Web Forms :: How To Insert And Update In DataGrid Control

Jun 4, 2012

how to delete and update in datagrid on OnDeleteCommand and OnUpdateCommand.

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<asp:GridView ID="gvAddedPersonnel" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" CellPadding="2"
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private void Bindemptydt() {
//Declare a datatable for the gridview
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
//Add Columns to the datatable


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VS 2012 / Get FormView Control Values To Remain After Insert And Update?

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I have a web app I'm creating and a form that has a formview control on it. The form's default is set to insert and when the user enters data and clicks save, the data gets saved to the database; only problem is that the form then clears all the data out of the controls.

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Protected Sub frmCustomerInformation_ItemInserted(sender As Object, e As FormViewInsertedEventArgs)
' Make sure record inserted properly.
If e.Exception Is Nothing Then
If e.AffectedRows > 0 Then
litMessage.Text = "Customer Information saved."

[Code] ....

What mode does the formview control have by default after it executes the ItemInserted method? Also, what is the prper way to do this?

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and it is working fine except for updating TreeView after Insert/Update/Delete.


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Forms Data Controls :: Inline Expressions - Get The text Value of A Column Of Datagrid And Insert?

Aug 31, 2010

using .net 4 and vs2010

I'd like to get the text value of a column of my datagrid and insert that text into the subject line of an email.

The partial code I've tried is below in bold, however, it does not produce the correct result.


I've also tried various other inline expressions, including <%#DataBinder.Eval (Container.DataItem("FullName")) %> and <%# Eval("FullName") %>

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DataSource Controls :: Sql Insert Failing On Detailsview Insert Or Update?

Mar 6, 2010

I am using 1 textbox with a Ajax Calendar extender to allow my user's to select a date graphically (exp: 12/15/2009). I have another textbox for the hour and minutes in military time(exp: 15:30). I think i have the code to grab the data from the 2 textbox's and combine them to be inserted into the field (exp: 12/15/2009 15:30). Here is my insert code for the Field:


However unless I make all the fields Nullable the insert fails, on top of that none of the other field that I have selected on the Detailsview Insert or Edit are inserted into there fields. Half of my fields have to be non-null values. So how do I fix this?

I can supply additional vb code and the aspx code if needed.

This is the error I'm getting: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Operation_type', table '/GAOSDB.MDF.dbo.BC_Perf_Log'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.'

This is the first non-null column.

I need to get this figured out because I have 30 other web pages that will be utilizing the same approach.

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Jan 17, 2010

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I have a site which displays data form a MSAccess 2003 database in a DataGrid. For simplicity sake the data is products ie an ID, Name, Description and a value representing the amount in stock.I want to allow the user to update the stock field via the datagrid but not be able to change any of the other fields. Is this possible?

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How To Insert Table Inside Datagrid

Aug 9, 2010

I am having datagrid in that I have one column that should have table. Now I want to know that how can I include table in datagrid. My table values may differ from each rows in datagrid.

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Jul 22, 2010

i am using asp net 2.0 and mysql. I need to implement a datagrid with the possibility to update a record but i am having problems and i don't know why.

this is the code:


the primary key of the table is a composed key fot IdOrdine and IdMezzo.

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Mar 31, 2010

I use the following with datagrid to call itemcommand or update command etc, and i do this:

If e.CommandName = "doAdd" Then

End If What is the equivalent check in gridview?

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how can i do that using code(I mean using command object)

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Column At The Start Of Each Row of The Datagrid For AllProducts Page?

Apr 22, 2010

I have followed an online Microsoft tutorial that walks through building a Northwind.xsd that includes ProductsTableAdapter and a few other such table adapters (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa581776.aspx).

Question: I now see a update column at the start of each row of the datagrid for AllProducts page. When I click update on a row and change the value of one of the non-primary fields (ex. Productname) and press Update, I get the following error:

The GridView 'GridView1' fired event RowUpdating which wasn't handled. How do I implement this event handler in VB? I know that when I implement using SQLConnection and use templatefields to bind each column I don't need to implement each event handler.

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Feb 24, 2011

I have take a datagrid view and now i want to update the records as the database is been normalized i need to enter the multiple rows at once. How you I convert the datagrid to enter the data so that it would be easy for me to update the records?

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