Web Forms :: How To Edit Class Timetable

Apr 13, 2010

I create one page for school site , in this master timetable page all periods and all days entered but this how to edit each line like days wise, for example i selected satrday , in this all periods and all subjects are selected

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Web Forms :: How To Create TimeTable Dynamically In .net Page

Feb 22, 2011

I want to develop a dynamic time table for a school.But the subjects and periods are not fixed ...so there can be any number of rows and columns in this which will be decided by user at runtime.when user enters number of row and columns according to that a table layout will be displayed and Each cell of my Table will Contain a Textbox in which user can write somthing..and when he clicks on save button the entire table will saved as it is....should i use Gridview to accomplish my need ????pls if u have any other better idea to develop this complete this task in a proper and rich way

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Create Timetable By Retrieve The Time From Database

Feb 26, 2010

Recently i am develop a tuition center management systemNow i want to show a timetable which admin can view and know what time the class room is emptyMy timetable is : On the top of x-axis is time (8am, 9am, ...)On the left of y-axis is date (monday, tuesday, ...)In database i will define the start time and end time for each class

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C# - How To Find An .NET Timetable Control

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C# - Online Timetable Creator Which Takes The Information From Different Schools?

Oct 19, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview - Column Styling - Class To Define What Textbox Looks Like In Edit Mode

Jun 10, 2010

In the example below I have set the control style to 'controlName' I want to use this class to define what my textbox looks like in edit mode. This works ok, so far so good. The Problem In a button event I add the class "validationError" to this textbox if the data is incorrect. When the grid gets rendered I expect to get 'controlName validationError as the class applied to the textbox. Unfortunately, it seems that the declarative statement overrides this and simply ends up as 'controlName' how I can intercept the application of the declarative class so that I get what I desire here?


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.net Mvc 3 Dataannotation Can Use In Different Class Scenario For Edit And Add Elegantly

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How can I maintain using data annotation attributes for validations in mvc3 different requirement for edit and create in an elegant manner. I have an different edit and create requirement.

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Web Forms :: GridView To Update (edit) Columns And View Table Without Edit Link?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a user requirement to hav the ability to directly edit the gridview without having to click the edit link. I was thinking of showing dropdown lists for each column-to-row so that the user can select the values for each record. Then the table will be updated accordingly (no update link).

Is this possible or do I still need the edit template and specify the item template with the dropdown list?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Is Showing The Edit Mode After The Edit Is Done

Mar 30, 2010

I have a grid view with edit and save buttons when I click on edit it is letting me edit it and if I click on save it is lettingme save the data that I have edited.

The thing is after save is done it is showing the data in edit mode i.e <edit item template > mode I am still seeing the textboxes if I refresh the page then I am seeing it normally.

How can I stop the gridview to show edit mode after the save is done?

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Forms Data Controls :: Edit An Entire Column Instead Of Edit By Row Within A Gridview?

Apr 5, 2010

Can someone tell me if there is a technique to make an entire Column within an gridview (for example digits) editable (instaed of a single row) and update this column after changing values by press an Update-button?

A commercial solution is also o.k. with me, but, of course, a method to do it ourselve would be nice.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Edit GridView All Rows In Edit Mode

Dec 4, 2010

- I want to put multiple rows of a gridview into edit mode

- I have not found any easy method to accomplish this task. I found a way to programmatically put a gridview into edit mode, but in testing the code below it works for only 1 row at a time :


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Forms Data Controls :: Master Detailed GridView Edit Selects The Wrong Row To Edit?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a page with 2 GridViews on it. The top GridView shows all the Bike Riders the bottom GridView shows all the Bike Lockers. I have set up both GridViews to be able to Edit the data. And the top GridView to Select.

When I click the Select buton on the top GridView I programically reset the DataSource for the bottom GridView to show the Locker for the Biker of the top GridView Selected.

So far everything works great. I select a Biker on the Top GridView and the Bottom GridView resets just showing one record for the bike locker.

The problem is that if I then click on the Edit button on the bottom GridView (The Bike Locker GridView) the GridView goes into the Edit Mode but it now shows all the Bike Locker records and the edit record is always the top record of the GrdView.

Here is my code Behind:


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Forms Data Controls :: Change Edit And Cancel Link When In Edit Mode On Gridview?

Aug 18, 2010

How do I change these hyperlinks to say something other then Edit and Cancel?

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Forms Data Controls :: Click To Edit Button Twice In Form View To Change To Edit Mode?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a page where I have a tab container and four tabs. the problem is on the first tab "manage quote request" I have a Gridview with the quote request general informatin listed and have a template field created with a link button to databind to the formview quote details. the porblem comes in when after I click on the select linkbutton. the Formview loads right. Then Whe I try to click on the edit linkbuttin in the form view I have to click it twice to change the mode to edit.

here is the page code:


Here is the Codebehind:


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Web Forms :: Edit Tag / Edit The Link To Point To The Correct Location?

Jun 22, 2010

I load some text from the database to display on the website. Search through the text and if the text contains links to pdfs documents etc I want to edit the link to point to the correct location.

I have already done it with images by editig the src andpoint the image to the correct location.

Regex regex = new Regex("src=(?:"|')?");
// replaces urls in <img> tag with corresponding unique ids
string body = regex.Replace(strMessage,"src=""+getVirtualImageRootRelative());

getVirtualImageRootRelative is a function I created which contains the address where the image is located.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change Edit Text (edit) To Other Text (view) For One Particular User (vb.net)

May 5, 2010

im using gridview to read data from datasuorce(my access) and im editing data using 'enable editing' from smart tag(in design window .aspx), now i want to change the edit text: edit(i hav named it as edit) to 'view' for one particular user whose name:'sunil'?

this is my table(in my access layer and calling this data through datasource of gridview):


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Web Forms :: Way To Control Null When Inheriting From Class Library Class

Sep 16, 2010

I have this Control directive in a usercontrol (i've changed the namespace and class name):

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Inherits="Namespace.Path.To.ClassName" %>
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtComment" TextMode="MultiLine" ValidationGroup="comment" />
ClassName is a class that lives in a class library and this is the class:
namespace Namespace.Path.To
public class ClassName : System.Web.UI.UserControl
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox txtComment;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(txtComment == null);

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Web Forms :: Why Class Of User Control Is Unavailable In Another Class File

Nov 18, 2010

I have build a UserControl with separate code behind file.In that code behind file i have defined some public properties in the Partial class of user control that was automatically generated.Those properties will initialize some properties of controls that are used in the control.Now, in .aspx page i used this User Control and initialized the public properties through code behind of aspx page for dynamic contents.

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Web Forms :: Use System.Drawing.Bitmap Class Into Other Class?

Oct 5, 2010

How can I to use System.Drawing.Bitmap class into athoer class?

using System.Data;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
namespace University
public class Class1
System.Drawing.Bitmap BMP=new System.Drawing .Bitmap();

when I use System.Drawing.Bitmap gives error this class does not exists

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MVC :: Edit Action (GET And POST) For An Entity That Multiple Pages Link Into (GET EDIT)?

Jan 5, 2010

Consider the following scenario.You have a Edit action (GET and POST) for an entity that multiple pages link into (GET EDIT). What is the best way of getting back to the page that linked to the edit action? Adding a returnTo url in the query?

Example, from MyCart/3 we have a edit product link
/Product/Edit/5?returnTo=MyCart/3 (but url encoded)
And from Producer/45 we have this link

Is there a better way to do this?

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VS 2010 - When Click Edit Button In Gridview / Always Show Edit Box

Nov 12, 2011

When I click the Edit button in Gridview twice it'll always show the edit box or (textbox in gridview are editable)how to prevent that?

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On Edit Grid View Multiple Row Edit Validation?

Jan 29, 2010

I am using a telerik radgrid so there are around 5 columns each column edittemplate contains a control along with a required field validator and also a property called AllowMultiRowEdit is set to true so i am able to multiple rows in edit mode.

If any of the values are cleared the for multiple rows I want only those to be validated on update of that particular row.

So i implemented the Grids item data bound event find each and every validator along with the update button and set a unique validation group.

The above implementation most times but fails at some time. Is there any other way of going about this ?

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C# - Edit Xml File - Edit Value Of Visible

Nov 17, 2010

I have modified the structure of d xml file. i want to edit value of visible

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AJAX :: AJAX Inline Edit Box Control In GridView Displaying In Edit Mode?

Aug 18, 2010

I have two InlineEditBox.NET controls in a template field inside a GridView. When displayed in the GridView, the first row is OK, but starting with the second row, the controls are automatically displayed in edit mode when the page loads, and I can't figure out why.


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C# - How To Access A Private Data Members Of Base Class In The Derived Class

Aug 20, 2010

Since we can access the private data member of base class in the derived class with the help of friend function. How can we do the same in C# asp.net? I mean whats the alternative of friend function in C# asp.net

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