Web Forms :: Fetch Count Of Records From Multiple Tables And Display In Label Using DataReader
May 15, 2013
I use below code in SP to count row of table and show it in label
ALTER procedure [dbo].[showMessage]
select (select COUNT(id) from Message) as Message
,(select COUNT(id) from MessageM) as Messagem
[CODE] ...
Now I want define other label that shows total of these two table rows .I mean if in Message Table has 7 row and MessageM tabel has 8 row so
LblNMR =7 and LblRM =8
Now I want define LBLMAIN that in this label show LBLMAIN=15 total of 2 tabel Rows
How I can do it ?
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ID Session1 Session2 Session3 Session4
-- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Music Web Tech Future
2 Art Articles Search Introduction
3 Music Books Camera Phone
4 Music Glass Cup Future
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Music: 4
Art: 2
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Search: 1
Camera: 1
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//Fill the treeview control Root Nodes From Parent Table
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<% foreach (var item in Model) { %>
<%=Html.ActionLink(item.CategoryName + "(" + item.NumberOfWebsitesInCategory + ")", "SubCategory", new { CatID = item.CategoryID }, new {style="text-decoration:none;" })%>
<% } %>
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