Forms Data Controls :: How To Create Timetable By Retrieve The Time From Database

Feb 26, 2010

Recently i am develop a tuition center management systemNow i want to show a timetable which admin can view and know what time the class room is emptyMy timetable is : On the top of x-axis is time (8am, 9am, ...)On the left of y-axis is date (monday, tuesday, ...)In database i will define the start time and end time for each class

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Web Forms :: How To Create TimeTable Dynamically In .net Page

Feb 22, 2011

I want to develop a dynamic time table for a school.But the subjects and periods are not fixed there can be any number of rows and columns in this which will be decided by user at runtime.when user enters number of row and columns according to that a table layout will be displayed and Each cell of my Table will Contain a Textbox in which user can write somthing..and when he clicks on save button the entire table will saved as it is....should i use Gridview to accomplish my need ????pls if u have any other better idea to develop this complete this task in a proper and rich way

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Forms Data Controls :: C# - Create A 'Time" Column Which Shows The Elapsed Time In HH:MM Format?

Mar 18, 2010

I have 2 fields being displayed in a Gridview, StartTime, EndTime. I want to create a 'Time" column which shows the elapsed time in HH:MM format. (StartTime - EndTime) This was all generated with VS2008, table is pulled from an SQL Query.

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Sqldatasource Row From Database?

Apr 5, 2010

I want to retrieve sqldatasource row from database and if = 1/0 set checkbox to checked or not

I am using the sqldatasource and formview. The sqldatasource is bringing in 1 database item via querystring id

I want to read the row entitled 'IsCharacter' which is either 1 or 0 value. If it is 1 I want the checkbox in my formview to be checked. If it is 0, I want it to not be checked.

I could do this with a dropdownlist with value of 1 or 0 which would be easier for me, however, I don't think it would be as user friendly as a checkbox.

Perhaps a radiobuttonlist would be better?

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Images From Database?

Dec 18, 2010

i have a table that containt two fields.

1. ProjectID


in ImageAddress field i have stored physically address of my images and each project has more than one image. how could i show all images that belongs to a project in a GridView?

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Record From The Database ?

Feb 5, 2011

I want to be able to retrieve a record from the database and change it than update the record in the database with changes.

what's I am doing

1- select the record for the data base

2- on loading the form set the content of each component woth data (eg: textbox1.text = "content")

when I edit the value and submit the form

3- I get the changed text (changed = textbox1.text )

but it get the old text not the changed one

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve Image From Database Into Gridview

Sep 5, 2010

How to Retrieve image from database into gridview

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Data From Database And Show In Gridview?

Feb 11, 2010

I want to get data from the database and display it in gridview. The gridview should be editable. Meaning the user can add, edit and delete items/rows in the gridview. Everytime the user adds/updates/deletes an item, the gridview is also updated. However, these changes will only be saved to the database once the Save button is clicked.

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkboxlist To Retrieve Data From Database To Display Results In Gridview?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a page where I will insert all the data into the database. The page where I'm having problems is when I select an item from the checkboxlist it only displays one item. The data which is displayed is only the one that was inserted with one selected item from the checkboxlist. The following code is the page I'm using to try to retrieve the data from the database. I am trying to do is when a user selects the first, second, or third, or fourth item. The corresponding data appears in the gridview. In my current code, the record which has one item selected appears. If the user has more than one selected it does not appear. It comes up as empty. Is there a way I can do it?


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Forms Data Controls :: Create Textbox Dynamically In GridView And Retrieve The Value In Button Click Event?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a dropdownlist("ddlTemplate") control and a gridview("gvPlanning") control with 1 BoundField column, 1 TemplateField column and remaining columns will be generated dynamically from database.In TemplateFiled Column i have 3 image buttons viz: Edit, update and cancel.Gridview will be populated based on the selecteditem of dropdownlist.

if i click on edit imagebutton, i need to add textboxes dynamically in all the columns of that row except first 2 column. And if i click on Update imagebutton i need to retrieve the textbox values.we can add template field column for textboxes also, but why i am sticking to this method is.. the number of columns changes depending on the selecteditem from the dropdownlist. Eg: If i select india from dropdownlist the number of columns in the gridview would be 4 and if i select UK from dropdownlist the number of columns would be 9 likewise.

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Images From Database One By One And Put Them In Webpage's Table?

Feb 18, 2011

how to retieve images which are stored in database one by one and put them in webpage's table.

My project is shopping cart type project in and server is sql2003

I saved the image urls in database.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Or Retrieve The Data From The Database In The Added Order For The Datalist Or Grid

Dec 20, 2010

I have data in mydatabase. My AnswerText in the database is test1,test2,test3 While retrieving it is displaying as test3,test1,test2. I am using the below code to display the data.

Dictionary<string, string> dicKeyValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();
for (int i = 0; i < cnstsData.Answer.Count; i++)
dicKeyValues.Add(AnswerText, AnswerImage);
DataList.DataSource = dicKeyValues;

I want to display the AnswetText as test1,test2,test3. Basically i want the same order which i added to the database while retrieving also.

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Forms Data Controls :: Clicking On Gridview Item To Retrieve Info From Database?

Feb 4, 2011

I am Working on a project(, i have a gridview to display names of "Patients". Each patient has a unique "labID",

I have stored the patients "diagnosis" information in seperate tables( stool,urine, blood etc)

what I need is to retrieve this info when I click on a patients name in gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve Data From Database

Feb 15, 2011

i am working one application, in this application i store three differnt text boxe data store in one cell divid with commas(,) but i retrive that data from database and bind three differnt text boxes , how it possible,

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Data From Database?

Jun 23, 2010

i want to retrieve data from database , with assign of <a href="____ "></a> tag ,like

in my database value store is "" , i want to display it like a link and it will also open in new tab when click on it and open that website

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve Client Name / Field And Image From Database And Show In Datalist

Sep 22, 2010

i wanat to display Client Name, Field and image in datalist. Stored Procedure like this

ALTER proc [dbo].[get_clients_services]

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Create Template Controls Inside A Gridview At Run Time

Sep 17, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Create A Real Time Chart Using Vs2010?

Aug 13, 2010

im using Vs2010 to plot real time line chart. i have been looking for the section that allow me to set X and Y axis..

i jus couldn't find the place for me to set.

my Y axis is a double, min =0, max = 100 and my X axis, min =0, max = 300(seconds).

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Time Value That Retrieves From Database

Feb 8, 2010

I am using a repeater control, and in that one of the item, displays a time value that it retrieves from a database, the issue now is, that i want the data to get processed eg, todays date [ minus ] the date that was retrieved from the database. How can i go about this?

I am expecting to use the vb code behind to process the data, and then display it in the repeater control pragmatically for each corresponding record that is displayed.

Snippet of my aspx page:


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DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Data From Database On Every Seconds?

Feb 4, 2010

I'm developing a web application with and Sql Server 2005.

How i can retrive data from database on every seconds basis?

For your information , I have a Server application which will update hardware status (every seconds) into database and

my web client need to retrieve and display out the latest status (every seconds)

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Forms Data Controls :: Collections Versus Reading Database Every-time

Jan 18, 2010

1. I know about collections but I dont remember the precess. I know you drag a sqldatasource control on the form(Select everything in the database ie. selct *) and then delete it. But how do I use it i code.

Example. I need to select services where country=canada from the Agencies table.

2. I know how to manually pull data from an access database using the code below. I want to know how to pull data from a sql database just like the one below.

3. explain the difference between Collections and manually pulling it like the one bellow?

Stringpath = Server.Mappath = Server. MapPath(/website");
String connStr = Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" +"DataSource="+path+
OleDBConnnection conn = new OleDBConnection(connStr);;
OleDbCommand cmd= new OleDBCommand();
cmd.COnnection = conn;
cmdCommandText = "Select * From [Suppliers];
OledbDataReader dr= cmd.ExecuteReader();

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Data Controls :: Save And Retrieve Data Of CheckBoxes Inside Repeater To Database

Feb 3, 2014

When user upload new documents then this document goes for approval to supervisor and for this i use dropdowns ...when I use dropdown the exact result not occur and now i wat to approve/reject through checkboxes...

Here is code:

<table class="CSSTableGenerator" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="results">
<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater2" OnItemCommand="Repeater2_ItemCommand"
runat="server" onitemdatabound="Repeater2_ItemDataBound">

[Code] ....

Now I want to use checkboxes, how I replace dropdown checkboxes in html and also in ....

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Data Controls :: How To Save And Retrieve PDF Files From SQL Server Database

Oct 10, 2012

How a pdf file will save in database sqlserver(2008) and Reteriving  all file(s)them in pageload() in required  page? in C#

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Forms Data Controls :: Date Time In Text Box Not Inserting Into Database Table?

Mar 13, 2010

In short, I have 3 text box fields on an .aspx page named as follows:-


in addition a sql datasource is on the page which is connected to the incident table with an insert query which allows the data entered into the fields to be inserted into the database...

The Textboxincident and textboxdescription fields allow the user to enter data into them...

the TextBoxDate field is a read only and the code behind file enables the text box to show the current date and time the code im using is shown below...

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

Dim TextBoxDate As TextBox
TextBoxDate = FormView1.FindControl("TextBoxDate")
TextBoxDate.Text = DateTime.Now
End Sub

When run in browser the textboxdate field shows the current date and time...and Once the textbox incident and text box description fields have been filled in and the submit button is clicked, the fields should be bound to MS SQL table called Incident. This did work before, however it as suddenly stopped working and now displays the following message to me:-

Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime. The statement has been terminated.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Retrieve The Data From The Session (Dataset) And Save It Into A Database

Mar 24, 2010

How to retrieve the data from the session (Dataset) and save it into a database


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