How To Send Reminder Emails Based On Users Input Time And Day (based On Their Time Zone)
Mar 24, 2010
I need to send emails based on users input time and day (based on their time zone)? Kind of a reminder.
For Example: User input 2:00pm Eastern Time on my server I have different time zone, how to calculate the time and send the email at users time-zone. Its a web application. What is the best way to accomplish it using c#? If somebody already done it in the past I will be glad to take a look at source code.
Find if the current time falls within hourly ranges and display the start hour and end hour of that range in labels.
If the current time is 8:46am, label startTime would return "8am" and label endTime would return "9am" If the current time is 10:01pm, label startTime returns "10pm" and label endTime returns "11pm" If the current time is 12:59am, label startTime returns "12am" and label endTime returns "1am"
I have been working with the C# TimeRange class but not getting what I need.
select distinct tbl.emp_code, b.EmplName, convert(varchar, tbl.punched_date,101) as Punched_date, (select convert(varchar(8),itbl.PUNCHED_TIME, 114)+', ' from Trn_Capture_Data_New itbl where itbl.EMP_CODE=tbl.emp_code and itbl.PUNCHED_DATE=tbl.punched_date and itbl.EMP_CODE='4' and tbl.punched_date >= '03/27/2013' and tbl.punched_date <= '03/28/2013' for xml path('')) Punched_Time
Now i need to Bind it to gridview, the gridview columns should be
In punched time the first one should be IN and second OUT. A employee would have punched several time a day. Based on that I should take maximum punches and bring that of columns as IN and OUT in gridvew dynamically. How to achieve this?
I'm having an issue working out how to implement this time based event. Basically, my program needs to send out an email at 12AM monday morning. But the email needs to go based on the user's local time not 12AM server time.
the problem i have discovered is Daylight savings. I used current server time as 12:00AM (my local time) and my actual offset is -7:00 UTC but after the calculation i get -6:00 utc because of daylight savings. If a user was in -7:00UTC then he/she will not get the email at 12am localtime but an hour late.
I have a client request that all times be displayed in Pacific Time Zone, regardless of client settings. I'd like to avoid a scenario where I have to call a function for every time display and instead have a single point where I can make the switch.
I'm thinking a custom culture might do the trick, but I wanted to ask before I set off down a potentially blind alley (or miss something trivially easy).
I d like to send bulk emails as part of custom reminder service for my website (500 emails approximately).Which is the better way to send all these emails without spamming? I was thinking of sending 15-20 emails per minute, to avoid overloading mail server. Is it better to use multiple TO recipients or use BCC?The reminder service will run on a background task.
I ve just added dll to my bin and started my example... How to call a c# method using based on time?
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using Quartz; using System.IO;
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(SendMail()) Response.write("Mail Sent Successfully"); } public bool SendMail() { try { MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mail.To = "test@[URL]"; mail.From = "sample@[URL]"; mail.Subject = "Hai Test Web Mail"; mail.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html; mail.Body = "Hai Test Web Service"; SmtpMail.SmtpServer = [URL]; mail.Fields.Clear(); mail.Fields.Add([URL], "1"); mail.Fields.Add([URL], "redwolf@[URL]); mail.Fields.Add([URL], "************"); mail.Fields.Add([URL], "465"); mail.Fields.Add([URL], "true"); SmtpMail.Send(mail); return (true); } catch (Exception err) { throw err; } } }
Here i am just sending a mail on page load. How to call SendMail() once in a day at a given time (say 6.00 AM) using I dont know how to get started? Should i configure it in my global.asax file.
If culture is en-GB then string dateFormat="dd/mmyyyy"; string timeFormat="24.00 hrs";
and so on for other countries..Now how do I get these date and time format values ? What are the standards? Like which all countries use similar date/time formats and which ones don't ?ok I tried this :- DateTime myDate = new DateTime(); string us = myDate.ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US"));
string us gets value =1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
Now how do I extract "dd/mm/yyyy" and "24.00 hrs" out of my Dateformat column in my Table... I want to store STRINGS such as dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy NOT dates..In my TimeFormat column in the table, the values to be stores are STRINGS too, like I need to store either "24:00hrs" or "12:00hrs"
How do I do this now ?**using ShorTimePattern returns these values as h:mm tt and HH:mm
If I want to store the values in my DB exactly as "24:00hrs" and "12:00hrs", how do I use these values..h:mm tt and HH:mm,which one is for 24 hr format and which for 12 hr format ?**I want the information about Decimal Separator and Thousand Separator too based on the CultureInfo...whats the property for that ?
I set the impersonation to true in web config. First time accessing the page, it implements the impersonation to access Sql sERVer. However the second request and so on to page, it does not implement impersonation, rather it uses NT AUTHORITYIUSR user account.
I need to impersonate based on the user login all the time.. How can I achieve this?
I have a fuctioning webform where users can sign-up for a monthly reoccurring meeting. However I want to change the payment amount based on the date the individual signs up.
For instance the meeting is the 2nd wednesday of the month, if user signs up 7 days or greater they pay $10. If they sign up less than 7 days till the meeting they by $20 dollars. If user signs up 2 days before meeting they receive a message informing them registration is closed.
Is this possible with aspnet? If so how is it done, if not what options do I have?
I want to change color of each row in a listview based on a data which is stored in database. I've written following code but I don't know by the help of which object I can access to markup property of listview :
protected void ListView1_ItemDataBound(object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e) { if(e.Item.ItemType == ListViewItemType.DataItem) { ListViewDataItem dataitem = (ListViewDataItem)e.Item; int policyid = (int)DataBinder.Eval(dataitem.DataItem, "policyID"); if(policyid == 3) //what should I write here to change the corresponding row's color? } }
I've created a UserControl with the following public property:
[Browsable(true)] public string Text { get { return pnlLookupTable.GroupingText; } set { pnlLookupTable.GroupingText = value; } }
pnlLookupTable is, as you may have guessed, a Panel control. I can change the value of the Text property in the Properties window and it's reflected in the markup like it should be. However, the design view of the UserControl inside a page does not show updated GroupingText for the Panel. How can I get this to happen?
By request, here is the entire class to which that property belongs. You can see there's nothing special going on:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq;
I have changed some identifiers and other trivial things to protect the proprietary nature of the code.
I should also reiterate that I'm looking at a Web form in design mode that has my control added, and I'm changing the Text property. I want to see the change to the Panel's GroupingText visually in the designer.
My problem is that I have a grid view that show the data from database.In my gridview i add a column name date .like eg You knw that when we send a scrap to anyone then show time how much time to send a scrap.
I need to convert time to "UTC+03:30 Time Zone" in my web application here is UTC date : DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow; Is there any function to convert UTC to my time zone or not ? I don't want to involve myself writing a new function in my application if there is a function in ASP.NET. The application might be hosted in different server in the world and that's exactly why I have used UTC date. I need a function to add 3:30 to the current UTC time.
I'm working on an mvc application. Each user have his own time zone.Right now, I'm using "TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones" to generate a drop down list in order for the user to select a timezone and this is what I store in my db
They are like that: Morocco Standard Time (00:00:00) UTC (00:00:00) GMT Standard Time (00:00:00) ...
I know that php use a different timezone set, they are "region timezone", for example: Europe/Paris Europe/London ...
My question is: is there a way to play with the region timezone (like php) in an .NET application? The only way I can think of is to bind each php region timezone to the .net timezone.Also, the "TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones" list all of the timezone on the machine. Is the list different between windows server, windows vista, windows xp?
I need to send emails to users from my application at regular intervals.
Condition is: When a user registers to my site a confirmation mail will be send to the user. I have already done it. And if the user doesn't confirm the registration within 12 hours through that confirmaton mail the application must have to send a new confirmation mail to the same user and this should repeat for every next 12 hours until that user confirm the registration.
My Problem: When a user registers a new timer should have to be created for that user for sending emails in intervals of 12 hours. The email sending time for each user is based on his registration time. So we cannot use a common timer for sending mail to users.
My Application hosted at server in time zone which differs from mine. All date in database is not correct for my time zone. How can I set my time zone for Application or how I can convert date to my time zone on output
I have a web app hosted with GoDaddy (so the web server is in Arizona - Mountain Time). My users are mostly in Central Time Zone, but I could have some from other time zones. I have a web page with a databound dropDownList using TimeZoneInfo, and I want to set the selected value of this dropDownList to whatever timeZone the user is in. Here's my code currently:
It's ok, but I want it to be smarter for those users who aren't in CST. I was hoping there is some way to grab the user's TimeZoneInfo from something like Page.Request.??
I'm having a little issue, currently my code, first it saves to DB then send an email in both codes it saves and send the current date and time. I use the following function to get the current date Now() . The problem is when it saves to DB, it saves the current time and date using the timezone of DB server location and the email send the date and time and appear in my wanted timezone (easter time zone). I was wondering if it's possible to make the also save to DB with the correct time zone without using any javascript.
I need to send notification emails to specific users at different times, Can this be done in the Global.asax page using vb? Also will i have to upgrade my Database from sql express to standard?