Web Forms :: Field Validators Doesn't Work When Field Is Manipulated With Ajax

Sep 3, 2010

I have defined a field validator that works fine on normal behavior on a page:

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ErrorMessage="errroooorr" ControlToValidate="TextBoxHouseNumber" Display="Dynamic"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>

Now if I dont insert any text in the TextBoxHouseNumber field, and push submit, the FieldValidator fires as it should. But if I now click a button that automatically fills the TextBoxHouseNumber with text from a Jquery/Ajax function, the field validator still shows. It“s like "Hey, the user hasnt made any changes to the textbox, so I wont bother check it".

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Why Doesn't Required Field Validation Work After The First Button Click

Feb 14, 2010

to explain my problem as simple as i can i have made the following page each textbox is a required field. when i enter valid data in the text box and click the button everything is fine. the problem i am having is that after this button click > i empty out the last 2 textboxes > click the button > the required field validation is not thrown.

the autopostback property being set to true is a must in this case.


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Web Forms :: Required Field Validators Not Working?

Jun 24, 2010

I have a contact page with fields like E-mail Address, Name, Subject, and Message. I use a RequiredFieldValidator on each text box. They work fine when I test it with the Visual Studio built-in development server, but on IIS7, they don't work and they allow the Send button's click event to be fired.

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Web Forms :: How To Set Required Field Validators To Calendar

Dec 14, 2010

im currently doing a web application.

user are allow to insert some events.

but if user didnt insert any fields, error message should pop out.

but for my calendar view, if user didnt select any, it still can pass through but data is not stored.

so how do i set required field validators to calendar?

View 12 Replies

Web Forms :: From And To Date.Both Are Using Required Field Validators?

Feb 5, 2010

I have 2 date fields - From and To Date.Both are using required field validators, regular expression validtors and compare validators. When the user enters an invalid date range, e.g. 02-29-2010 to 02-29-2010 (non-leap year), the comparevalidator throws an 'from cannot be greater than to date range' error.Why am I seeing this error when From is not > To.Here's the code snippet


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Web Forms :: Required Field Validators Not Firing In The Page?

Feb 17, 2011

I have required field validators in my ASP.NET application form.

In the button click event of the FORM, i.e. OnClientClick(), I am calling a javascript function to validate the controls in this same page. Due to this the required field validators are not getting fired.

I need both the javascript function be fired on the button click , as well as required field validators also to work efficiently.

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Web Forms :: Required Field Validators Are Being Triggered By Other Buttons On Page?

Jul 15, 2010

I have created a form with several textboxes and a dropdown list and assigned a required field validator to each of them. I also have a master page with several links to other pages, some made using <a href=..> and some linkbuttons. The problem I am having is that when I click the linkbutton links they do not redirect to the proper page, rather they trigger the validators for all textbox fields and display the validator characters next to each textbox (and the dropdown). When I fill out the form, those links redirect properly. The links created using <a href=..> do not cause this problem.

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Web Forms :: Field Validators - Two Textboxes Contains Data When Click The Button

Sep 25, 2010

how I can be sure that one of two textboxes contains data when click the button, am using RequiredFieldValidator as bellow


and for button


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Web Forms :: Validate Page Using Required Field Validators Before Print?

Mar 17, 2014

How can IĀ validate the pageĀ using this javascript on Asp Button Control.

function PrintPanel() {
var panel = document.getElementById("<%=pnlContents.ClientID %>");
var printWindow = window.open('', '', 'height=700,width=1000');
printWindow.document.write('<html><head><title>Trainee Appraisal Form</title>');
printWindow.document.write('</head><body >');
setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);
return false;
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="Button1_Click" Text="Print Only"
OnClientClick = "return PrintPanel();" />

View 1 Replies

Web Forms :: Created Some Required Field Validators And A Validation Summary Control?

Feb 24, 2011

I created some required field validators and a validation summary control. When I get an error it displays next to the control its validating and also inside the validation summary control. I only want the error to display in one place; inside the validation summary control. I tried making the required field validator invisible but then it didn't display anywhere.How can I get the errors to only display in the validation summary control? There is no need to display them twice it just clutters up the page.

View 3 Replies

Web Forms :: Disabling Required Field Validators Using HTML Input Radio Button?

Feb 4, 2010

I have an html input control that is a radio button. This radio button needs to disable required field validators when selected. This is my non working code so far. What have I not done?

<input ID="card1" runat="server" type="radio"/>Card<br />
if (card1.Checked == true)
RequiredFieldValidator10.Enabled= false;

this however doesnt disable the control.

View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Use Required Field Validators In The Insert Item Template In A Listview Control

Feb 22, 2011

How can I use required field validators in the insert item template in a listview control? The empty fields in the insert item template are preventing the user from deleting or updating ay other row.

View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: Enable Disable Required Field Validators Based On RadioButton Selection

Apr 17, 2012

I want toĀ Enable Disable Required Field Validators based on RadioButton Selection using JavaScript

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Display Field Validators Manually (C#)

Mar 7, 2011

Imagine the scenario of a contact form, whereby data is to be collected and further transmitted via email to the appropriate address. One of the important fields asks for an email address, pretty vital to instrumenting the call-back. So say I check for the entry of something, anything, in the mail address field using a RequiredFieldValidator; a further check in code will determine if the mail address supplied is usable, or not. Given that both of these checks are essentially validation, I would simply like to reuse the RequiredFieldValidator from my code-behind; is this possible? For example, something as simple as:


What I have done in the past is add a Label to the form as well, and just use a similar tactic, only making the control visible as needs be and returning. Ideally I'd like to get rid of this altogether and simply use one control to output my error message. For an idea of current code, below is a skeletal listing, which, even as such, is the concept in its entirety: Within the page:

<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="MailAddressTextBox" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ID="MailAddressValidator" ErrorMessage="Enter a valid mail address" ControlToValidate="MailAddressTextBox" />
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="MailAddressError" Text="Enter a valid mail address" Visible="false" />
And within the code-behind:
MailAddress enquirerMail;
enquirerMail = new MailAddress(MailAddressTextBox.Text);
MailAddressError.Visible = true;

The pitfall with the approach of hiding/showing error labels, other than the obvious of extra controls, is the maintenance of their visibility, and also a label for each error, or lists of messages and in-code alterations to the display.

Also, multiple validators is something I want to avoid, at least in this particular instance; a RegularExpressionValidator won't cut it here, as we all know just selecting the 'best' regex for parsing mail addresses can be a feat in itself, or maybe it will contain more characters than the actual page content + markup. Another reason for my aversion to regex, should you need one, is that, ultimately, I have to implement the above try/catch validation regardless, as even a 'validated' address may cause failure in the MailAddress constructor.

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Regular Expression And Required Field Validators Shutting Down Whole Website?

Jan 18, 2011

We are using regular expression and required field validators. They work fine, especially in out of the box environments like the log in control.

When used on other controls, e.g. a textbox, they also work, but we note that the whole site is in effect shut down until the expression is valid. I.e. the user cannot click cancel, or a link. The site only starts working again after the expression has been made valid.

How can this be fixed?

The validators should only apply to the control to validate and to the control that would cause the value of that control to be posted back to the server (e.g. a button), not the whole site.

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Calling A Javascript Function OnClick Of Submit Button The Range Validators On Page Doesn't Work

Jan 18, 2010

I have an issue in my application . When I am calling a Javascript function OnClick of Submit button, the range validators on my page doesnt work.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display A Checked Checkbox When Field Value=1 And Unchecked When Field Value=0

Apr 22, 2010

I am using a GridView Control to display multiple fileds with 0's and 1's.

I am using template fields where CheckBoxes are used.

Where exactly and how do I apply the Logic to get a checked CheckBox when field Value=1 and unchecked CheckBox when field Value=2 .Also some times to be able to write a YES where fieldValue=1 or NO where filedValue=0

Do I apply this logic using asp or C#? How?

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Forms Data Controls :: Disable/Invisible Field In Gridview Based On Another Field?

Jul 9, 2010

I have 2 fields in my gridview one called ScriptType the other BagNo, when a user click the edit button, I would like the BagNo filed to be disabled if the ScriptType field is = "TTA" and enabled otherwise. How can I do this?..something along these lines see below..I am using VB..


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Forms Data Controls :: A Required Input Field DropDownList If Old Records Have Null In This Field?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a DetailsView on the page and I have made one of the fields a TemplateField. In the EditItemTemplate and InsertItemTemplate I have a DropdownList that is databound to a table in my Sql Server database. I wanted to add an initial value to the DropdownList
namely "- select -" .

I set the AppendDataBoundItems property to true and added the initial value as a ListItem.Markup of the DropdownList

<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList_HP" runat="server"

AppendDataBoundItems="True" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource_HP" [code]...

This works fine for new input. The problem is however that the database already has records that were entered through a Windows Application and many of these records has a null value in this field and exceptions are thrown when I tried to open these records
and the system tried to set the SelectedValue of the DropdownList.After some more searching I found this help


So I changed the ListItem in the DropDownList markup to the following:

<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList_RefHospDV4" runat="server"

AppendDataBoundItems="True" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource_RefHosp" [code]...

This now solved the problem of opening a record where the value is null in the database, BUT now the RequiredFieldValidator is not validating anymore to make sure that a databound item is selected for this field and not the initial value "- select -". So basically now it is not checking anymore to see if valid input has been entered for the DropDownList and it accepts "- select -" thus it acts as if the field is not a required field anymore.

In short what is required is that I want to make sure that the user enters a valid selection in the DropDownList, but it must also cater for old records that do not have this field entered yet so that those old records can be opened in the DetailsView .Opening Old records (with null in that field):When these old records are opened in the DetailsView the DropDownlist should show "- select -" when the value in the database is null.

Saving records (old or new records):When saving the record in Insert mode or Update mode the RequiredFieldValidator should show that a valid input is not selected if the DropDownList is still on "- select -".

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Web Forms :: Required Field Validator Not Catching Empty Field?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a aspx page with a ascx control inside an ascx control and the required field validator is not hit on the action of the page.

The issue is with the 2nd nested ascx control. The field validators in the first ascx control validate correctly, but with the ascx control inside the ascx control there are issues.

The nested ascx control is a repeater control and this may be the reason, but I am unsure.

I'm not exactly sure what question to ask, but I'll list a few below.

How do I attach the field validators up a level to the 1st ascx control?

Is it possible to put required fields into a nested ascx control?

View 7 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Use A Field Value In Another Field In Gridview

Dec 19, 2010

I have a grid view, and I add new column as a hyper link field, I want the navigationURL for this field to be Pageexample.aspx?ID=other field value like this


is that possible ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Select Field Doesn't Display In Gridview?

May 18, 2010

I have store procedure and I want to when I execute this procedure , Select field list in my gridview. But store procedure dont show every field(it doesnt show relation table.?)

This is my Store Procedure

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[rps_CarePlan3]
@PatientName nvarchar = NULL,
@PatientTypeId int = NULL,
@StartDate datetime = NULL,
@EndDate datetime = NULL,


I see only BakimDestekDto(cause it is part of TblBakimDestek but other field isnt part of TblBakimDestek it is relation field). Why dont I see relation table field? Maybe public IList<TblBakimDestek> GetByStoreProcedure(string startDate) I use inside IList TblBakimDestek?

View 9 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Using Hyperlinked Field To Go To Form / Does Not Work?

Oct 18, 2010

i have a form with a gridview that does the edits. I have a detailsview that does the inserts. If I test the run the form using default values as parameters the form wors fine. If I use a the hyperlinked field as below to go to the form the form does not work.It


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DataSource Controls :: Ignore Empty Field Because Always Join The Field And Separate By Space

Mar 3, 2010

I wanna join all the field as a new col.

but how can i ignore the empty field because i always join the field and separate by space like the following.

select (field_1+' '+field_2+' '+field_3) as new_col from TABLEA

but if the field is empty, then there is the double space

how can i ensure all the space is one space only.

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SQL Reporting :: Field In XSD Dataset Doesn't Appear In Rdlc Report

May 11, 2010

Have an asp.net app with a local rdlc report based off an xsd dataset. Was working fine, but i needed to add another field, so I added it to the dataset through the designer (right click, add column) and then added the field to the rdlc report.

My problem is it won't compile - keep getting the error:

The Value expression for the textbox 'Description' refers to the field 'ShortDesc'. Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current data set scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified data set scope.

I've cleared the cache, deleted temporary internet files without luck.

So how do i get the new field to show up for the report?

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