Web Forms :: How To Obtain The Control Which Launched The Event

Mar 30, 2010

I create dynamically a serie of buttons, with differents IDs (button_1, button_2...), but all of them, call to the same method when they "OnClientClick" event is lanched.

I need to know which of these buttons was clicked.

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Similar Messages:

Event Handler - Obtain Selected Data From GridView Control

Jan 26, 2016

I use this code to obtain a selected data from GridView control. I created a user control and reference it to ASPX page. However, for some reason I can not access public methods IndexChanged to retrieve information of selected line.

User controls:
Public gridRow As GridViewRow
Public Event IndexChanged As GridViewSelectEventHandler
Protected Sub GridView_SelectedIndexChanged (sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles gv.SelectedIndexChanged
******* gridRow = Grid.SelectedRow
******* RaiseEvent IndexChanged (sender, e)
End Sub

ASPX page:
grid.IndexChanged - there is no such event in the selection (the grid is the name of the user control)

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Forms Data Controls :: Obtain A Value From A Record In GridView Control When Delete Is Pressed?

Jun 3, 2010

First of all, when using the GridView control with Delete enabled, when I delete a record is the event handler in the code behind file handled before the record is deleted or after? I need to obtain a counter value that I have set up in the record before it is deleted so that I can decrement all of the counter values that followed it. Is the best way to do this to open a connection in the Delete even handler and take care of it by code, or is there another way to access a column value from the GridView control that would simplify the process?

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Browser Launched Console Application?

May 28, 2010

I have come across some ASP.NET sites that rather than displaying a page, it launches a console-based application similar to how LiveMeeting kicks-off. I am interested in building an app that uses that feature so that I could take advantage of richer features of a console-based app, but for the life of me, I can't seem to find any info on the internet as to what type of project this would be in VS. I have tried WPF Browse Application, but thats not what I am looking for since the app type I am talking about does not run in the browser at all. The image below shows what happens when reaching the web site, which would therefore then launch the console-application (which is not even installed on the client's machine)

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Security :: Roles Not Working When Launched?

Nov 5, 2010

I launched an aspx site recently and all roles worked perfectly in the development environment.

However when I use the login function in the production environment all users have access to all pages. Why would this be happening?

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Shut Down Web Services Launched By Visual Studio?

Jul 14, 2010

I have a solution with about 10 web services and one web site that calls them. All the services have to launch when I click "start debugging", which is necessary and good. When I stop debugging the services are still running. I can right click on each of them in the system tray to shut them down, or I can shut down Visual Studio and they get shut down automatically. Is there a better way?

I found this SO post which says how to not start the services in the first place, but I want the services to launch (and even want them to stay running more often than not.)

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Process - Console App Crashing After Being Launched From ASP.NET Webform?

Dec 17, 2010

I need to trigger a Console App (exe) file from a asp.net webforms page. Obviously the main issue is permissions, and for now I'm just trying to get this working by letting the asp.net service impersonate the main Administrator account. Once I can get it working in a stable fashion, I'll set up it's own user and permissions. For now I would really appreciate assistance in getting this working.


Also, the EXE can be launched directly on the server via RDC and it runs just fine.I've wasted almost 2 days trying to get this to work, and at this point I'm desperate for some experienced input on this job. I'd even be willing to throw in $50 as a thankyou gift to whoever has the solution.

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Visual Studio :: IIS Does Not List A Website That Matches The Launched URL?

Aug 3, 2010

When I press F5 (debug) in Visual Studio 2010 Express, I get the following error message:

Unable to start debugging on the web server. IIS does not list a web site that matches the launched URL.

This happens only when I am trying to make use of the option "Use custom server".

I got both the host file and the IIS bindings set up. The server that I specified is working in the browser.

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Unable To Debug On Browser/tab Other Than One Launched By Visual Studio?

May 25, 2010

I just upgraded to Windows 7. On Win XP, I could set breakpoints in an ASP.Net project and those breakpoints would hit from any browser/tab on my machine. Using Windows 7, that doesn't work. The browser that launches when I hit F5 does, but no other instances/tabs
do. If I try to explicitly attach to process to attach to another browser instance, it still doesn't hit.I need to debug this way because an error is occuring only when I enter the application by following an external link.

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Load Dynamic Control From A Dropdownlist Event Handler - How To Preserve The Control After Button Event

Mar 10, 2011

I understand I need to load my dynmaic control on every postback and preferrably in Page_Init(). But my dyanmic controls are loaded from a dropdownlist selectedindexchanged event handler. Now after any postback, my dynamic controls are gone. How would I force it to load on every postback ?

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Web Forms :: Add Event Handler To User Control And Capture Event On Parent Page?

Apr 24, 2010

Using vb.net/asp.net 2005.

I have a page books.aspx that has a control named authors.ascx.

Inside the authors control there is a "select" button I want to add some kind of listener or event handler (not sure of the correct terminology) so on the parent page (books.aspx) I can respond to the "select" button being clicked.

I have to pass the authorID from the user control to the parent page.

In my authors.ascx control I just created this event:


Now I need to write the function for SelectAuthorBtnClick and I think add some kind of listener in the parent page to listen and handle the event.

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: Firing Click Event On A User-control That Is Created From Another Event?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a gridview called gvResults. In the gvResults_RowEditing event I add a row below the one selected. In that new row, which spans all columns, I insert a user-control. There are two buttons and some textboxes in the user control.

My problem is that when I click one of the user-control buttons it never gets to the button event handler, I think because the user control is not recreated on the page postback. How can I have the user-control events fire before the parent page events fire?

I tried using an update panel, but I still get the parent posting back before the user-control events.

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Forms Data Controls :: CheckBox Checked Changed Event Is Firing For Every Control Event?

May 8, 2010

I am facing one strange problem,I have a gridview in which the last two columns have checkboxes and on those checkboxes click event I am doing some database operations.I also have one checkbox that is outside the gridview which actually shows or hides some of the gidview columns.This was all working well but now I have shifted that grid to a user control because I have to use it in two pages.The problem now is,When the page first loads and I click the check box or any control in the page that is outside the grid then it works perfectly.But once I click any of the check box within grid view column then its behavior chages, now even if I click the checkbox that is outside the grid then also the checkbox_CheckedChanged event of the checkbox that is whithin gridview is fired.That checkbox event then behaves something like a page_load event that is called for every page load and for every event with in the page after it is called once.

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Visual Studio :: Unable To Start Debugging On The Web Server. The IIS Worker Process For The Launched URL Is Not C?

Jul 19, 2010

Unable to start debugging on the web server. The IIS worker process for the launched URL is not currently running.I'm running Windows 7 64 bit, VS 2008 sp1.When I first try to debug I get the error msg above. I wait a few minutes (presumably some service is starting) and debugging will start but no breakpoints are recognized.Some of the things I've tried:Changing the binding of my site from a static IP to "*".

Enabled windows authentication.made sure localhost = in the hosts file.The website was built under windows xp and whatever version of IIS ships with xp. My web config has no errors that I know of but might be missing something required for iis 7 (??)

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Web Forms :: How To Add An Event To The Asp.net Table Control At Runtime ...onclick Event

Jan 28, 2010

well i have already created the rows and cells dynamically using asp.net table control ...but how to add an onclick event on that ...so that i could retrieve the corresponding cell when a particular row is clicked ...if it was a html control ,i could have used javascript but in this particular case m unable to find any solution..

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Web Forms :: Obtain DropDownList Value Before And After Being Changed

Jul 1, 2010

What is the best way to get the value of a dropdownlist control before it has been changed and after it has been changed. Can it be done in one routine? In other words, if a user clicks on a dropdownlist control and changes it's value, I need to get the old value and the new value and send both these values as input parameters to a stored proc.

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Web Forms :: How To Obtain The URL Shown In The Addressbar For A Subdomain In ASP

Jan 24, 2011

My website [URL]The actual path for es.argyletv.com is argyletv.com/es/. You can access the same files for that website by typing in essentially 2 different addresses, which is bad for search engine optimization. For instance, es.argyletv.com/entry.aspx yields the same result as es.argyletv.com/es/entry.aspx.

I am trying to determine when the subdomain directory is included in the url, so that I can remove it and redirect the user to the url without the directory via a 301 redirect. The problem that I have is that:Request.Url.ToString();[URL]I've also tried to use Request.RawUrl.ToString(); and pretty much every type of output in the request class to no avail. What I need, is to be able to determine what is being shown in the address bar, so that I can direct the user to the correct URL if need be.

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Web Forms :: Cannot Obtain Request.ServerVariables From Thread

Aug 15, 2010

I am trying to run this log routine in a separate thread in order to improve page load performance but I am getting an error in the line bellow: "object not set to an instance of a variable".

line error: strTempBrowser = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].ToString();

I am suspecting that Request.ServerVariables are not available during the time that the thread executes. Is there a workaround?

Page Base Class
SiteStatisticsLite sStat = new SiteStatisticsLite();
Thread oThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(sStat.AddLog));
oThread.Start(); // Don't wait to finish, just let stat logging to occurr after page loads
public class SiteStatisticsLite
//SiteStatisticsLite sStat = new SiteStatisticsLite();

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Web Forms :: Obtain Content From Dynamically Created Textbox?

Nov 6, 2010

I am trying to create a comment system in which the comments will be displayed and will have one level of reply to the comment.

I now have text boxes and buttons dynamically created under each comment for users to submit replies to each individual comment.

I am having difficulty obtaining the contents entered by the user within the text boxes.


The GetComment method is called at pageload. I am able to obtain the Id of the comments that the reply corresponds to, but not able to obtain contents entered by user in the reply text boxes, they show up as blank.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Set Datalist Items And Obtain Value In Page Behind

Jul 22, 2010

i want to use a Datalist to list products from sqldatasource. When i select the Product i would like to retrieve the associate Product value in the code behind page so that i may use it to display data in Grid.

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Forms Data Controls :: Obtain A Column From A Gridview And Use It In Calculations?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a gridview with the following columns: months, number of injury, expenses. my month column is a string, my number of injury column is a number and my expenses column is a number. I need to first obtain the month column as an integer and then obtain the number of injury column in my gridview. Once these columns are obtained, I want to be able to get the total number of injuries. How do I solve the problem. First obtain the month column and change it to an interger or gridview

Next obtain the injury column and then add each row in the injury column to get the total number of injuries.

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Forms Data Controls :: Obtain The Average Price From A Particular State?

Feb 18, 2011

I have a table that includes a state column and a price column.

I am able to obtain the average price from a particular state using:

SELECT avg(Price)
FROM MainTable
WHERE StateId=x

I would like to display the average price from each state. The only way I know of doing this is 50 seperate datasource controls. Is there another way?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist - Obtain Additional Information In Label

Oct 1, 2010


How to obtain additional information in label1? Data ID and last name, it works. How to obtain additional information ID2 in DropDownList?

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Web Forms :: How Do You Obtain The Absolute Web Application Path In Class Called From A Referenced Dll In A We...

May 1, 2010

I have a class (.cs) in my web application project called CompanyResponseInfo.cs. This class inherits from a class called, ResponseInfo.cs, which is from a class library which is referenced as a compiled dll in the web application. CompanyResponseInfo is called from the ResponseInfo base class. In the CompanyResponseInfo class I need to build a file path to a file that resides in the directory 'web root/resources/standard.xslt'.

Now i know that because CompanyResponseInfo is instanciated from within the inherited ResponseInfo class from a referenced library, the 'System.Web.HttpContext.Current' object is null so I cannot gain access to MapPath and all the other Server object properties for me to obtain path properties relating to the web application.

I have also tried using 'System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath' which did work locally, but when I put the web application on our test IIS server it never worked correctly as it seemed to use the path in which IIS resides.

I guess this would be a common problem, so what are my options in my case when I need to get the absolute web application path so I can use it to get the absolute path for a XSLT file so I can load it into the XslCompiledTransform.Load()?

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Web Forms :: Refreshing Parent Control With Child Control Event?

Feb 8, 2010

I have a label control. I added table dynamically into the label. and dynamically buttons into table cells. On button click of each cell raises a popup where I can add a item. Now I have a problem, My table is not refreshing when I added the items and closed the popup. But they are adding on the next event raise.

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