Web Forms :: How To Develop An Application That Should Be Able To Work Online And Offline

Jan 6, 2011

I want to develop a utility where user will insert new Records and also the same application should work if user is not connected with internet.When user wants to submit records only that time he required to connect internet.

We have created one sample application using excel where we use Dropdown, Textbox, Label.User will download excel file from website and filled up details. When user wants to submit all details only that time internet is required. Application will insert value from excel file to server using WebServices when user click on submit button.

Above is working file but it's increasing our work because we are creating website and also Excel project (Almost double work). I want something where we can utilize the code for online and offline application.

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me how create offline and on line application.like..

I need create an app.net application.This should works with or with out internet.

Here main requirement is some user will connects to internet and get data to local system.then whey will work on offline.Finally need update server all users updates to server.

so here..

1. user will connect to internet every morning at that time we need to synchorize local database from server database.

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I need to show if a user is Offline or Online.

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Okay, now i think i got explained what i would like to do.

How i would like this to work:

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Language-ASP.NET C#

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<remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>
<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=totallyu_profiles;Integrated Security=True;User ID=admin;Password=password;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

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I just finished programming a web application, and I want to upload it to a host server so that it works online. However, I faced some problems.When recalling functions from class files, server can't approach them, and the following error appears: (BC30002: Type 'db_class' is not defined)I know that there are steps I have to do in this stage in order to make the project working. I want your help letting me know what these steps are!

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