Web Forms :: Dynamic Creation Of Checkbox From Database

Mar 11, 2010

I just created the checkbox dynamically from database,but i can't access the individual checkbox value.


here i'm getting the checkbox, but can't access the individual checkbox value other than that i need checkbox to be displayed rowwise.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Creation Of Textbox?

Feb 4, 2011

In my application i placed a button.While clicking on button i need to generate one dynamic textbox.For every click i need to generate textbox. Ex: For the first time if i click on button i need to generate textbox.If again i click on the button i need to generate one more textbox.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Creation Of Tables?

Oct 27, 2010

I have a table created on the front end of my code called "tblSearchlist". In my code behind I have the following.


All this code works fine. What I want to do now is insert another dynamic table within cell1. Any ideas how to do this. This process can be done on the front end like so but I need it in code behind.


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Web Forms :: Dynamic Creation Of Buttons - Add Attributes

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Menu Creation In Master

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I am developing an medical Application. This application has 3 Types of users. In this application I have to use a single master for displaying menus and i have to change the menus based on the user. Since i have to use ul, li tags to create menus. How can i set the Text for this li tags in server side.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Row Creation On Gridview?

Aug 20, 2010

how can i add empty editable rows in gridview dyanamically in c sharp web application

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Creation Of Grid View?

Mar 29, 2010

I have gridview control where i have added two templates one template is the dropdown box another one is the text box.

I have common controls (Edit,update,cancel)

In the form i have one button .

On click on the button one new row is created in the grid view

Now how do i fetch the data entered in the dropdown box and the textbox.

How to reload the updated data to the dropdownbox,textbox.

On edit(twice) click it is switching to Update and cancel mode

On Cancel(twice) click it is switching to Edit mode.

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Forms Data Controls :: Creation Of Dynamic Gridview At Runtime?

Jan 11, 2010

I have created a gridview at runtime. its working fine when i load the grid first time. after when i am selecting next value from ddl to load grid according to that option(selecting from dropdown list and coresponding values showing in grid) showing error that "A field or property with the name 'datafield name' was not found on the selected data source."

might be i am getting this error becuze the privious value is not being cleared"

View 28 Replies

Web Forms :: Dynamic Controls Creation / Rendering Based On Postback Values

Nov 8, 2010

I had successfully created a functionality where I can dynamically add rows and columns to a asp table by creating/re-creating controls on every page load.

I have 2 buttons - Add rows and Add columns that, basically according to a asp.,net page life cycle, occur in the following order and work perfectly fine.

Page load is fired and controls along with their viewstate are recreated. In Add row button click event - I just create a new table row and add controls to each cell dynamically.

Same thing with Add column, Delete Row and Delete Column button click events.

However, now I added a Dropdown which when its index is changed needs to retrieve values from the database and create controls based on those values and then also bind the Db values.

But it doesn't work correctly since the asp.net page cycle cannot capture the dropdown's selected value in page_load as the page_load fired first and then the selectedindexchanged event is fired later, the controls are not created.

I don't know how to handle this scenario and incorporate it into my existing code.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Div Creation - Use Accordion Inside Datagrid

Sep 8, 2010

I'm trying to build a website for real estate listing. now the data would look like a datagrid. and while clicking on it, it should open under the clicked row the dynamic data related to the specific row. (like an AJAX accordion). this website for example ( ignore the language, couldnt find any better example [URL] Now, i've been told that this works by using "Dynamic Div Creation" which i have no idea how it should work this way. Is it possible to make it work by using an Accordion inside a datagrid? or what?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView:Dynamic DataBound Column Creation With Hyperlinks?

May 10, 2010

I have a stored procedure (For Eg: sp_GetAvlData) that accepts a number of parameters, 3 of which are TimeFrom, TimeTo (as varchar) and TimeInterval (as int), formulates a Dynamic query and executes itself. So for instance, if I call the proc as follows:


dtAvl is the datatable containing the results of my stored procedure.

The next step for me is to make each of the cells (except the cells in the first column) as a Hyperlink so that when clicked upon a cell, it populates 2 textboxes with the selected Timeslot and Name or ID (ID field is not displayed in Gridview). The textboxes are located on the same page but outside of the Gridview control.

The Challenge that I'm facing out here are:

1) As you can see, the field names being generated are not fixed and I have no control over them.

2) Because the field names are not fixed I'm not sure I can implement this using the Templatefields or BoundFields of Gridview.

Is there any way to achieve the Hyperlinking of these cells within the Gridview?

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Web Forms :: (Resolved) Dynamic Table Creation - Unable To Display Columns With Different Widths

May 23, 2010

I am trying to create a table at runtime which is populated from information in a database. At the present time the table displays as follows: The problem is I need the "test test" text to be in the middle of the table, however if I show a box around the cell it only takes up the 1st half of the table regardless of the width I specify. Is it possible to have a dynamic table that effectively has rows where the cells are merged together in a specific way to allow the control to be positioned where I want it? THe code I am using to create the table is as follows:


where I am going wrong or is what I am trying to achieve not possible with a dynamic table?

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Dynamic Creation Of Usercontrols Without Postback?

Jan 17, 2011

As the title says , i'm looking for some kind of technology that allows me to dynamicly add & remove usercontrols.Without a postback ofcourse :)A link would be awesome , example code would be super!

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C# - Databinding And Dynamic TabPanel Creation?

Feb 9, 2010

My current task is an ASP.NET page to display the contents of a data object. One of that object's properties is a list of named lists. For opacity's sake let's call it a Company, which has a list of named locations, and each location is associated with (only) a list of employees.In case it matters, Company has this property implemented like so:

IDictionary<string, IList<Employee>> mEmployeesByLocation;

Each of those lists can display very easily in a GridView. What I think I want is to put the whole thing in a TabContainerand have a separate TabPanel containing each grid. The tabs and grids will be identical to each other, and the name of each tab will be the associated dictionary keyIs there a good way to do this? My first thought was to use a Repeater, but you can't put one inside a TabContainer. The parser doesn't know what to do with it there.So, it looks like I'll have to create the tabs programatically. Fair enough. If at all possible, I want to avoid having to also create the individual grid controls and programatically assign all their properties.One suggestion I've gotten is to subclass TabPanel and make it work like a user control, containing a GridView and knowing how to pass databinding through to it. I'm not sure how to go about that, though, or if it will even work. I know how to subclass a control, but I don't think something can both act like a TabPanel and contain controls like a user control does.

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Dynamic Table Row Creation In Html / Javascript?

Feb 1, 2010

I have html table with 1 row to fill in job details for a position.Now If a user wants to fill in job details for another position,on clicking a link, a new row should be created dynamically each time the user clicks the link.

I'm using frontpage.

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Dynamic Menu Creation With Sql Data Base

Feb 10, 2011

what are the steps for a role based menu using sitemap and sql server database.

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SQL Reporting :: Ssrs Report Creation Through Dynamic Sq?

Feb 10, 2011

I am having sp which is an dynamic sql to fetch an end result, when I called that to report wizard in both report builder and winform dataset. it was able to create the required parameter but was unable to fetch the data fields used in that sp. How to fetch that fields into the dataset .

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Dynamic Creation Of Button OK But Its Event Handler NOT Executed?

Apr 1, 2011

I have following simple controls on a page


<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server">
<br />
<asp:Label ID="lblContent" runat="server" ></asp:Label>

Some code behind in WebForm1.aspx.cs :


When running the WebApp now and clicking on btnCreateDynamically, btnTest is created but when I click on btnTest its event handler is NOT invoked ?

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Data Controls :: Dynamic Insert Statement In GridView Row Creation At Runtime

Nov 27, 2013

In my gridview I have

EDIT   RoleUID   RoleID    Role   Desc   ....etc columns

each table contains first "EDIT" and then UID column and ID column etc columns contains.

Now i added new row with the code which you posted. But once i click on "Add New" button then the new row added like    

EDIT     textbox textbox textbox etc

I need INSERT  in place of EDIT

and i am displaying textboxes  0 positon of grid

for (int j = 2; j < cellCount; j++)

How to display "insert" and how to put lable with uid and id values which are autogenerated..

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DataSource Controls :: Forms Authentication And Database Creation In VWD Error

Apr 1, 2010

Now I have SQL server express 2008 fully installed but when I try use use forms authentication, with the login controls, it doesnt generate a database, but states " Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed. " A similar error is given if I try to add a new SQL server database to the project What is wrong with my install ( I am new to SQL Server, but did have 2005 edition which I uninstalled for this version)

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Control Creation In User Control?

Apr 19, 2010

i developed a custom control (inherited from System.Web.UI.UserControl) which is used within a Gridview's TemplateField:

NumberOfControls='<%# Eval("Count")%>' />

"Count" is an integer value from the GridView Datasource.

Based on this value i have to create some LinkButtons dynamically in my custom control (in Page_Init), which works very well when the value for NumberOfControls is hard-coded.

My problem is that the value of "Count" is not available (NumberOfControls = null) during Page_Init and therefore i can't decide how many controls there should be generated.

Is there any way to pass databinded values to custom controls so that they can be used earlier (as if the values were hard-coded)?

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Factory Method Pattern Clarification - Allow The Client To Delegates The Product Creation (Instance Creation) To The Subclass

Mar 29, 2010

My understanding of Factory Method Pattern is (Correct me if i am wrong) Factory Method Pattern "Factory Method allow the client to delegates the product creation (Instance Creation) to the subclass". There are two situation in which we can go for creating Factory Method pattern.

(i) When the client is restricted to the product (Instance) creation.

(ii) There are multiple products available.But a decision to be made which product instance need to be returned. If you want to create Abstract Method pattern

You need to have abstract product Concrete Product Factory Method to return the appropriate product.

public enum ORMChoice
//Abstract Product
public interface IProduct
void ProductTaken();
//Concrete Product
public class LinqtoSql : IProduct
public void ProductTaken()
Console.WriteLine("OR Mapping Taken:LinqtoSql");
//concrete product
public class Subsonic : IProduct
public void ProductTaken()
Console.WriteLine("OR Mapping Taken:Subsonic");
//concrete product
public class EntityFramework : IProduct
public void ProductTaken()
Console.WriteLine("OR Mapping Taken:EntityFramework");
//concrete product
public class LightSpeed : IProduct
public void ProductTaken()
Console.WriteLine("OR Mapping Taken :LightSpeed");
public class Creator
//Factory Method
public IProduct ReturnORTool(ORMChoice choice)
switch (choice)
case ORMChoice.EFM:return new EntityFramework();
case ORMChoice.L2SQL:return new LinqtoSql();
case ORMChoice.LS:return new LightSpeed();
case ORMChoice.Sonic:return new Subsonic();
default: return null;
Creator c = new Creator();
IProduct p = c.ReturnORTool(ORMChoice.L2SQL);

Is my understanding of Factory Method is correct?

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Web Forms :: Add Attribute To Dynamic Checkbox List?

Sep 22, 2010

Im creating a checkbox dynamically like so:


How can I add an onclick attribute to a particular list item?

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MVC :: Creation Of Multiple .aspx Pages From Database Name?

Sep 22, 2010

i am making an internal social networking application for my small organisation where i work .i have a list of all employee names in a mssql 2000 database that are the names of 5000 employees of the company one by one arranged in rows in a single coloumn of a table . i have a folder ,i want to make .aspx files/pages in that folder ,the file name should be same as names of the person in database coloumn. automatically make the .aspx pages with the same names as it is in database coloumn.(note that folder will not take any duplicate values(name will not be repeated)) .i am making application using asp.net 2.0.file will be automatically created in the folder as soon as new name is entered in database.its very difficult to make 5000 aspx page with each employee name and it will be difficult to make new pages again and again after new employees names are entered.so i want that files will be automatically created after employee names are registered.

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C# - Is Workflow Right For Dynamic Workflow Creation In Web Based Application

Jun 22, 2010

I am new to workflow and just know some of its features. I want to do a project in WF. It will be a web based intranet application where user will be able to define workflow dynamically through web interface.Duration for completing a task can be many days.With these requirments I am not sure will use of WF helpful in quick development or it will increase work ?Please advice me should I try to learn WF for this project or should do it with C# and asp.net

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