Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid To Call Itemcommand Or Update Command?
Mar 31, 2010
I use the following with datagrid to call itemcommand or update command etc, and i do this:
If e.CommandName = "doAdd" Then
End If What is the equivalent check in gridview?
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Apr 26, 2010
how would i do my Gridview delete command like a update command?
im using a datasource... and my delete command is like my update command... so i can change the status into "INACTIVE"...
DeleteCommand="UPDATE ACCOUNT_MAINTENANCE SET am_status = 'INACTIVE' WHERE (accmain_no = @accmain_no)"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [ACCOUNT_MAINTENANCE] SET [account_type] = UPPER(@account_type), [min_deposit] = @min_deposit, [min_capital] = @min_capital WHERE [accmain_no] = @accmain_no"
when i press my delete command at gridview... the status changed into "INACTIVE" but when i refresh or press f5... it automatically update the status into "INACTIVE" also...
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Sep 30, 2010
we have a AutoGenerateColumns-enabled WmxDataGrid in which we are able to update table rows in a DataBase connected with a SqlDataSource.
Each time we clear a field an empty string is written to the database where we want to write DBNull values.
At the moment we generate the update string via UPDATE... SET.. and the SQL Server function NULLIF(value, '').
Works proper but when I want to add the values to e.NewValues in BeginUpdate event I'm not able to read the values from the auto generated text boxes. How do I do that? Is there an easier way to automatically convert empty strings to NULL values?
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Aug 21, 2013
I have a page that has a datagrid on it and using inline update functionality and when I click the edit link, update text and click update link it updates fine but I put an email function in and I see two emails being sent. why it runs twice?
HTML Code:
<%@ Page Title="Courses" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/themes/admin.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="courses.aspx.vb" Inherits="admin_courses" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="cphHead" Runat="Server">
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="cphHeader" Runat="Server">
View 4 Replies
Mar 25, 2010
I have a datagrid that populates correctly and a drop down list.
I have a table with (below) and it popluates a drop down and works properly.
UploadFile -- UploadFileTypeID
-Select 0
Images 1
Spreadsheets 2
Documents 3
Inside the datagrid sort command I want an IF statement. But the IF statement I have now doesn't recoginze whats inside the SQL table ( == "Images").
I have this...
From my understanding this if (ddl_Upload.SelectedValue == .... Is only recognized if I would have listed -Select, Images etc as List Items for the drop down?
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Dec 2, 2010
I have placed a button inside datagrid.I have use MVVM model to do all manuplation in the grid.
when i click the button i am getting null parameter .
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Feb 21, 2011
i got a problem to update my database which i bounded to datagrid. The problem is, i want to update my database only by clicking one update button at the bottom.. when the user click it, all the fields will be updated to database.
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Jan 21, 2010
I'm using the membership on my website. On the User Administration page i've got a GridView to show the details of the users on the site. As a datasource rather than just using the Membership.GetAllUsers function i've got a SQLDataSource as i need to display user information from 3 different tables. I'm trying to add a delete button to the GridView. I'm setting the Membership's UserName as a DataKey and then using the RowDeleting event to call Membership.DeleteUser for the appropriate UserName. This works fine and the user is deleted however i then get an error showing up that "Deleting is not supported by data source 'SqlDataSource1' unless DeleteCommand is specified."
I don't want to use the SqlDataSource for deleting as i've already done it using the Membership. How can i stop it from trying to do this? Here is the cut-down that i have if you're interested. The selectcommand in the sqldatasource was auto-generated by it.
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Jan 28, 2010
I'm using vb and after i converted it from C# and tried to implement this:
I got an error that said: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton'.
And here's my code for the gridview table.
I've tried altering the code here and there but it never work
Protected Sub GridView1_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridViewCommandEventArgs)
View 5 Replies
Sep 26, 2010
I am trying to use an Update Command within my GridView. I need to find the "FindControl" for the Edit Command textboxes.
Ie. When the user clicks the Edit button, the row is populated with dropdown boxes, textboxes, etc for editting. Then when the user clicks on Update (button) and the GridView1_RowCommand function is activated with 'if (e.CommandName == "Update")' statement with my FindControl. etc. and my sql UPDATE command statements are used. How do I convert my FooterRow info to my Edit FINDCONTROL info?
This is what I have:
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Aug 6, 2010
i am using edit,update,cancel command in gridview, i need to update value in bound field how to retreive that value.
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Apr 8, 2010
I'm trying to create a ShoutBox for my site, and for those of you who are not familiar with shoutboxes, they are chat boxes on websites that users can post live messages on, and the other uses will see their message and be able to respond. I didn't find any good ones online, so I started to write my own. I'm doing it with an XML, but I want the user to be able to post messages using a textbox I added (txtMessage) and the button (cmdPostMessage), which should add a new item to the XML file, and all the other uses will receive that message (their xmlDataSource and the DataList will PostBack every second or something like that). It is able to read messages, but not send.I am however facing three problems:
1- I need to find a way for the user's input to be added to the XML.
2- I need to find a way for the current logged-in username to be found, and added to the XML, and also detect if no user is logged in, in which case the user wil receive an alert saying "Please log in to post messages to the ShoutBox" and redirect them to the login page.
Here is the text in the XML
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Jul 12, 2010
I am using as platform for building my application. I want to update the values in the database for the particular user & using the following code:
when I run this code, it works perfectly fine & there's no error, but when I check into the database, the values do not change & remains same. The default value in the database is NULL.
Kindly check into the matter & revert ASAP.
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Mar 22, 2011
I have a gridview control on my page with several fields and a couple of command fields. However, the update command is giving me problems.
Here is what works. The update command works provided I put straight text into the textboxes that appear. I even have one field that contains a dropdown list which works fine.
Here's the problem. I have two fields that need to access their value programmatically. These fields will reflect the current datetime and the current loggedin user from active directory. I have already created public strings in the C# code.
When I run the edit command on the asp form the grid uses one "DataKeyNames" element. With this the grid can update the selectedrow. However, I haven't been able to access it programmatically in the C# code. I can access the selectedrow in the "selectedindexchanged" event but then I am not able to update my fields in the gridview itself. So, part one of my question is how to I access the "DataKeyNames" properties of a gridview control.
if I can't access the "DataKeyName" property perhaps I could set the label nested within the gridview to the "myCurrentUser()" public string. I am inserting my code to hopefully make this clearer.
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Apr 3, 2010
I have 3 gridviews in one of my web page, each of which will display different data based on the typeid. I have simplified the system structure in the image below(further description will be stated below the image):
As shown in the image above, the web site(presentation layer) will work closely with the Business Logic layer(BLL) and Data Access Layer(DLL). ObjectDataSource control will be the middle man to select, update, insert and delete the data in the gridviews.
During Select, returned data from the database at DAL will be stored in a datatable and return to BLL and then the website itself.
However, the Update(command button) and Delete(template field) doesn't work,the RowUpdating and RowDeleting event wasn't trigger when I click on the button, but it works if I set the gridviews' datasourceid to the objectdatasource.
View 6 Replies
Mar 12, 2011
I have a gridview and sqldatasource in a form. My sqldatasource has select,delete and update command. The delete command is working but the update doest not work when I click the update command field.
Here is my code [Code]....
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Feb 17, 2010
Bug: UPDATE command Does NOT Work as Expected on a DataBound GridView This was tested in VS2005 and VS2008
Took a while to figure this out - A simple recurse thru Page Controls Makes UPDATE Not Work as expected.
To Recreate this bug:
A simple Gridview bound to an Objectdatasource on a page with ALLOWEDIT ALLOWDELETE
If one inserts some code (a function call in my example) that just recurses the PAGE controls in either the PAGE_PREINIT, PAGE_INIT, PAGE_INITCOMPLETE events,
Then the UPDATE does not FIRE! and After Pressing UPDATE the GRID does not BIND! You Get A Blank Page - Funny thing tought it's only the UPDATE Functionality that gets affected by this - Everything else works fine including EDIT & DELETE.
If the same function call (recurse thru page controls) is added in the PAGE_PRELOAD, PAGE_LOAD -- Then the UPDATE starts working again as expected.
BELOW Is SAMPLE Code using the NORTHWIND DB Products Table and a Typed DATASET.XSD - You can use your own datasource for the ObjectDatasource - (Note I took out the Foreingkey constraint in products table from Nortwind for delete to work)
NOTE: One should be able to just cut and paste the function PAGECONTROLS_RECURSETEST on any working form that has a bound Gridview with Update functionality and you should be able recreate the bug that way by calling the function from the different page_events
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Aug 11, 2010
How to update a colums value of a Row in a gridview on Row Command Event Handler. I am using a SQL Datasource.
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Jan 17, 2010
I have datagrid, View details button on the datagrid. If I click on the button, It will redirect to another page with all the details. I have update button and return button on that page. If I click on update, It will update data in the database. If I click on the return button, It will return to previous page which has datagrid but I want the update details in the datagrid. I have a big doubt, how to store that datagrid so that we can retrieve data on return button
View 7 Replies
Jan 6, 2010
I have a site which displays data form a MSAccess 2003 database in a DataGrid. For simplicity sake the data is products ie an ID, Name, Description and a value representing the amount in stock.I want to allow the user to update the stock field via the datagrid but not be able to change any of the other fields. Is this possible?
View 5 Replies
Jul 22, 2010
i am using asp net 2.0 and mysql. I need to implement a datagrid with the possibility to update a record but i am having problems and i don't know why.
this is the code:
the primary key of the table is a composed key fot IdOrdine and IdMezzo.
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Apr 22, 2010
I have followed an online Microsoft tutorial that walks through building a Northwind.xsd that includes ProductsTableAdapter and a few other such table adapters (
Question: I now see a update column at the start of each row of the datagrid for AllProducts page. When I click update on a row and change the value of one of the non-primary fields (ex. Productname) and press Update, I get the following error:
The GridView 'GridView1' fired event RowUpdating which wasn't handled. How do I implement this event handler in VB? I know that when I implement using SQLConnection and use templatefields to bind each column I don't need to implement each event handler.
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Feb 24, 2011
I have take a datagrid view and now i want to update the records as the database is been normalized i need to enter the multiple rows at once. How you I convert the datagrid to enter the data so that it would be easy for me to update the records?
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