Web Forms :: How To Disappear Drop Down Value After Some 20 Days

Apr 23, 2010

I have a drop down which is binded through datasource from database ....


K001 , K002 , K003 ....

The Above number will be inserted from another webpage to the database.

After some 20 days the value K001 should be disapper from the dropdown .....

And after some 20 days K002 should disappear from the dropdown .... and so on .

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Dec 6, 2012

How to calculate no of days, month and working days 

from date 

Date1 is Enrolled date 

Date 2 is todays date 

So I want to calculate no of days and month and working days excluding saturday and sunday 

Date1 = 10/01/2012

date = 12/05/2012

I want ans as : total days : 65 days  

Month : 2 month 5 days 

working days : 48 working days

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Web Forms :: Image Disappear When Run Under IIS

Mar 1, 2011

I put all my images in Images folder under my website. It works OK when I run it under development environment. When I deploy the application under IIS. all html image elements disappeard. What might wrong?

1. I used Image for validation like this:

<asp:TextBox ID="txtName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server" ErrorMessage="<img src='/images/linkerror.gif' alt='Name is required field'>" ControlToValidate="txtName" ></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>

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Aug 10, 2010

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Nov 22, 2010

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Jun 7, 2010

I am using vs2010 and working on an ASP.Net Website my problem is the controls that I add to the designer surface disappear after I save and switch to code view. As shown in 'Fig1'


Description: When I am using the designer surface, I will drag on a series of SqlDataSources and configure them. I then either save and close or just switch back to code view, if I switch back to code view the SqlDataSources do not exist but when I swtch back to designer view they are there, if I save and close then re-open the newly added control are not there.

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Mar 23, 2010

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Web Forms :: HTML Tags Disappear In Database?

Mar 23, 2011

The pages text are modified and styled with an HTML editor (teleric). The resulting html is stored in a database. The html and style tags are stored with the text ofcourse.

Now, sometimes the HTML tags are DELETED from the text! I realize this has happened first when i see the page text totaly plain on the site. Then i go to the databse and check, and the HTML tags and styling is not there anymore!

The only thing i can think of that could be reason is a method i wrote to search in the text. It strips the texts from html tags so that only the main text will be used when searching for the string that the user has asked for. But the modified texts without HTML tags are not saved to the database. I use LINQ and i never call a SubmitChanges();


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Web Forms :: Controls Disappear Between LoadViewState And Page_Load?

Apr 7, 2010

In a project of mine I dynamically create controls and add them to the nodes of a radtreeview (a control by telerik) in theLoadViewState event. By the end of this event everything seems fine, but as soon as the
Page_Load event fires the controls have disappeared. No code of mine is executed during this phase.
I'd love to know why this is the case,

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Web Forms :: Validation Error Message Doesn't Disappear?

Apr 19, 2010

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<asp:textBox ID="txtPrice" runat="server" ...../>
<asp:Button ID="btnReset" runt="server" OnClientClick="ResetPriceBox(); return false"/>


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Web Forms :: How To Calculate Days Between Dates

Mar 9, 2010

I wonder how it is possible to calculate dates.

The first thing I want to do is to save the date of TODAY.

Next thing to do is to determine if TODAYS date is >= than 7 days ago, wich is the first saved date.

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Web Forms :: Add Days In Datetime Field?

May 11, 2010

I have two fields i.e. StartDate(Datetime) and duration(number)., I am trying following

row["Inspection Time"] = result["StartDate"] + result["Duration"];

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Web Forms :: Image Disappear When Call Web Page Form URL Routing

Feb 12, 2011

My web page is having an asp.net chart control. It's generating fine for normal view. When I try to access same page using asp.net web forms URL routing even the chart is generated it wont appear. This is the working URL of browser [URl]

<br />
<img id="MainContent_ChartStatPageView" src="/control/ChartImg.axd?i=chart_bdbc69194ab84888b1b2102d1712af8f_0.png&g=e0446e41d13f46dab74bb0873cdc9cee" alt="" style="height:300px;width:656px;border-width:0px;" />
<br />

This is the not working URL of the browser [URL] generated image source

<img id="MainContent_ChartStatPageView" src="/control/myretailers/abc/manage/catalogues/stat/ChartImg.axd?i=chart_55636b86c8ce4a3eba2c29cd874e6737_6.png&g=f0eb41381c3d4f1d8fa7dbc7d6f6d476" alt="" style="height:300px;width:656px;border-width:0px;" />
<br />

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Web Forms :: How To Add Days To Data Retrieved From Database

Feb 22, 2011

i retrieve a data named semesterstartdate, after retrieving i neede to add day to the data. How can it be done?

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Web Forms :: Calculate Days From Two Date Textbox?

Oct 11, 2010

have two text box on which I give two date input by using rapid application development datepicker textbox. I have another text box on which I wanna show the duration of those two text box date. I want to calculate total days of those to date.

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Web Forms :: Ontextchanged And Range Validator / Disappear Due To The Auto Post Back?

Feb 10, 2011

i'm doing a page which allow user to choose date from calender extender using a text box.. after choosing the date, the text box will have the event ontextchange that will display all data related to that date without user clicking any button.. i will be using a range validator to check whether the user access to more than 2 days from the system date..

the problem i'm having is,

- after everytime i choose the date, the range validator will keep disappear due to the auto post back which i use in order to make the text event (ontextchange) work..

- i need some advise on how to solve this problem?? been trying to solve it for 2 days alread T.T

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