Web Forms :: How To Add External Value In Between Row Array

May 7, 2015

I have query the data from DB using row in array. ow to add external value in between Array ?

 Example as below. 

oSheet.Cells[4, 3] = + "*" QueryDB.Rows[r].ItemArray[0].ToString() + "*";

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May 12, 2010

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I need to know what would be the best choice of array to use given the following specifications. This array's size will be predermined upon the loading of the appication. All I want to do is be able to add values to this array and replace preexisting array items with new values without the array changing size. Someone suggested that I use a Dictionary Array Object? I would appreciate any suggestions.

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<siteMapNode url="http://www.myblog.de/" title="smart" roles="*"/>

If i use this, it runs in a 404 error.

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Web Forms :: External Web.config And RoleManager

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In Global.Config I have a database settings:


But when I am trying to set a roleManager in web.Config:


it writes that can not find MainSqlServer connection string. I am understand why, so the question is - how to make this connection string (from external config file) visible to web.config.

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Web Forms :: Include Htm In Aspx From External File?

Jul 18, 2010

Depending on a parameter, I want to include html from different files in an aspx page (this is a section of the page). Here is how I am trying to do it:

in aspx file:


in C#


The problem is, whenever I edit the "include" files in VS, VS saves them as UTF-8. Then when I open the web page, there are three extra characters where the included html starts. If I go into a different editor, I can change the format to ANSI and then it displays okay in the web page.

I have two questions: 1. Is there a way I can save the file in VS as ANSI so I don't get the three garbage characters? (I tried saving as file types .htm, .txt, and .inc but none work.) 2. Is there a better way to do this so it does not matter if the file is UTF-8 or ANSI?

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Web Forms :: Trying To Download An External Image And Encode It

May 26, 2010

I am trying to download an external image and encode it, using the function below.


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Web Forms :: Saving XML File At The External Application?

Apr 7, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to save my XML file in the outside location.

I have a Main web app that uses an XML file as a datasource for one of it's pages. This XML file is generated manually by accessing a utuility page in the same app. I created a utility app that resides outside of the Main app ( it's on my C:/Inetpub/wwwroot) but it should save an XML file in the directory of the Main applicatoin. My utility works fine if I need to save to C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/XMLFiles) but I when I try to access the file at the Main application something like that:


It gives me an error: System.Web.HttpException: Cannot use a leading .. to exit above the top directory. If I just type full URL it says that URI cannot be resolved.. How can I access that Tests.xml file to update it?

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Web Forms :: Best Practice For Starting An External Process From Web App?

Mar 24, 2011

I need to essentially make a command line tool available via a web interface. This tool would need to be run ON the web server, not the client machine. e.g.: someCommand.exe -aSwitch param1 param2 The tool will be in a windows integrated auth web app on an intranet. I have not had to do anything like this before, so I want to find out how others handle this, what is the recommended best practice? a quick google first showed someone using system.diagnostic.process... so to start playing I did something like this, just to see if it works, it does:


I won't be running cmd.exe, that's just to test with. The actual command line tool I will be using is not on my dev machince right now. . is using system.diagnostics.process, processStartInfo, and start method acceptable? my goals:

1. use recommended best practices, especially with regard to security
2. I'd like to start the command, and use ajax to display the commands output as it runs, and of course I need to know if it was successfull or not.

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Web Forms :: Displaying Html From External File?

Feb 6, 2011

I need to display html text (terms & conditions) on a page. This text comes from an external html file. The reason for this is so the text can be changed as and when needed in the external html file and web page would display the up to date text. Also html will also handle text formatting.

So my question is how can I import html text from an external file and display on a web page?

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How To Store An Array In Session And How To Retrieve That Array From Session

Mar 12, 2010

how to store an array in session and how to retrieve that array from session?

I am trying to store one array of type Double and assigning values of the same type but it is showing me an error. How do I assign values to the array which is in session?

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Web Forms :: Running External Process From Button Click?

Sep 18, 2010

We need assistance with a portion of a major web application project scheduled to begin user testing within 10 days. The troublesome part of the code calls an external application when a button is clicked in Web page. When run from a command prompt or bat file, the external application, App.exe, runs perfectly producing the desired result. We created a test page and a small console application, Con.exe, to test the button code with a known quantity. The test application runs perfectly when the button in the Web page is clicked. However when we change the code to run App.exe instead of Con.exe, the App.exe code will not execute. We even tried creating a bat file to execute App.exe. Like the exe, the bat file executes from the command prompt or when double-clicked,but fails to run when called as a process from the button click event. Can anyone assist us? Here is the C# code: (.Net 3.5 sp1)

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace WebButtonTest
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
int checkNumber = 0;
if (Session["checkNumber"] != null).......


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Web Forms :: Controls Of Usercontrol Not Recognized In External Javascript?

Nov 19, 2010

I need to access controls of aspx page and usercontrol page through the external .js file. I created a global varaible in the aspx page

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var loadPanelID = "<%=ajaxLoadingPanel.ClientID%>";

Now I pass this value in the onclick event of button click (Let the funtion name be Fun(loadPanelID) ) . The controls is recognised in the .js file. Everything is fine till now. Now i need to call the same javascript method Fun() from the button click of usercontrol.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var loadPanelID = "<%=ajaxLoadingPanel1.ClientID%>";

I have ajaxLoadingPanel1 in the usercontrol and I have defined global variable as in the first one in ascx and passed that value to Fun() method. But this time it gives error called "loadpanelID" is undefined.

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Web Forms :: Loading External Website With Master Page

Jun 11, 2010

I have a master page in my website. I want some sort of container to load external website in my contentplaceholder.Frames and object tags are the tried options. My DOC type doesn't support Frames and object tag has that scroll border displayed by default and I can't remove it because it will be a page from another domain.

On the loaded site the users will be able to browse and search products, so I just dont want to read the html once. That will be the actual website loaded/displayed.

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Web Forms :: Displaying External HTML Within Aspx Page?

Feb 15, 2011

What would be the most efficient way to inject just the contents of an html page into a user control or directly into a page?

In example if the html page I'm calling consists of a simple <div> layout how could I display that within an aspx page.

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Web Forms :: Call A External Javascript Function In The Code Behind

Mar 1, 2011

My external javascript file named "messages.js" located in the "/scripts" directory:


How do I call this function from my codebehind? I need to register it through the client script manager right? Can someone provide me the call as I'm not sure how to add the function through an external file using type="text/javascript"

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Web Forms :: Post A Form In .aspx Page To An External URL?

Sep 24, 2010

I'm migrating an old ColdFusion site to ASP.NET. One of the pages has a form that posts to an external URL.


I just discovered that you can't do this in an .aspx page. Seems the page will just post to itself if you hit the submit button.What's the proper technique for achieving this in ASP.NET? There are a couple of hidden fields that pass parameters to the external URL.

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Web Forms :: RequiredFieldValidator Created In External Object Is Null?

Apr 24, 2010

I have a registration form. Settings of this form, like which fields are required I get via webservice. So I need programatically validate this form. I decided to create variable count of requiered field validators in Submit click. The validator is created in external object that holds a field settings.


I tried to debug it and GetValidator() created RequiredFieldValidator, but in btnSubmitRegistration_Click after that, validator was null. Object lost it's reference. Where is the problem?

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Web Forms :: Request A Form Elements From External Webpage?

Jul 22, 2010

there are a form in a page like this :


how we can request that form dynamically and make it in my webform ?

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Web Forms :: Dynamic File Upload Using External Class?

Nov 4, 2010

I programmed a WebForm where I can add dinamic FileUpload elements and upload a variable number of files. So far no problem.

My problem begins when I try to automate this process in a class Uploader (external to this webform so it can be called from any other form or module). In my form's Page_Load() I instantiate this class and call the method uploader.layout(Me), which definition you can see next:


I get an error

El control 'FicheroUpload1' de tipo 'FileUpload' debe colocarse dentro de una etiqueta de formulario con runat=server. Which means something like The control 'FicheroUpload1' of type 'FileUpload' must be set inside a form label with runat=server.

Where is the error? Can I insert dinamic elements in a form from an external function, such as this class method?

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Web Forms :: Post Data To External Page And Set Session Variables

Aug 17, 2010

I have an app which has a form that used to use AutoPostBack rigged controls (dropdowns, radiobuttons etc.) in an updatepanel, and I used to set session values on each postback. I posted the form using PostBackUrl to an external page, using a bit of javascript OnClientClick to copy my data into meaningfully named hidden fields.

Now, I've had to rewrite the AutoPostBack-ing controls so that all the cascading dropdown work and date calculation etc. is done in JavaScript, and not in C# - no more postbacks, no more updatepanel.

This means I've lost the ability to set my session values on postback. Can anyone think of a solution for setting these before I post my form? I need to set the session variables, plus post (querystrings are not an option) to the external page with the values from my form - and actually send the user to the external page, too.

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