic rows and column based on database value... in asp.net C#....

View 14 Replies

Web Forms :: Dynamic Controls Creation / Rendering Based On Postback Values

Nov 8, 2010

I had successfully created a functionality where I can dynamically add rows and columns to a asp table by creating/re-creating controls on every page load.

I have 2 buttons - Add rows and Add columns that, basically according to a asp.,net page life cycle, occur in the following order and work perfectly fine.

Page load is fired and controls along with their viewstate are recreated. In Add row button click event - I just create a new table row and add controls to each cell dynamically.

Same thing with Add column, Delete Row and Delete Column button click events.

However, now I added a Dropdown which when its index is changed needs to retrieve values from the database and create controls based on those values and then also bind the Db values.

But it doesn't work correctly since the asp.net page cycle cannot capture the dropdown's selected value in page_load as the page_load fired first and then the selectedindexchanged event is fired later, the controls are not created.

I don't know how to handle this scenario and incorporate it into my existing code.

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Gridview With Dropdownlist / Dynamically Set The List Values Based On Parameters (of The Row They Are On)

May 28, 2010

I'm new to web dev and c# so please bare with me. I am trying to create a dynamic gridview in a web form for users to to answer questions with (code below).

The dificulty im having is that i am nesting a dropdwonlist in the gridview and want to be able to dynamically set the list values based on parameters (of the row they are on). These values are in the main dataset for the gridview as each row represents a questionid and question text and then a ddl for the criteria...

I just don't know how to set the values for the dropdown all the code so far is below... just need to be able to populate the dropdowns with the relevant values.

I have created a stored proc to return the different criteria based on the questionid and questionGroupid which is the dataset that populates the other fields in the gridview: dbo.usp_QuestionCriteria @QuestionGroupId, @QuestionId

I have added this as a tableadapter called criteriaTableAdapter in a xsd file as well using the wizard... not sure if this is the right option though or just use the same method as i have for the other stored procedure as in the code below:


]using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Sql"].ConnectionString);
SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("usp_QuestionGroupDS", con);
com.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlDataAdapter ada = new SqlDataAdapter(com);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables.Count; i++)
if (ds.Tables[i].Rows.Count > 0)
GridView gvDynamicQuestion = new GridView();
gvDynamicQuestion.Width = Unit.Pixel(700);
gvDynamicQuestion.BorderWidth = Unit.Pixel(0);
gvDynamicQuestion.Caption = "<div id="nifty" class="QuestionGroup"> <b class="rtop"><b class="r1"></b><b class="r2"></b><b class="r3"></b><b class="r4"></b></b>" + ds.Tables[i].Rows[0]["Category"].ToString() + " Questions<b class="rbottom"><b
class="r4"></b><b class="r3"></b><b class="r2"></b><b class="r1"></b></b></div>";
gvDynamicQuestion.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
gvDynamicQuestion.ShowFooter = true;
TemplateField tf = null;
tf = new TemplateField();
tf.HeaderTemplate = new DynamicGridViewTextTemplate("QuestionId", DataControlRowType.Header);
tf.ItemTemplate = new DynamicGridViewTextTemplate("QuestionId", DataControlRowType.DataRow);
tf.FooterTemplate = new DynamicGridViewTextTemplate(DataControlRowType.Footer, ds.Tables[i].Rows.Count);
tf = new TemplateField();
tf.HeaderTemplate = new DynamicGridViewTextTemplate("Question", DataControlRowType.Header);
tf.ItemTemplate = new DynamicGridViewTextTemplate("Question", DataControlRowType.DataRow);
tf = new TemplateField();
tf.HeaderText = "Criteria";
tf.HeaderTemplate = new DynamicGridViewTextTemplate("Criteria", DataControlRowType.Header);
tf.ItemTemplate = new DynamicGridViewDDLTemplate();
////tf = new TemplateField();
////tf.HeaderText = "Criteria";
////tf.ItemTemplate = new DynamicGridViewDDLTemplate();
gvDynamicQuestion.DataSource = ds.Tables[i];
protected void DynamicGrid_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer)
public class DynamicGridViewTextTemplate : ITemplate
string _ColName;
DataControlRowType _rowType;
int _Count;
public DynamicGridViewTextTemplate(string ColName, DataControlRowType RowType)
_ColName = ColName;
_rowType = RowType;
public DynamicGridViewTextTemplate(DataControlRowType RowType, int QuestionCount)
_rowType = RowType;
_Count = QuestionCount;
public void InstantiateIn(System.Web.UI.Control container)
switch (_rowType)
case DataControlRowType.Header:
Literal lc = new Literal();
lc.Text = "<b>" + _ColName + "</b>";
case DataControlRowType.DataRow:
Label lbl = new Label();
lbl.DataBinding += new EventHandler(this.lbl_DataBind);
case DataControlRowType.Footer:
Literal flc = new Literal();
flc.Text = "<b>Total No of Questions:" + _Count + "</b>";
private void lbl_DataBind(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Label lbl = (Label)sender;
GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)lbl.NamingContainer;
lbl.Text =DataBinder.Eval(row.DataItem, _ColName).ToString();
public class DynamicGridViewDDLTemplate : ITemplate
// Implementation of ITemplate
public void InstantiateIn(System.Web.UI.Control container)
// Create a DDL
DropDownList ddl = new DropDownList();
//Attach method to delegate
ddl.DataBinding += new System.EventHandler(this.ddl_DataBind);
//Method that responds to the DataBinding event
private void ddl_DataBind(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)sender;
//DataGridItem container = (DataGridItem)ddl.NamingContainer;
//ddl.Data.Checked = [Data binding expression];


View 7 Replies

C# - Dynamic Gridview Based On Dropdown

Nov 16, 2010

I've got a bit of an chicken and an egg. I need to bind a gridview to a set of database values. The gridview is dynamic and the columns, cells are created at run time. As such, I need to re-bind the grid on every postback in the pre-init, init events after very post back.

However, the data used to populate the grid uses a value from a dropdown box on the same page. As such, the value of dropdown is not accessible through viewstate until after the init event (i.e. the selected index is always the first item in the list until after on init). How can I get access to the value of the drop down in time to rebind the grid before the pageload event?

View 2 Replies

Dynamic AJAX Based Data Table?

May 28, 2010

How can I design an efficient AJAX based dynamic table using .NET ? Do I necessarily need to use JQuery / Prototype libraries or plug-ins to achieve this?I am referring to similar implementation : www.coupontom.com

I believe this is not possible using the existing AJAX control toolkit.

View 3 Replies

String - Changing The Culture Based Off Of A Dynamic Value?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a web application that tracks financial data. I would like to have the option where a user can edit their currency via dropdown. The different currency types will be held in a database and a user can then select which currency they wish to use. The easiest way I can see doing this would be to check what the currency value is and dynamically change the culture to match the currency, thus I could continue to use the string str = String.Format("{0:C}", revenue);format. I am open to other suggestions but this just seemed the most logical to me.

View 2 Replies

C# - Build Dynamic Clothing - Based Web - Site?

Nov 10, 2010

For comparison: something like the shirt builder application at [URL] Say, if I have fabric image and want to generate base, collar, cuff etc. How should I do it on server side in .NET, and generate different components of shirt.

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Dynamic Content Switching Based On Stylesheet?

Aug 16, 2010

I'm making a new design for my website, but I want to keep the old one and possibly switch between the two.

Unfortunately, I've changed the content on the Master Page (luckily I have a backup).
What I was thinking was to keep separate master files for each theme, and then just determine which one to server based on which stylesheet is loaded.

The only way I can think to do this is to keep a "settings" file on the website that has a "stylesheet=1/2/3/4/etc" line. Depending on the number there, the server will serve the correct master page.

Alternatively it might be easier to do something similar, but instead of serving a whole different master page, set a specific stylesheet to use.

I can read a text file (even encrypt/decrypt a file before and after it gets read for security), but actually giving the server the instructions based on what is read is where I'm lost.

View 2 Replies

VS 2008 - Dynamic Changes To Treeview Based On Sitemap

Dec 19, 2011

I have a web app with treeview based on a fairly simple sitemap. The only catch is that I want to be able to remove nodes based on a user's role. We are NOT using the asp.net security so I can't take advantage of the built-in function.When I put code in the master page load event (or anywhere else it seems), there seems to be nothing in the treeview object yet, so I can't make changes to it.

View 7 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Unhiding Control In FormView Based On Another Control's Value?

Feb 8, 2010

I am attempting to show/hide a control (txtInpatientType) when a user views individual records on a FormView (frmData) depending on the value stored in another control (txtPatientType). For example, if txtPatientType.Text = "Inpatient" then txtInpatientType.Visible needs to be True. Very simple code follows.


txtPatietType and txtInpatientType are both ReadOnly. txtInpatientType.Visible = false by default.

View 17 Replies

Gridview Multiple Images Based On Dynamic Data

Dec 29, 2010

I am working on a ASP website, coded in VB.net, using Visual Studios 2010. I have a GridView that contains a template column currently. This template column is not the key and cannot be, since it does not exist in my database. (As far as I understand.) In my code behind, I calculate data based on information pulled from multiple columns of a database and currently build a string for my results. The results are stored currently in this empty template column. For example, 1 cell in the template column will currently display the string: "Red, Yellow, Green".

Instead, I would like to display multiple images in one cell to reflect the colors. These images are currently stored in "...Visual Studio 2010WebSites[My Website]images". The string can contain any number of colors, and colors can occur more than once. Is what I want to do possible, and if so how can I go about this? Here is an example of my database, if this provides useful. I do not want to have a column for each color in my GridView, and again a color can occur more than once.

Key Red Yellow Green
Item1 0 2 1
Item2 1 0 0

View 6 Replies

Generate Dynamic TextBoxes Based On Count Value In QueryString

Jul 9, 2012

Suppose, I sent a value from 1 page to another [ex:5]  then on another page where i sent the value I want to display that many TextBoxes 1 by 1 means 5. I want to read all the values and want to store it.

 Once the another page got the number It will display :-

Enter Product 1 Quantity : TextBox1 : I will enter the quanity next

Enter Product 2 Quantity : TextBox2 : I will enter the quanity next

till TextBox 5 / number

Basically, my idea is I want to generate the bill according to products which my worker carry. So I will enter my worker id and I will ask him how many products do you have. I enter the number. suppose 5. then that many textboxes will appear on the form and i will just enter there quantity.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Size For Chart Control / Using The Control In Web Application

Feb 22, 2010

using the control in web application.

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Vb.net - Add Dynamic User Controls BASED ON ViewState - BUT Before LoadViewState Phase

Jan 27, 2011


My page has a drop down whose values are dynamically populated. Based on which item is selected, a number of TextBoxes are dynamically created during runtime.The user then fills in information into the textboxes and clicks a submit button.


After postback from the submit button, I need to again dynamically create the TextBoxes during Page_Init (BEFORE LoadViewState) so that after the ViewState loads, my Button_Click event can save/do whatever with the user input. PROBLEM is, I cannot recreate the textboxes based on the selection in the dropdown, because the dropdown hasn't been "selected" yet by LoadViewState.

SO, how can I read from the view state, create my textboxes, then let the viewstate populate the textboxes, and then the Button_Click will use the values??

The one thing I've attempted is to override the LoadViewState function so that I can read from the view state, create the boxes, and then load the viewstate again. This did NOT work, because the debugger never seemed to hit my overridden function.


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ADO.NET :: Linq Search - Dynamic Query Based On User Input?

Jan 12, 2011

I have two text boxes for the user to enter UserName & First Name, both these fields are optional and not mandatory to fill.

once the user presses the Search button, i execute the following query to fetch matching records.


The problem is, in cases where User leaves both the textbox or one of the textbox empty/blank, in that case that particular field should be removed from where clause.

More like if something is entered then search for that particular record otherwise search for all the records.

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C# - Automatically Generate SEO Keywords Based On Dynamic Page Contents?

Jan 30, 2010

I have a webforms (framework 3.5) site with a TON of dynamic content. Depending on the url, one or many content items will be sent to the client. I need a way to generate meta keywords for SEO based on the contents of the page (or part of the page, if possible).

I've done a little research and am not really turning up anything that addresses my problem directly. I have, on the other hand, found some interesting stuff that might get me there with considerable work. One idea I have is to intercept the response buffer at Application_BeginRequest (global.asax), parse out some meaningful keywords, and inject them back into the response buffer. However, this seems like a pretty expensive process and I don't even know if it's possible. I also feel like there could be a way to do this with an HttpModule.

I'm interested in what the community has to say about this. Is there already an existing and accepted way to do this that I'm just missing.

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How To Generate Dynamic TextBoxes Based On Count Selected In DropDownList

May 7, 2015

Is there a way I could get the DropDownList Item Count then output it on the dynamic textboxes whose count is based on dropdownlist count. Lets say My item in Dropdown is 3. then 3 TextBox is autogenerated. Then I Want my textbox "Text" to be 1,2,3 since the items are 3 on dropdown.

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