Web Forms :: How To Set CausesValidation=false On A Button That Was Created With Javascript

Sep 1, 2010

I have a button on an ASP.NET page, and that button is (and needs to be) created via Javascript. The problem is, there are some validators on the page, and pressing the button is causing them to fire, and I don't want that to happen in this particular case. I am not sure what CausesValidation=false actually does on the page, but I was hoping to re-create it somehow.

I have been trying to locate the button by using a FindControl() statement in code-behind, but that doesn't seem to be working. If it did, I could just set the CausesValidation there...

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Manually Causesvalidation=false Using Control With Javascript?

Jan 3, 2011

When I Was Trying To causesvalidation=false for my server side validation control like requiredfieldvalidation.i want manually causesvalidation=false using javascript but i m not done.

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AJAX :: Button In Accordion Works Only If CausesValidation = False

Jan 10, 2011

I'm using VS 2010 targetting ASP.NET 3.5 and am using AJAX Control Toolkit 3.5.40412.

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Web Forms :: CausesValidation="false" Not Working Outside Usercontrol?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a aspx page with two linkbuttons and a usercontrol. One is used to save and one to cancel.

But even though I add CausesValidation="false" on the cancel linkbutton it still validate the the validationcontrols in the user control.

But if I add a dummy linkbutton inside the user control that has CausesValidation="false" it works and postback without validating.

Why can't I have the link buttons outside the user control?

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.net Regular Expression Validator Fires Even When CausesValidation="false"

Mar 25, 2010

I have a regularexpression validator which validates a valid email. I have two buttons on my form. Submit and undo.On undo, we are reverting the page state to defaultsubmit has it validationgroup set while undo doesnot have any validationgroup and CausesValidation="false".Now when i navigate to page and enter invalid emailaddress,i directly click undo. the validator fires and stops my page from posting.however if i press tab and navigate to other control and then click undo,the validator shows error message but posts back and furthur proessing is done

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Web Forms :: Button.UseSubmitBehavior Is False Results In JavaScript Error If Mixed With True?

Feb 5, 2010

ASP.NET 3.5 SP 1 Following code in ASPX:

Text="Calc Shipping Costs"
Text="Submit Query"

Renders like this in HTML (I find this to be correct):

value="Calc Shipping Costs"
value="Submit Query"

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Javascript - Call Client Script From Button With Submit Behaviour False?

Oct 4, 2010

How do I call a client script function from a server side button click(with submit behaviour set to false) .


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Javascript - Button Is Not Fired Normally And Fired When UseSubmitBehavior="false" But Textbox Values Are Coming Null?

Mar 7, 2011

I am using ASP button its working properly at client side but on server side its not firing.

<div style="text-align: center">
<div id="UserName">
<asp:TextBox ID="txt_LoginName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<div id="Password">
<b>Password </b>
<asp:TextBox ID="txt_Password" TextMode="Password" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<div style="text-align: right; width: 210px;">
<asp:Button ID="btn_SignIn" OnClientClick="LogInUser()" UseSubmitBehavior="false" runat="server" Text="Login`enter code here`" />
<asp:Label ID="lbl_InValidError" runat="server"></asp:Label>

Client Side Code:

function LogInUser()
var LoginName = document.getElementById("<%=txt_LoginName.ClientId %>").value;
var Password = document.getElementById("<%=txt_Password.ClientId%>").value;


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Set Date Format String As D/M/yyyy And Htmlencode=false In Programmatically Created Gridview?

Dec 10, 2010

MyDataSource is a datasource stored in a session passed through a search page

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
gridview1.DataSource = Session["MyDataSource"]; [code]....

dates appearing in this gridview display as M/d/yyyy + time for example 12/31/2010 00:00:00

My Question: i need a way to display date as d/M/yyyy with no time for example 31/12/2010 usually i do this by setting the gridview properties htmlencode=false and dateformatstring="{0:M-dd-yyyy}" but in this case the gridview dont show any field because it bind data only at run time

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Web Forms :: Specifying An Event For A Button That Was Itself Created By A Button?

Feb 3, 2010

I would like to create a button on the page from the event of the original button. i.e. clicking btOrig creates btCreated.

well I can do this, I just can't control the event for btCreated.

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Web Forms :: Validation - AutoPostBack And CausesValidation Interact?

Nov 28, 2010

I have on site three textbox controls, RequiredFieldValidator with each textbox and button (without any code). I have problem, when I set autopostback property of textbox controls to true. Regardless, that EnableClientScript sets to true or false, validation error dissapears - or show only few seconds. Helps only set CausesValidation property of textbox to true. And my question - if autopostback is set to true, should I set causesvalidation to true too to make proper validation process? Why it doesn't work?

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: The Serverside Event For The Button Is Not Triggered And PostBack Is False

Nov 18, 2010

I have a problem with the ASP FileUpload control. It occurs in Safari and on websites where anonymous authentication is disabled and windows authentication is enabled.

When I select a file in the upload-control and then press an ASP-button the serverside event for the button is not triggered and PostBack is false.

Steps to reproduce the error:

1. Create a page with a file upload and a button. Print a message in the page's load event so you can see that if postback is true or false

2. Open IIS-manager and Add a new application that points to the folder where the page is

3. Disable Anonymous Authentication, ASP.NET Impersonation and Forms Authentication for the application

7. Enable Windows Authentication for the application

8. Browse to the page with Safari

9. Select a file with the upload control

10. Press Ok. Postback is false

If you then enable anonymous authentication on the web application and restart the browser postback works as expected.

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Web Forms :: Can Programatically Change CausesValidation Property At Run Time Once It Has Been Set

May 3, 2010

I have a form with a detailsview control and I want to validate if a particular index is selected in a a dropdown.I can set the causesValidation property on the controls in the dropdown control in it's selected index changed event but once it is set, lets say someone selected the wrong index on the DDL and now they want to change it before updating they are stuck in validate Hell. Here is my code from the relevant details rows, the row with the DDL that causes the validation and it's selected index changed event.





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Web Forms :: Click On Button With CauseValidation=false In Other ValidationGroup But Validators Still Work?

Apr 27, 2010

what wrong with these validators.


Button1 works fine, it causes the validator to work. Button2 works fine, it doesn't cause the validator to work because it's CauseValidation=false But, Button3 in Repeater1 items doesn't work as I want, it still fire the validation of the validator.

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Forms Data Controls :: Update A Field In A Gridview To False On A Button Click

Sep 3, 2010

Ive got a list of records in a gridview (from an SQLDataSource) where a field value is set to True. I've also added a "reset" button in a template field at the start of the row in the Gridview.

What I would like to do is allow the user to click the reset button on a particular row and 'reset' the true value to 'false' (updating the source data).

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Forms Data Controls :: Set A Button Enable To False On Page_load When Part Of A Gridview?

May 10, 2010

I have a set of 4 buttons which part of a gridview template and I load the gridview on page_load. The datasource for the gridview comes via my controller as I am using Microsoft's Model View Controller design pattern. I set 4 public properties for each of the 4 buttons, which I can access in my controller class/method. However, when I call the method for the gridview, which sets the datasource for it on page_load, I get an error message when I try to set the enable to false. It says "Object not set to instance of object". The objective I am trying to do here is a check on a returned value, which I can achieve, and based on the return of the value that is returned, to either set the button enable to true or to false.

Unfortunately, I am getting this Object not set to instance of object error message, and I do not know how to resolve it.

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Web Forms :: Hide Or Display On Button When Usename And Manager Username Is Equal To False Or True

Mar 26, 2016

How do i apply hide or display on a button when UseName and Manager UserName is equall to false or true..This is the Table

SELECT TOP 1000 [Id]

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Control With Visible=false Cannot Be Used In Javascript?

Jan 3, 2010

I have an ASP.NET text control "FromDate" whose visible property is set to false, but I wanted a client side javascript to be able to toggle the visibility property using CSS properties

element1.style.display = "none"; // hides the element
element1.style.display = ""; // shows the element

but when I attempt to get the textbox, I get null on

var element1 = document.getElementById("FromDate");

When I try the same code with visble=true as the default on the "FromDate" ASP.NET control, it works (although that is not the behavior I need)

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Web Forms :: How To Get Html Input Value That Created On An Event With Javascript

Feb 22, 2011

i am trying to get html input value from codebehing using name attribute of input

the input is created by client on dropdownlist change event

html input like <input type=text name=myinput value="123"/> and codebehind code like Request.Form("myinput") is nothing

also Request.Form.AllKeys does not contain name of myinput

my question is it is possible to get html input value that created on an event with javascript from codebehing using formnamevaluecollection

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C# - CausesValidation To Certain Fields?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a large ASP.NET page with many TextBoxes and Validators The problem is that when I click on a button, I want to fire the validation for certain TextBoxes (but not all of them). And when I click on another button, I want to fire all of the validators.

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Set Value Of Radio Button Back To False?

Aug 3, 2010

Depending on what I click, true or false, this will cause my table to show or hide accordingly. My issue is, if i cancel(close) out of this while the selected is "true", and come back to this, "true" will still be selected and vice versa for "false". What I want to achieve is, regardless of the selected value, when I close out of this and come back, the selected value should alway be set to "false".

var rblRecurrence = new SelectList(new List<ListItem> {
new ListItem { Text = "Yes", Value="true" },
new ListItem { Text = "No", Value="false" }}, "Value", "Text", "false");
var htmlAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{ "onclick", "if(eval(this.value)) { $('#tblRecurrence').show('slow'); } else { $('#tblRecurrence').hide('slow'); }" }
foreach (var rbl in rblRecurrence)
<%=Html.RadioButton("rblRecurrenceVal", rbl.Value, rbl.Selected, htmlAttributes)%>

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Web Forms :: Add Event Handler To Dynamically Created Button?

Oct 5, 2010

Does anyone have a good vb example of adding an "onClick" event to a button that is dynamically added into a templatefield of a gridview. MSDN just says to use the addhandler statement with no other good info for a 'dynamic' scenario:


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Web Forms :: How To Set OnClick Event For Dynamic Created Button

Mar 10, 2010

What I'm trying to accomplish is to set my dynamically created button with a onClick command so when click it will run a method in the code behind.


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Web Forms :: Get Text Of Link Button Created At Run Time?

Sep 23, 2010

I have created a link button at run time and that too in a for loop.The text of linkbutton is coming from database.now i want,when i click a link button i should get the text of that particular link button stored in some variable.The code is as follows

for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
linkbutton lk=new linkbutton()

now from the above code,there are 5 link button created,with the same name lk,now how can i get the text of the particular link button when clicked.if it was single button then was ok,but there are 5 link button with the same name..

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Created Button's Event Is Not Firing?

May 26, 2010

I have a accordion control inside an update panel. As I loop through the Products table and the Details table in the code behind, I'm creating the accordion panes that will display the data. There's an "Add to Cart" button created for each product (each accordion pane), and I'm asigning an EventHandler for that button, but it never fires... Here's the code where I'm creating and adding the button to the page:




And here is the code event that is suposed to fire:Private Sub addToCart(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CommandEventArgs)

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