Web Forms :: CausesValidation="false" Not Working Outside Usercontrol?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a aspx page with two linkbuttons and a usercontrol. One is used to save and one to cancel.

But even though I add CausesValidation="false" on the cancel linkbutton it still validate the the validationcontrols in the user control.

But if I add a dummy linkbutton inside the user control that has CausesValidation="false" it works and postback without validating.

Why can't I have the link buttons outside the user control?

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Web Forms :: How To Set CausesValidation=false On A Button That Was Created With Javascript

Sep 1, 2010

I have a button on an ASP.NET page, and that button is (and needs to be) created via Javascript. The problem is, there are some validators on the page, and pressing the button is causing them to fire, and I don't want that to happen in this particular case. I am not sure what CausesValidation=false actually does on the page, but I was hoping to re-create it somehow.

I have been trying to locate the button by using a FindControl() statement in code-behind, but that doesn't seem to be working. If it did, I could just set the CausesValidation there...

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Manually Causesvalidation=false Using Control With Javascript?

Jan 3, 2011

When I Was Trying To causesvalidation=false for my server side validation control like requiredfieldvalidation.i want manually causesvalidation=false using javascript but i m not done.

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AJAX :: Button In Accordion Works Only If CausesValidation = False

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I'm using VS 2010 targetting ASP.NET 3.5 and am using AJAX Control Toolkit 3.5.40412.

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.net Regular Expression Validator Fires Even When CausesValidation="false"

Mar 25, 2010

I have a regularexpression validator which validates a valid email. I have two buttons on my form. Submit and undo.On undo, we are reverting the page state to defaultsubmit has it validationgroup set while undo doesnot have any validationgroup and CausesValidation="false".Now when i navigate to page and enter invalid emailaddress,i directly click undo. the validator fires and stops my page from posting.however if i press tab and navigate to other control and then click undo,the validator shows error message but posts back and furthur proessing is done

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Custom Server Controls :: Composite Control And CausesValidation Not Working?

Jan 16, 2010

I have build a composite control containing a Label, TextBox and a ImageButton. The idea:

Label text | textbox | imagebutton used for triggering an event

This textbox has a build-in validation.

When the imagebutton is set, i will use this imagebutton as a trigger. This imagebutton has an onclick event. Nou my problem is the following:

When i have my textbox on a form an click a button to validate my textbox validation takes place correctly.

If my textbox has the imagebutton enabled and i click this imagebutton validation takes place.

In my composite control i have implicity set imagebutton.CausesValidation = false;

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Web Forms :: Get Html Encoding Working Without Having To Put The Pagevalidation To False?

Aug 19, 2010

wanting to add the freetextbox from freetextbox.com to it.But before i add that I want to get html encoding working with out having to put the pagevalidation to false.This is what I've been reading and trying to work. I have the encoding from the database to teh site working fine. Its the encoding to the database that is being a pain in my back.http://dotnetslackers.com/articles/aspn /Encode_and_Display_HTML_Securely_in_ASP_NET_2_0.aspxI've added the validaterequest to false and encoding my text by the following.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Update - Bound Fields Visible Set To False Not Working?

May 20, 2010

I have an Objectdatasource configured with Select, Insert, Update & Delete queries in a Dataset. This datasource is linked to my Gridview. I do not require all fields in the table to be displayed or updated in my grid so i have turned off the Visible property on several.

However, when i go into Edit mode and trigger the UPDATE to the database table, i get NULL values updated in the columns i set False for the Visible property.

How can i remove these columns from the GridView and the Edit mode and still have them UPDATE with their current values instead of being overwritten with NULL's?

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Web Forms :: Validation - AutoPostBack And CausesValidation Interact?

Nov 28, 2010

I have on site three textbox controls, RequiredFieldValidator with each textbox and button (without any code). I have problem, when I set autopostback property of textbox controls to true. Regardless, that EnableClientScript sets to true or false, validation error dissapears - or show only few seconds. Helps only set CausesValidation property of textbox to true. And my question - if autopostback is set to true, should I set causesvalidation to true too to make proper validation process? Why it doesn't work?

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Web Forms :: Button Click Inside Usercontrol Is Not Working?

Dec 30, 2010

Cannot understand why its happening.. My button click event inside my user control is not working. I am calling this control inside my web page.

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Web Forms :: Can Programatically Change CausesValidation Property At Run Time Once It Has Been Set

May 3, 2010

I have a form with a detailsview control and I want to validate if a particular index is selected in a a dropdown.I can set the causesValidation property on the controls in the dropdown control in it's selected index changed event but once it is set, lets say someone selected the wrong index on the DDL and now they want to change it before updating they are stuck in validate Hell. Here is my code from the relevant details rows, the row with the DDL that causes the validation and it's selected index changed event.





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MVC 3 ValidateRequest (false) Not Working With FormCollection

Dec 5, 2010

FYI I am using .NET 4.0 / MVC 3. In my controller, the following is my code:

public ViewResult Edit(ContentTemplateView contentTemplateView, FormCollection collection)

Everything works fine when I don't enter HTML, so I know the proper controller is being fired. Also, I have following set properly in my web.config files:

<httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0"/>

I only get this problem when I include the FormCollection (which is needed for this particular Controller). So what exactly am I doing wrong? [I have done what was proposed on the following questions, and they work as long as there is no FormCollection. None of them offer a solution with an included FormCollection] Why is ValidateInput(False) not working? Asp.Net MVC Input Validation still firing after being disabled ValidateInput Attribute Doesn't Seem To Work in ASP.NET MVC

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Ajax.ActionLink Is Not Working - Response.IsAjaxRequest() Is Always False

Feb 11, 2011

I have been googling/SO:ing this issue for a while and many seem to be sharing this, but I haven't found any successful solution to my problem.

Using MVC3 and Razor.

Master page contains:
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.5.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/MicrosoftAjax.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/MicrosoftMvcAjax.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
AjaxTest.cshtml contains:
<div id="AjaxTestDiv">content</div>
@Ajax.ActionLink("Update", "AjaxTester", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "AjaxTestDiv" })
AjaxTester action method:
public string AjaxTester()
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
return DateTime.Now.ToString();
return "FAIL";

I always get the "FAIL" returned, to a blank page, not in the targeted div.

Edit: Also note that if I remove the if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()), I still don't get back anything to the targeted div, but instead a blank page.

Edit2: Looking at the HTML generated, this is my link:

<a data-ajax="true" data-ajax-method="POST" data-ajax-mode="replace"
data-ajax-update="#AjaxTestDiv" href="/Area/AjaxTester">Update</a>

Have tried switching the method to GET, to no avail.

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C# - CausesValidation To Certain Fields?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a large ASP.NET page with many TextBoxes and Validators The problem is that when I click on a button, I want to fire the validation for certain TextBoxes (but not all of them). And when I click on another button, I want to fire all of the validators.

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DataBinding Not Working In UserControl?

Jul 30, 2010


((Alert)Container.DataItem).AlertId.ToString() the value I get for SystemObjectRecordId in debug is null (but it still works when assigned to the text attribute of a literal).

5) The location of the User Control is default.aspx and the control is comments.ascx. The code files do not share a namespace.

6) I have tried manipulating the OnItemDataBound property of my repeater but since I have proven with the literal that data is getting bound using a declarative value I am not sure what else I could be doing inside the method logic of OnItemDataBound.

Once the end-user makes a comment in the UI, the SystemObjectRecordId value (which should have already been assigned when the page loaded - and we know it does in the case of the literal) should get passed to the codebehind of the custom usercontrol:


No matter what I do, I always get zero for SystemObjectRecordId when passed via the custom user control I have on my default.aspx page.

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Web Forms :: CauseValidation="false" Not Working

Apr 13, 2010

I have two validator for fileupload control ie. Requirefieldvalidator and RegularExpression Both will calling when I click on Upload Button.and for Cancel button i have set to Causevalidation='False"

I got the problem with When ever there is no data in fileupload text box when i click on cancel buton it is refreshing to home page successfully.

But when i press any letter the regularexpression validating with .jpg only accepted when i clik on Upload it is fine for me. but if i press Cancel it is not redirecting me to Home page.

when Regularexpression failed.

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Caching Web UserControl By Propety Is Not Working ?

May 11, 2010

Here's my control's code behind:

<PartialCaching(60, Nothing, "UsrCtl_WebUserControl.CacheString", Nothing, True)> _
Partial Class UsrCtl_WebUserControl
Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl [code]....

It just outputs the current time.Here's the user control embedded in a page:

<uc:wuc ID="wuc" runat="server" CacheString="A" />

And in another page:<uc:wuc ID="wuc" runat="server" CacheString="B" />According to the docs this control should maintain a different, 60 second cached version for each value of the CacheString property.It doesn't work - it caches for 60 seconds, but only one cached copy is created regardless of what I put in the CacheString property.

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C# - Relative URL Not Working In System.Web.UI.UserControl?

Feb 4, 2011

public class foo : System.Web.UI.Control
public foo()
var a = new HyperLink(){ Text="Test", NavigateUrl="~/abc.aspx"};

The above code works properly, and when added to a page will successfully identify the tilde / ~ symbol and convert the url into a relative url.

However, when I change the derivation of the class to System.Web.UI.WebControl it does absolutely nothing, and leaves the tilde / ~ intact.

I had a look at System.Web.UI.Control which implements the IUrlResolutionService interface, but still can't seem to get System.Web.UI.WebControl to resolve urls.

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AJAX :: AutoCompleteExtender Not Working Inside UserControl?

Jun 16, 2015

ajax AutoCompleteExtender not working in user control (.ascx) but when use directly on aspx page its working perfectly.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtSearchProject" runat="server" CssClass="input col-lg-4" type="text" placeholder="Type Location or Project/Society or Keyword"></asp:TextBox>
<cc1:AutoCompleteExtender ID = "Act_SearchProject" runat = "server" TargetControlID = "txtSearchProject" MinimumPrefixLength="1" EnableCaching="true" CompletionSetCount="1" CompletionInterval="100" ServiceMethod="GetLocality_Project" >


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UserControl With Templates Is Not Working Inside User Controls?

Jan 7, 2011

I have created a real simple templated UserControl and

I can now add this control to my Asp.net WebApplication using:


i can embed this in a page (aspx) but i is not working in usercontrol (ascx). when i use this inside usercontrol, the designer file (.ascx.designer.cs) itself not getting generated.

getting the following error:

Element 'Box' is not a known element. This can occur if there is an error in the webpage, or the web.config file is missing.

Update: sometimes it works! i created couple of controls. it works in some place and it doesnot works in someother place.

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Javascript Codes Not Working When UserControl Loaded With Ajax?

Dec 19, 2010

I just create a js file and write all my codes into it after i added this file to UserControl and after i get this UserControl's html i use $("#DivID").html(UserControlHTML);

Its working now.

Hi everyone;

Im using Ajax and Webservice to load UserControls. Its ok i can easily get the html code of UserControl but there is a problem.

For example UserControl's html code is something like that.

<div id="content">
<p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...</p>[code]....

When i get this html code and insert it to an div's innerHTML.html looking as it should. But javascript codes which written on usercontrol not working.It should give me alert but its not.

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JQuery :: Menu Not Working In Content Page And Usercontrol?

May 20, 2010

i m using master and content page and i have created Usercontrol for Left menu of jquery but my menu working fine in html markup but not in content page

Here is my code:


<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="User.master.cs" Inherits="User" %>
<%@ Register Src="~/UserControl/TopMenu.ascx" TagName="TopMenu" TagPrefix="uc" %>
<%@ Register Src="~/UserControl/TopLinks.ascx" TagName="TopLinks" TagPrefix="uc" %>
<%@ Register Src="~/UserControl/LeftMenu.ascx" TagName="LeftMenu" TagPrefix="uc" %>
<%@ Register Src="~/UserControl/NewsLetter.ascx" TagName="NewsLetter" TagPrefix="uc" %>
<%@ Register Src="~/UserControl/FooterLinks.ascx" TagName="FooterLinks" TagPrefix="uc" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">


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Forms Data Controls :: UserControl Within Gridview Loses Properties When Usercontrol Events Are Trigered

Jul 17, 2010

This is page load

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
{ [code]...

But in my ascx.cs when IButton1_Click is trigered My name is null

private string _sname;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ [code]...

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Register Javascript - Unable To Get Working In Usercontrol Inside Update Panel

Jan 27, 2011

i have a javascript color picker i can get it working fine in a aspx page, but i am unable to get it working in a usercontrol inside a update panel. I have tried using the following but i still cannot get it to workm the js file can be viewed at [URL]

ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude(this, this.GetType(), "colorpicker_1", "/_template/js/colorpicker/jscolor.js");

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User Controls :: JavaScript Event Getting Lost And Not Working After PostBack In UserControl

Dec 4, 2012

I have created a user control.  Usercontrol contain a image.  Attached a click event on image jusing javascript function.

image.onclick = function (e) { //some code };

Now this user control is added on aspx page. Thsi is working file first time. however when the page is getting postback this event is not working.UserControl EnableViewstate is true.What should be done?

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