C# - How To Make Math.Round For A Number

Oct 13, 2010

how to make the Rounded number ?

Example : 3341.48 to 3342.00

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Jun 3, 2010

I'm having an issue with my ASP.NET RangeValidator controls.

I want to allow users to enter a discount amount, and this amount must be negative (< $0.00). I want to verify that the amount entered in a textbox is a negative value, so I have this in my page markup:

<asp:TextBox ID="tbxDiscount" runat="server" />
<asp:RangeValidator ID="rvDiscount" runat="server" ControlToValidate="tbxDiscount"
MinimumValue="0.0" MaximumValue="0.0" EnableClientScript="true"
ErrorMessage="Please enter a negative value for a discount" />

and I attempt to set the MinimumValue dynamically in my code before the page gets rendered - to the negative equivalent of my item price. So if the item is $69, I want to set the minimum value to - $69:

rvDiscount.MinimumValue = (-1.0m * Price).ToString();

Trouble is: I keep getting this error message:

The maximum value 0.0 cannot be less
than the minimum value -69.00 for

WTF?!?!??! Where I come from, -69 $ IS less than $0 ...... so what's the problem?

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Oct 4, 2010

I'm currently develop a monitoring and evaluation database with many indicators

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Input_IndicatorID quantity
Car 3
Truck 2

I'd like to create an output indicator have field: formular. The result of vehicle = car + truck = 5

Output_indicatorID formular
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I don't now how to parse this string, detect parameter: car, truck to get the answer

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I'm currently develop a monitoring and evaluation database with many indicators

For example: I have two input indicator : car , truck

Input_IndicatorID quantity
Car 3
Truck 2

I'd like to create an output indicator have field: formular. The result of vehicle =

car + truck = 5
Output_indicatorID formular
Vehicle Car + truck

I don't now how to parse this string, detect parameter: car, truck to get the answer

I search on Google and find some Math parse like: muParser, bcnet but it just for a string

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I have a textbox value that could be 1, 2,...12

I want if textbox value is 7, then column Aug-Dec in Gridview is editable when in update mode and the column in Jan-Jul is not updatable (eg make it label instead of textbox).

How can I do this ?

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1000,10000 also i should do the same.dont know how to do it.

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