.net Mvc 3 Dataannotation Can Use In Different Class Scenario For Edit And Add Elegantly

Mar 14, 2011


How can I maintain using data annotation attributes for validations in mvc3 different requirement for edit and create in an elegant manner. I have an different edit and create requirement.

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Run Every ContentResult In A Controller Through A Universal Try / Catch Elegantly?

Feb 28, 2011

I am assuming there is an elegant way to do this, but I do not know what it is. In an application I am working on, I have a lot of ContentResults that return xml. Every action that does return xml runs through the exact same try/catch block and I am repeating myself over and over again - here is an example of what I am talking about:

public ContentResult SomeAction()
//some stuff here
catch(Exception ex)
return this.Content(someObject.ToXmlString(), contentReturnType);

This happens 3-4 times in a controller so I figure there is a way I can either paint it with an attribute, or run some sort of method in the global.asax or something like that to prevent repeating myself over and over - not to mention code changes in the future.

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the use of data annotations. when should we not use . or how should i use it when there are two or more tables on the form?

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MVC :: Use ADO.NET With DataAnnotation In Webforms?

Nov 2, 2010

I am developing a simple application. I have completed.

1 - Using Respositary Pattern

2 - using DataAnnotation for validation.

3 - Selecting, Creating, Updating and Deleting.

My Questions.1 - I have extra BL validation. Should I create Service layer or use that in Partial Class where my DataAnnotation is?
I dont want to use DataAnnotations in one class and other BL validation in another class. Is there a way to combine both or Should I use those separately. Confused here? Any examples to implement BL.

2 - I have lots of Calculations to run once record is reterived and insterted. Where I put these calculations? Should I make extensions and call in controller or Methods in separate file. Any clean approach.

3 - Can I use Repositary Pattern and Service model in ASP.NET webforms with ADO.NET, Entity Framework and Linq to sql?

4 - I don't know id this is stupid question. Can we use ADO.NET with DataAnnotation somehow in Webforms and ado.net with mvc?.

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MVC :: DataAnnotation Validation Order?

Aug 11, 2010

PropertiesMustMatch fails because for some reason it's hit PRIOR to "Required" property. How come??

how do you set the order or validation so that Required is hit prior to any custom validation?

I have a class like so:

[Validation.PropertiesMustMatch("Password", "ConfirmPassword", ErrorMessage = "'Password' and 'Confirm password' do not match.")]
[Validation.ValidateMemberUsername("Username", "Oldusername")]
public class Member

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Is there any support from JQuery for DataAnnotations?Found this but not sure if its supporting. http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/

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Is there an out-of-the-box DataAnnotation attribute that checks if an integer is greater than a certain value?

public Model
public int MyVal{get;set;}


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MVC :: DataAnnotation With .edmx Complex Type?

Oct 21, 2010

n edmx Contact entity PersonalInfo complex type is defined with property FullName and Title.In view the code is


Got buddy class like


When I submit form get an error of mapping but if I take FullName out of complex type than form is working fine.How I validate FullName if it is in Complex type?

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DataAnnotation Attributes Not Working In MVC2?

Jul 9, 2010

I am having trouble with the with mvc2.

I am using the Entity Framework as my ORM. I have used the POCO Entity Generator to create POCO objects. I moved the generated objects to a separate project. I followed steps outlined here(Tutorial). This is my project structure

Sports.Data - Entity Frmework and Data Access

Sports.Entities - The poco objects generated and buddy classes

Sports.Web - The web application

In the Sports.Entities project I have created buddy classes for the generated pocos.

The problem I am having is that the attributes are being ignored by the mvc. The validation is not working and the correct label text is not being displayed. Instead of 'Shirt Size', 'ShirtSize' is displayed.

Here is the code.

<%: Html.LabelFor(m => m.Player.ShirtSize)%>
<div class="editor-field">


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MVC :: T DataAnnotation (Display Specifically) Code Is Not Working?

Apr 21, 2010

, what wrong with my code below, look:

In my model,[Code]....

and in my aspx, [Code]....

But does't work, why?

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MVC :: Using DataAnnotation Validation On A View With Multiple Forms?

May 10, 2010

I've got a view with 2 forms on it - one to login and the other to register. My problem is that the client-side validation from MicrosoftMvcValidation is firing regardless of which form I submit - because my forms are rendering the inputs with the same id e.g.

<input id="User_Email"
name="User.Email" type="text"
value="" />

How can I change the generated forms to create different id's for the inputs in such a way that the validation works?

I'm using a strongly-typed view with a model with this property:

Model property:

[Required(ErrorMessage = "Please enter an email address")]
public string Email { get; set; }

First form:

<% using (Html.BeginForm("LogOn", "Account")) { %>
<%= Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.User.Email) %>
<%= Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.User.Email) %><% } %>

Second form:

<% using (Html.BeginForm("Register", "Account")) { %>
<%= Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.User.Email) %>
<%= Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.User.Email) %><% } %>

My second form produces id's identical to the first form which is causing the problem.

Is it possible to specify the difference in the Html helper on the view or do I need to provide 2 seperate models somehow? I'm a bit in the dark.

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MVC :: DataAnnotation On Multiple User Controls Displaying On Wrong Control?

Sep 27, 2010

I have a table that displays a user control on each row. The user controls are strongly typed to a viewmodel which contains DataAnnotation style validation. If one of the rows has invalid data entered (lets say the 3rd row) the data annotation validates display agains the first row/user control.How do I get the data annotation to show against the relevant user control?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview - Column Styling - Class To Define What Textbox Looks Like In Edit Mode

Jun 10, 2010

In the example below I have set the control style to 'controlName' I want to use this class to define what my textbox looks like in edit mode. This works ok, so far so good. The Problem In a button event I add the class "validationError" to this textbox if the data is incorrect. When the grid gets rendered I expect to get 'controlName validationError as the class applied to the textbox. Unfortunately, it seems that the declarative statement overrides this and simply ends up as 'controlName' how I can intercept the application of the declarative class so that I get what I desire here?


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C# - How To Use ExecuteScalar In This Scenario

Dec 6, 2010

I have this SQL Select statement to select the basket id where the user id equals a specific ID.I want to store the result of the query in a variable, so I thought I could have done:

BasketPage.SelectCommand="SELECT BasketID FROM tblBasket WHERE (UserID = '9f96bd94-91b9-4328-8214-4eac179c3a26')"
var BasketID = BasketPage.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

But apparently I need to create a new instance of an SQL Command for it to work, how can I do this for the BasketPage Select Command?

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Security :: What The Best Practice For Next Scenario

Apr 27, 2010

1) All users can browse open web site content.

2) To access memebrs area users must login.

3) Users can create , edit/update, delete there profile/information only.

4) Users can see / view other users profiles.

5) Admin can browse, create, edit/update, delete an any profiles.

I found many different ways to implement it, but what the best practice. May be you can point me in right direction.

Application Web based, MsSQL 2005, .NET 3.5, Server 2003.

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Looking To Build An Application With The Scenario?

Mar 2, 2010

I was looking to build an application with the scenario:

1. The application is a Shared PowerPoint Presentation

2. There would be 2 users for the application, Admin and Client

3. Admin can upload presentations

4. Only Admin can control the flow of presentation and cLient can just see the changes

5. As-In Admin can select next slide or previous slide and correspondingly Client configuration changes

I was thinking of updating current values in Database and using AJAX for updates on Client end. But I want a notification kinda thing that would notify the Client as soon as the Admin changes slides.

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C# - Get Value From Dropdown Control In Scenario?

Mar 9, 2011

My scenario is this:

I have asp.net page which having the drop down control with Product list. in database my Product Table has fields as ProductId, Product Name and Price. where as I have filled this drop down control by this method:

private void FillProducts()
List<Product> productList = objProductManager.GetProducts();
if (productList.Count > 0)
drpProducts.DataSource = productList;
drpProducts.DataTextField = "ProductName";
drpProducts.DataValueField = "ProductId";

Which is working perfect. But i want to get selected product Price value on client side. for that I don't want round trip at server to get that. is any property of dropdown control other than DataTextFeild Or DataValueField to hold the Price Field of product ? so that i would avoid to go back at server. Or suggest any remedy for the same.

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Response.End() Mandatory In The Given Scenario?

Feb 1, 2011

string filePath = ExportAndSaveInvoiceAsHtml(invoiceId);
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + Path.GetFileName(filePath));


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How To Get The Column Titles From The Display(Name=) DataAnnotation For A Strongly Typed List Scaffold View At Runtime

Feb 9, 2011

how do i get the [Display(Name="Some Title")] DataAnnotations "Some Title" rendered in the List scaffold view's output?

I create a strongly typed list scaffold view for this class:

public class CompanyHoliday
[Key] [code]...

However i don't want "Date" and "Name" in the table header - i want "Datum" and "Feiertag Name" rendered there dynamically. The actual column header titles should come from the Display Dataannotation.

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MVC :: What Is The Recomended Validation Framework For Scenario

Jul 16, 2010

I am using ajax.beginform. i am inserting and updating records using ajax and showing the inserted or updated value in the div above the div containing form. I need to apply validtion on these values.what is the recomended validation framework for this scenario. i have problems pushing validation messages to the form as i can only update one div that is indicated in updatetargetid parameter of ajax.beginform and this value in my case is set to div displaying the updated/inserted data

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Architecture :: How To Represent Scenario In A Relational Database

May 26, 2010

i'm new with design patterns and i'm not sure if in this situation i can use a composite pattern.

The scenario is a web application for an address book : the address book cointains AddressBoookItem, generalization for Contact and ContactGroup. The last one is the composite object containing a collection of AddressBoookItem.

With these scenario i'm sure that this is a composite pattern, but what is confusing me is that a contact may belong to many contactgroup. Does this request change the situation? Till now i thought that between the Leaf object and the Composite (in the composite pattern) there was a 1-to-m relationship (a composite may contains many leaf but a leaf is contained in only one composite object). Can i still use the composite pattern ? And, the last question,

How could i represent my scenario in a relational database? One table for the entire hierarchy or two table (Contact and ContactGroup) with a m:n relationship between them ?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Select Statement For Some Scenario

Apr 24, 2010

I want the select statement for the above scenario.

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SQL Server :: Table Design In Sql - Best Practice For This Scenario?

Oct 26, 2010

I want to track equipment between three types of allocations. A piece of equipment can be allocated to an employee, to a customer facility or to a warehouse.

I have an equipment table, employee table, a customer table and warehouse table. Warehouse is where equipment is temporarily held and shared between multiple employees, it is a holding area.

Obviously each equipment item can only be allocated to one employee, customer or warehouse.

My original thinking was to make a table for EquipmentAllocations where it linked the EquipmentID and the id of the employee, customer or warehouse (all guids).

Eventually I will need to query the equipment to see where it is located/allocated. I will also need to query the employees to check what equipment is allocated to them.

I am trying to figure out the best way to handle this and I am looking for some guidance. I am sure many of you have had situations similar to this that you could draw upon to offer up some advice.

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Scenario Cause An UpdateException In EntityFramework While Calling SaveChanges?

Jan 27, 2011

SaveChanges can generate an UpdateException when an object added to the ObjectContext cannot be successfully created in the data source. This can happen if a row with the foreign key specified by the relationship already exists. When this occurs, you cannot use Refresh to update the added object in the object context. Instead, reload the object with a value of OverwriteChanges for MergeOption.

In a table, a foreign key column can have a single value multiple times. e.g. DepartmentID foreign key in Users Table: More than one User can have same DepartmentID foreign key.

So how can this cause an UpdateException ?

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