Web Forms :: How To Set Default Time Zone In Application

May 7, 2015

How to set default time zone in ASP.Net Application?

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C# - Use Region Time Zone With A .Net Application?

May 1, 2010

I'm working on an asp.net mvc application. Each user have his own time zone.Right now, I'm using "TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones" to generate a drop down list in order for the user to select a timezone and this is what I store in my db

They are like that:
Morocco Standard Time (00:00:00)
UTC (00:00:00)
GMT Standard Time (00:00:00)

I know that php use a different timezone set, they are "region timezone", for example:

My question is: is there a way to play with the region timezone (like php) in an .NET application? The only way I can think of is to bind each php region timezone to the .net timezone.Also, the "TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones" list all of the timezone on the machine. Is the list different between windows server, windows vista, windows xp?

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C# - Can Force A Website To Show Time In A Specific Time Zone

Apr 6, 2010

I have a client request that all times be displayed in Pacific Time Zone, regardless of client settings. I'd like to avoid a scenario where I have to call a function for every time display and instead have a single point where I can make the switch.

I'm thinking a custom culture might do the trick, but I wanted to ask before I set off down a potentially blind alley (or miss something trivially easy).

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Web Forms :: Browser Is Opened In The Internet Zone Instead Of Intranet Zone

Mar 31, 2010

I am having a .net project that builds the web based installer. I was using visual studio 2005 environment and the project is targetted to .Net 2.0 framework earlier. I don't see any issues with installing the product that was builted from above environment.

Recently i migrated to Vs2008 and .Net 3.5 framework and the i was facing the following issue. During the installation the web browser( opened in IE 6.0) is getting opened in INTERNET Zone which applied higher security settings including disabling of all Java scripts.The browser was not responding any click events( next or back or cancel).Copying the URL to the new IE doesn't have this issue. I am not sure whether it is an environment issue or not.

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Web Forms :: In Web Parts - Getting The Zone That Has Been Selected In The Catalog Zone

Sep 27, 2010

When in the Catalog Zone, I select a Web Part and a zone in which to put it and then click Add. I need to know immediately which zone has been selected in which to place the selected Web Part.

My Catalog Zone is declaratively a class called CatalogPart1 which inherits the CatalogPart class:


But I cannot work out how to use this event to get the Zone that has been selected.

How do I get the Zone that has been selected?

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How To Send Reminder Emails Based On Users Input Time And Day (based On Their Time Zone)

Mar 24, 2010

I need to send emails based on users input time and day (based on their time zone)? Kind of a reminder.

For Example: User input 2:00pm Eastern Time on my server I have different time zone, how to calculate the time and send the email at users time-zone. Its a web application. What is the best way to accomplish it using asp.net c#? If somebody already done it in the past I will be glad to take a look at source code.

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How To Get The Browser Time Zone

May 17, 2010

I get the browser time zone in ASP.NET or do I have to rely on JS operations to retrieve the information

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C# - Convert UTC Date To Time - Zone?

Mar 9, 2011

I need to convert time to "UTC+03:30 Time Zone" in my web application here is UTC date : DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow; Is there any function to convert UTC to my time zone or not ? I don't want to involve myself writing a new function in my application if there is a function in ASP.NET. The application might be hosted in different server in the world and that's exactly why I have used UTC date. I need a function to add 3:30 to the current UTC time.

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Datetime - All Date In Database Is Not Correct For Time Zone?

Feb 23, 2011

My Application hosted at server in time zone which differs from mine. All date in database is not correct for my time zone. How can I set my time zone for Application or how I can convert date to my time zone on output

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How To Set TimeZoneInfo In .NET Data Bound DropDownList To User's Time Zone

Oct 15, 2010

I have a web app hosted with GoDaddy (so the web server is in Arizona - Mountain Time). My users are mostly in Central Time Zone, but I could have some from other time zones. I have a web page with a databound dropDownList using TimeZoneInfo, and I want to set the selected value of this dropDownList to whatever timeZone the user is in. Here's my code currently:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DropDownListTimeZone.DataSource = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones();

It's ok, but I want it to be smarter for those users who aren't in CST. I was hoping there is some way to grab the user's TimeZoneInfo from something like Page.Request.??

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Client / Server DateTime - Save To DB With Correct Time Zone

Aug 31, 2013

I'm having a little issue, currently my code, first it saves to DB then send an email in both codes it saves and send the current date and time. I use the following function to get the current date Now() . The problem is when it saves to DB, it saves the current time and date using the timezone of DB server location and the email send the date and time and appear in my wanted timezone (easter time zone). I was wondering if it's possible to make the also save to DB with the correct time zone without using any javascript.

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Visual Studio :: Can Change The Default " Web Application" That Appears Every Time Create A New Project

Dec 11, 2010

I'm using VS2010 and I'm trying to follow along with these videos:

[URL] and the guy in the video is using Visual Web Developer Express and when he creates a new website it's all nice and simple with a bare bones Default webpage and that's cool. Well, me in my Visual Studio 2010 when I create a new project I get this elaborate "My ASP.NET Application" page with an About page and a Login page and CSS and Jquery and it's just too, too much. Now, of course I could just create an empty ASP.NET application, but that goes too far the other way; I have to start from scratch and add the default page myself and try to reproduce exactly what the code in the video looks like and I can't really see the screen that well. Is there any way I could change my default template to what the gentleman in the video uses?

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Defining Default Start Time And End Time (DateTime Manipulation)

Mar 26, 2010

Our business case requires that a Start Time and End Time must be defined for each Organization involved in the business model. For example; some organizations have their working hours from 8:00AM to 5:00PM and others from 9:00 to 6:00PM. While creating a new Event on our calendar these should be queried from the database (StartTime and EndTime) and setting these as default. My questions are:

1) How should I save these times since DateTime requires a Date in front of it and there's no Time column format on SQL Server (Varchar? Number?). If using one of these types how to I concatenate these to a DateTime variable?

2) If the column should be DateTime, how do I concatenate it to replace the column's Date with Today's date and replace the Time with the time specified for that? Let me be more clear:

Default values saved in the database: StartTime = "2010-01-01 8:00AM" EndTime = "2010-01-01 5:00PM" In my code after querying, my local variables would be populated and replaced by: OrgStartHour = "2010-03-26 8:00AM" and OrgEndHour = "2010-03-26 5:00PM"


The code above works but I have no idea on how to replace/concatenate the "2010-01-01" with today's date while keeping the "8:00 AM" on it. :)

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Web Forms :: How To Change The Default Form At Run Time

Jan 19, 2010

i would like to know how i can change the default form button on client side.

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Configuration :: Application Crashing From Time To Time?

Apr 26, 2010

From time to time my application crashes and I start getting all sorts of weird errors like "object reference not set to an instance of an object", that then turns to "failed to enable constraints..", etc. Sometimes then the application starts to work again properly by itself, and sometimes not until I restart IIS, after which everything is ok again.

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Web Forms :: Datetime According To The Zone?

Apr 20, 2010

I read an article on the www.4guysfromrolla.com which tells to store gatetime in getutcdate() in the database.and while displaying use javascript


But one came to my find that if i want to show something time critical data on page load,then how would i call javascript before page load,

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Web Forms :: Change The Default Event Source For Any Particular Application?

Jun 17, 2010

how to change the default event source for any particular application. So for example, forms authentication writes certain events by default like if authorization or authentication fails. The source for those on my machine is ASP.NET 2.0... I'd like to change the source to the application name. Now, I can do this on events I write code for myself, but I'd like all events that the application records to have the same source name. The reason I want to do this is so that I can create a seperate event file under the event viewer and filter in only events from that particular application. Is this possible?

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Possible To Set Default Time That A User Can Attempt To Login Again?

Feb 21, 2011

Is it possible to set a time or is there a default time that a user can attempt to login again after they have tried the set number of times and faild?I have seen systems that let a user try to login again after a number of minutes. Hows is this possible witht he asp.net membership?

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Web Forms :: How To Keep Only One Web Part Control In A Zone

Feb 15, 2011

I have a page that has 5 zones, by default have also defined the layout.

Now I need to restrict the user to have only one web part control in a zone at a time. Is that possible? Currenty we can add more than one control in the same zone.

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Security :: Forms Authentication And IIS6 Default Application Mapping?

Apr 1, 2010

We're developping an application that uses forms authentication and URL rewriting (www.urlrewriter.net). In order to make extension-less URL rewriting possible we had to add a default application mapping for the asp.net aspnet_isapi.dll.

The problem we're experiencing now is that when the website is accessed by http://www.myapp.com/ then the aspnet_isapi.dll gets the request and forms authentication forwards it to our login site, so the user gets redirected to http://www.myapp.com/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f instead of having default.aspx displayed (which is allowed to anyone).

Here's the part of web.config dealing with forms auth:

<deny users="?"/>
<allow users="*" />
<authentication mode="Forms" >
<forms slidingExpiration="true" cookieless="UseCookies" defaultUrl="default.aspx" loginUrl="default.aspx" name="gzfb_site_test" timeout="525600"></forms>
<location path="default.aspx">
<allow users="*"/>

I did quite some research on this problem but didn't find any solution. Is this scenario possible at all, or does default application mapping and forms auth using <deny users="?"/> interfere by design?

P.S. the problems only manifest when running on IIS 6, the ASP.net Development Server handles it without any problems

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Web Forms :: How To Remove Web Part Zone Names

Jan 31, 2010

specify method to remove web Part Zone names.

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Web Forms :: Hide The Add To Zone Dropdown In PageCatalogPart?

Jan 14, 2010

I want to hide the dropdown in PageCatalogPart, which lists the Available Zones.I want to programmatically add the closed webpart to the Zones and not allow the user to select zone.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic ZoneTemplate Only Draggable In Its Zone?

Mar 4, 2011

I'm using a UI that works with webpartzones, I created a class that implement ITemplate , zones are created but drag and drop is allowed just inside the container zone(webpart).

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State Management :: Session Time Out - Redirect Page To Default

Feb 21, 2011

I'm using sessions to track user name. I assign Session["userName"] in my login procedure. The sessionn gets timeout in about 15 minutes. What I need to do is, if the session timeouts I need to redirect the page to the Default.aspx page.

How can I do this? Any code example would be great.

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How To Change The Default Session Time In A Website To Something User Defined

Jul 11, 2010

How can I change the default session time in an ASP.NET website to something user defined - perhaps 1 hr?I assume the default session time is 20 mins..

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