I have a custom menu, which leverages the standard asp.net sitemap. It works well but some of my pages are dynamically generated by URL rewriter, so they don't sit in the sitemap XML file. At the moment I rolled a custom solution which shows/hides menu items via CSS class and a programmatic check of the role that the user is in. It works ok until I visit a dynamic page that doesn't exist in the sitemap file. I've tried the "roles" attribute in the sitemap file with security trimming but it isn't working because I have a custom menu.
Is there a way I could leverage the roles attribute in the sitemap file to show/hide menu items for my custom control below, even when some pages are not in the sitemap? My menu control is below...
What I want is to show menu items Administrator or show user menu items.Show menu items using login...How I can do it with role provider, control menu and siteMap in masterpage?
How can I hide some items in my menu if you are just a user & only appears if you log in as administrator? I would like to hide the siteadmin. Below is the code:
I have a site that was working fine with security. I needed to create my own RoleProvider to give the ability to add Groups to roles based on certain criteria which I successfully did.
The problem is, since then, my main site (a Single Sign On Site) will not show the proper menu items for my users roles. The funny part is that right after I publish it, or restart the application, it works fine. Once it has been running for awhile, I lose my menu items.
If I manually type in the URL to go to one of the pages that I cannot see the menu item and perform some function, all of a sudden all my menu items reappear.
I have a bunch of divs that are widgets. I am using a custom role provider and I need to hide the divs based on roles. Is it better to add a "runat=server" attribute to the div so that I can hide/unhide in the code behind? Should I hide/unhide on the aspx page or do i use panel controls and hide/unhide in the code behind?
I hv created menu using sitemap xmldatasource now i want to display that based on Category or Roles. I have Created 4 Category in my sql Server 2005. when particular user logged in based on his Category menu nodes should display.
I am making the asp.net application which consist of 6 form n based on user id pass want to show form e.g.: for admin all form appear for finance only 2 form appear when he enter his login id pass how can I?
in search.aspx page I have gridview that bind from database and show data according to Mobile or PhoneNumber that I typed in txtsearch in admin.aspx below are code
Now I want when I enter Mobile in txtsearxh and click button when it go to search.aspx page it in grid view it show Mobile number in HLcalss from database and it doesn't show PhoneNumber and Code in Hyperlink1 and lblCode
and if I type phoneNumber in txtsearch in gridview it showes PhoneNumber and Code and it doesn't Show Mobile number
My web app has 3roles, I need to lock down certain sitemap menu items based on the users role and what I'm using isn't working.
my roles are Supervisor, manager, and User.
I only want those roles to see those menu options, I do not want someone with a user role to see those options at all. Currently if I log into my site with a user role, I'm seeing everything on the menu (via the sitemap).
I have a multi level application that I am developing and need to block multiple rows from being joined. I know how to hide one role but I cannot figure out how to hide multiple.
I have table called ROLE with fields (id,name,permission) example values (1001,madhu,hr)
I have another table called LOGIN with fields(id,DOB,password) example values(1001,24101989,madhukumar)
What i want is , if i login using the LOGIN table ,it check the id and permission in the ROLE table , if the permission is 'hr' it enable to access the menu , or if the permission is any other it just print the error message ("no permission")
Note: menu is placed in master page , but login is not in the master page ...
I am trying to style the menu control to allow the menu items to float to the right of the container, however I am unable to do so as whenever I am styling the a, ul or li it keeps getting overidded by asp.net and floats everything left.
i'm working with asp.net visual studio 2008 c#i'm using Menu and i added items . the first item has like sub-items ...now when i run the website, the Menu wont open the sub-items menu ... this is the code :
I'm using asp.net and css to style a master page with navigation at the top. I was hoping to add the login status control in as a menu item but it is not allowed. Can someone point me in the right direction? When I post my code on this forum do I have to include tags?
I have a navigation menu I would like to display based upon user roles (using.net membership) After several hours and headaches (from banging my head against the desk) I was wondering if someone can point me in the error of my ways.
How can I ensure that when the user is logged in, the appropriate menu items are displayed on the Landing page? Still new to all of this and my current method of 'trial and error' has seen me reach suicide levels this morning!
I need a help in creating a vertical oriented Menu control with dynamic url's set in there Navigate Url property.Also i need to set the menu items as enable/disable in two different modes say edit/new.
I'm trying to create an asp menu for a website. The site will have 2 levels of user Master users (which will have more options) and Sub users which will have limited menu options.
I was wonder does anyone knows if a way to hide menu items? I've tried google but I can't really find much.
Here's the Asp code
I have worked out how to hide the whole menu when the user is not logged in
When I login to application, i want Button ad a Header menu like (Admin,Quote....2 button should visible).
If Login User is Admin/Quote then Click on that Button it should show all its child nodes must be as the button horizontally.
Even i have to write the code in the Code Behind of Site.Master. I think i need Repeter's OnItemCommand event but it does not run that methods and how can i filter the sitemap with Role in this Method? I can not able to Find the control in the Code Behind.. Is it possible to show these type of custom menus using SiteMap with Role Filteration?