Web Forms :: How To Initialize Web Part?

Mar 9, 2011

i create a web part in the code behind page and i didn't nkjow how to


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Sharepoint Proxy Web Part - Configure The Web Part To Point To An Existing Web App

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When using SPWeb.GetCatalog(SPListTemplateType.WebPartCatalog), it returns an SPList which of course contains a SPListItemCollection of the web parts in the web part gallery. When looping through the items, is there any easy way to get properties of the web parts? Such as AllowClose, CatalogIconImageUrl, etc... I know I can probably accomplish this using the listItem.OpenBinaryStream etc and loading the xml of the .webpart file, but I wondered if there was an easier way to do this.

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see this code:


While in constructor i am gettine error, Aobj(0).type is not initialized, it says that Object reference not set to an instance of an object. how to initialize my objects?

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Web Forms :: Popup Calendar Initialize Textbox & Dropdownlist

Feb 16, 2011

I have a problem on ASP.NET webpage for data input form. My form contains a TEXTFIELD(txtDateEntry) and a Dropdownlist (ddlRegistration).
dllRegistration should be populate its data base on date in txtDateEntry. I have added an image(imgCalendar) next to extfield(txtDateEntry) and attach javascript to load a Popup Calenday. In my page load(Register.aspx) I have added the script as below:

this.imgCalendar.Attributes["onclick"] ="javascript:window.open('../CalendarPopup.aspx?textbox=txtDateEntry','cal','width=250,height=225,left=270,top=180')";
and on CalendarPopup.aspx:
protected void calDate_SelectionChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
string strScript = "<script language='javascript'>window.opener.document.forms(0)." + control.Value + ".value = '";
strScript += calDate.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString();
strScript += "';self.close()";
strScript += "</" + "script>";
ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(),"anything", strScript);

My purpose now is that when user click on the calender and select a date, the dropdown list ddlRegistration will initial its data base on the date where calender is being selected. How could I do to reach this requirement?

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Web Forms :: What Does Initialize() Does In Application_Start Method In Global.asax

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In my company app they are doing the following. I do not understand that what initialize does? Do we need to Initialize assemblies before using them? and what kind of assemblies needs to be initialized?

Below is the code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Initialize GridView With List?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a Button that creates a new product object. Then I add this button product to a list via list.add(product) and than I initialize the DataSource property of the GridView with that list via gridView.DataSource = list.

Here is the example code that will be exuted if the user clicks the add button:


It works. But if I press the button the second time, I overwrite the previous entry from the list / grid. How can I solve this problem? They idear is, to save all created objects in the list to save the whole list later. The grid view is necessary to show the users the added objects. All components are inside an update panel.

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Sep 22, 2010

I want to initialize text box with specific dates and after page is loaded, user can change dates and refresh the data on page.

When I set default date on pageload event, user's changes get lost as soon as page is refreshed.

txtStartDate.Text = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-2).ToString();
txtEndDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();

In past, I have used onInit event for such initialization but I am unable to find it on web form.

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Feb 28, 2011

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Sep 23, 2010

I have some code I only want to execute the first time I display a form. With this in mind I created a class variable which I initialize the first time I execute page load.

public partial class CLVideoDefinition : System.Web.UI.Page
string videofile;
string first;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (first != "N")

I then select a value from a drop down list , but when it does the auto postback it executes page load but my class varaible has been reinitialized to null and will then execute the code I only want to execute on the first run. why my class variable has been reinitialized.

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Web Forms :: How To Add Class And Initialize Js Function In Nested / Derived Master Page's Code Behind

Feb 22, 2011

I want to add a class and initialize a JS funcion behind my nested masterpage which is being dervised from an other master page. But when I add the following code in the PageLoade event in the code behined of my derived page then it give the folowing error

Exception Details:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.





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Web Forms :: Reading Data From Excel File And Inserting Into Sql Server - Initialize HasFile?

May 24, 2010

I am using reading data from excel file and inserting into sql server using following article, it seems to be working correctly except when I do page refresh normally, it again execute the the btnUpload_click. I want that once the record imported and if user refresh the page again it should ask for enter file name again. let me know how do I resolve this? [URL]

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C# - Where Is The Component Initialize Method In 3.5

Jan 10, 2010

I want to create my own naming convention for page events rather than AutoEventWireUp but I couldn't find Component Initialize methods any where ? Should I override it ? But in which class it is defined ?

Edit :

For example : I don't want to use Page_Load but LoadThisPage naming. So It should be like

Load += new LoadThisPage(sender,e);

I was expecting a InitializeComponent method where I can initialize page,controls etc. events handlers...But it turned out to be Constructor function :

So what confused me is I thought there should have been a method like InitializeComponent which does things for me already created by Designer itself so I thought I could define my own event handler names within this method by overriding it in the say Default.aspx.cs .

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Initialize The Controls In An InsertItemTemplate?

Mar 21, 2010

I have - for instance - an asp:FormView which supports Read, Insert, Update, Delete and is bound to a DataSource:


If I am in Read-Mode or Edit-Mode the control is initialized with the property MyText of the current object which is bound to the FormView.

But when I go to Insert-Mode I do not have a "current object" (FormView1.DataItem is indeed null) and the controls are empty.

If I want to have my TextBox control initialized with a specific value how can I do that? In which event can I hook in to set default values to the controls in the InsertItemTemplate?

Especially I have in mind using an ObjectDataSource. I was expecting that the InsertItemTemplate is initialized with a business object which underlies my ObjectDataSource and which is created by the ASP.NET framework simply by using its default constructor when the InsertItemTemplate gets activated. In the default constructor I would init the class members to the default values I'd like to have in my controls of the InsertItemTemplate. But unfortunately that's not the case: No "default" object is created and bound to the FormView. So it seems I have to initialize all controls separately or to create the default object manually and bind it to the InsertItemTemplate of the FormView. But how and where can I do that?

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VS 2010 SimpleSqlProfileProvider (Altairis) Initialize?

May 28, 2010

I was looking for a custom membership/role provider and came across The Altairis Web Security Toolkit Looked at the source and this is just perfect for what I had in mind. So I implemented it in my project, created a database and tables and configured it in my web.config. Everything compiles fine, but seems I'm being stupid in how to actually use it. (Looking at the source code here might be useful in helping me out) Just to see it work, I'm making a call like this:

private readonly KrokSqlMembershipProvider_membershipService;
_membershipService = new KrokSqlMembershipProvider();
MembershipCreateStatus status;
_membershipService.CreateUser("krok", "password", "[URL], "", "", true, null, out status);

However when I debug the code, I realize that in the MembershipProvider class the configuration settings to be loaded from the web.config are empty, so it fail when trying to connect to my database (empty connection string). I notice the settings are retrieved in the Initialize method, but I'm not sure if I'm suppose to call that, and if so, how. (The sample application that comes with the source code have no code in it. It's asp.net, while I'm using asp.net mvc)

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Configuration System Failed To Initialize?

Feb 24, 2011

I am getting the error Configuration System Failed to Initialize , i have two projects inside my solution and Listed belwo is the app.config for each of them

Project-1 Data Layer App.config


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ActiveRecord Initialize Method In Application_Start?

Dec 20, 2010

I have a site that uses ActiveRecord. I'm getting an exception that says "An ActiveRecord class () was used but the framework seems not properly initialized. Did you forget about ActiveRecordStarter.Initialize() ?" This is a web application, and the Initialize() method is called by the Application_Start event handler.

I created a new page that also calls the initialize() method. If I visit that page once, then the rest of the site works. If I visit it a second time, I get an exception stating that the Initialize() method can only be called once.

I've tried modifying the web.config and resetting the application pool to force Application_Start to run.

This only happens in production; dev, my stage, and client stage are fine. Production is the only load-balanced environment--I'm not sure if that comes into play.

Edit: We have another site deployed in the same environment which successfully uses ActiveRecord with the same initialization code. One difference is that the site that is working has only the ActiveRecord code in Application_Start; the site that doesn't also sets up some URL routing in Application_Start.

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Can Initialize Var With Null Or Some Empty Variable

May 25, 2010

Can i initialize var with null or some empty variable.

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Initialize Session In Masterpage: 'subpage'?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm having a hard time with the page cycles when using masterpages and contentpages. My masterpage has two linkbuttons that are used to select a language (using resources). When these buttons are clicked I create Session["language"]. The goal I have is to 'translate' my masterpage after the buttons are clicked AND to translate the content page.I've been trying all kinds of different methods (Page_Load etc) based on this url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dct97kc3.aspx but it never works like it should. Usually the content page only gets translated after two clicks. I can't figure out the cycle problem between the masterpage and the content page combined with the click-events.

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Telerik Mvc Combobox Copy And Initialize?

Feb 9, 2011

I am using a Telerik combobox and using jquery to make a clone of it.

the control is being rendered correctly, however the dropdown is not working I believe due to the fact the javascript has not been initialized on the control.

Is there a way to do this or a better way to make a duplicate of the control?

I may have to resort to making an ajax request but would ideally like to keep it all clientside.

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Unable To Initialize The Automatic Property In C#

Apr 6, 2010

I have an automatic property

public int GearCount { get; set; }

when i try to initialize it like this-

Tandem t = new Tandem(GearCount = 5);

It gives an error as below

The name 'GearCount' does not exist in the current context

Whats wrong here ? Also if i do normal intantiation it works fine.
Tandem t = new Tandem();

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C# - Where To Initialize The Usercontrol Properties Before Databinding?

Jan 10, 2011

How can I write the C# code (aspx) to initialize the user control with some default property values? I mean where/which event? I have a user control with a gridview that I bind on container page. On page load of the container page I bind the data. I tried writing the initialization code in initproperties but it didn't work. Please suggest where can I set the default values for my usercontrol?

Edited:As suggested by DOK.. I already have a property and I change width of one of the DIVs. Here is the code that is not working.

public int CollapsiblePanelWidth

this works only if I set the width on calling program. Otherwise the default value of style="width: 105px;" is not added.

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